The next day, Xu Youyou, who had not seen Liu Miaomiao in class, hurriedly went to find teacher Xu after class. As a result, teacher Xu told the children that Liu Miaomiao had taken a leave of absence and would probably not be able to come to kindergarten for several days.

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Xu Youyou and the others first reaction was that Miaomiao was sick, and they immediately called Liu Miaomiao with the phone watch they carried with them.

It was Mother Liu who answered the phone.

Her voice was filled with a tiredness that could not be concealed. Faced with the children’s concern, Mother Liu reluctantly smiled and told them that Miaomiao was indeed sick but was fine for now, so they should not worry.

Well, if it’s sick they really can’t do anything about it.

We can only hope that Miaomiao can get better soon and return to kindergarten. Five people suddenly missing a Liu Miaomiao who chattered the most, still feels a little unaccustomed.

During another break after lunch, the four children gathered in the small classroom where they discussed last time. This place has somehow become their exclusive secret base.

They have come here almost every day for the past two days to discuss the “Battle Plan to Bring Down Bad Dads”. Teacher Xu will also take the initiative to help a few children cover up. So far, no other children have noticed anything wrong.

This feeling of secret operation is really exciting!

Lu Chenjun: “Number one speaks.”

Liu Yanzhi: “Report to the captain, I didn’t see the rotten egg yesterday, I quietly asked the housekeeper grandpa, the party will still be held as usual!”

Rotten egg is the nickname that everyone gave to Father Liu, because they saw that on TV when they do something big, they have to give the target a nickname, so that it is not easy to be found.

Several children followed suit, finally took this nickname, which was kindly provided by Qian Xin.

After saying the result, Liu Yanzhi stomped the ground fiercely, wishing he could grow taller and bigger right now, and then beat up that rotten egg hard.

Yesterday, he followed Xu Youyou’s plan to find Father Liu crying, it has to be said.

Liu Yanzhi this little guy really has some acting skills, vividly expressing the child’s grievance and dissatisfaction to the fullest.

Moreover, Father Liu had already heard that Lu Chenjun was an eccentric child, so he didn’t doubt Liu Yanzhi’s words.

He still hopes to hug Lu Weizheng’s thigh. After all, since ancient times, people have never fought against officials. Lu Weizheng’s future looks bright now. Haven’t you seen that the Lu family has stepped up to a new level because of him?

But Lu Weizheng was outside all the year round, Qin Yiren was not easy to get close to, only their two children, Lu Chenjun that is a little hope.

Knowing that old Feng went to beg the Qin family to let Liu Yanzhi enter the training camp, Father Liu was actually very supportive.

Including letting Liu Yanzhi and Lu Chenjun go to the same kindergarten later, and now hearing Liu Yanzhi’s crying, it is obvious that his own child has been wronged, but he is just saying a few words of symbolic comfort. It is absolutely impossible for Liu Yanzhi to stay away from Lu Chenjun from now on.

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Only after Father Liu received a call from Qin Yiren at one o’clock that night, this thought turned into annoyance again.

Women are emotional!

People who do great things don’t care about these things!

However, after getting angry, Father Liu quickly adjusted himself, and the party should be held as usual, Liu Yanzhi side continued to work hard.

Anyway, Qin Yiren is just a woman with no rights, and her likes and dislikes can’t stop the combination of interests.

Liu Yanzhi’s side may be able to give him a pleasant surprise at some point.

Even if it doesn’t, it doesn’t matter, he has nothing to lose.

Liu Yanzhi’s life was all given by him, what’s wrong with making a small sacrifice for his father?

“I think An’an still has to restrain, what restrain? Yes, take no action!” Xu Youyou spoke again under Xu Wenyin’s reminder: “After all, we are still too young now.”

Xu Wenyin has the most say in this.

There are so many restrictions on children, and it’s not convenient for them to do anything.

So in her opinion, the most important thing is for Liu Yanzhi to work hard and learn more. Anyway, according to what he said, he will be able to own the shares of the Liu Group as soon as he grows up. Wouldn’t it be nice to come back and make a big splash then?

More importantly, what kind of bad ideas do these little guys come up with?

Xiaopang also proposed to beat the rotten egg, so that he would not dare to treat An’an badly in the future.

Xu Wenyin: “…”

Naive! Too naive!

Is this a problem that can be solved by a beating? At least ten punches, right? Beat him up until he obeys!

This proposal was also rejected by Lu Chenjun, not to mention how they beat, he didn’t think this kind of thing could be solved with a beating.

On the contrary, Xiaolu’s suggestion is better.

It’s just…

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is Xiaolu learning idioms recently? It seems that four words and four words often pop up, and he doesn’t understand a few of them.

Lu Chenjun, who had an inexplicable sense of urgency to be overtaken, decided to read ten more pages of idioms before going to bed at night, otherwise it would be a shame if he couldn’t understand Xu Youyou’s words in the future!

“I know, that’s what grandpa said too.”

Liu Yanzhi nodded: “I must learn the skills well with the instructor, and beat the rotten egg in the future!”

“That’s right!” Qian Xin patted Liu Yanzhi’s thin shoulder hard, slapped people crooked twice: “An’an don’t worry, I will help you fight together in the future!”

“And me and me!” Xu Youyou raised her hand: “My mother said, if there are more people, we can win, we can definitely succeed!”

Lu Chenjun: “…”

“Well, together.”

The voice sounded a bit reluctant.

Lu Chenjun felt he could ask that childish man how to hit people hurts the most.

After all, this guy was bragging in front of his son, saying that he could fight a hundred at a time.

Lu Chenjun didn’t notice at all that his thinking had been taken astray at some point.

Obviously he was still thinking before that beating someone was not going to solve the problem!

However, for him who is precocious, maybe this is not a bad thing?

On Saturday, Liu Yanzhi’s birthday party was held as usual. Of course, only Qian Xin’s family was there, and Liu Miaomiao was still on leave, didn’t know how her health was.

Xu Youyou was not within the scope of Liu’s father’s invitation, so it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t go.

They have already discussed that when Liu Miaomiao comes back, everyone will make up a birthday party for Liu Yanzhi.

The kids even have gifts ready.

“Let me tell you something.”

Qian Xin, who saw Xu Youyou and the others again on Monday, couldn’t help complaining, and said a lot in his small mouth.

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If not for the inconvenience of Sunday, he would have rushed to Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun’s house yesterday!

“The rotten egg is bad! Keep asking An’an to call someone, don’t even let An’an go to rest!”

Like this kind of banquet, Qian Xin’s family has also held it several times.

Every time Qian Xin followed Father Qian and Mother Qian to show his face in front of acquaintances, and then Mother Qian would let Qian Xin go to play by himself or go upstairs to rest and eat something.

After all, this kind of banquet starts at two hours, adults are fine, how can a child stand all the time without taking a break and having to call people and so on.

Don’t even look at how old Liu Yanzhi is!

Fortunately, Mother Qian also noticed this, and took the initiative to tell Father Liu to let Liu Yanzhi take Qian Xin to play for a while, otherwise her brat would be bored to death.

Father Liu naturally wouldn’t offend the Qian family because of such a trivial matter, Liu Yanzhi then had a rest time.

“I’m fine.” Liu Yanzhi smiled: “It’s my birthday after all.”

Was he wronged at that time?

Super wronged!

But Liu Yanzhi didn’t want his little friend to get angry because of this matter.

Besides, didn’t Qian Xin also come to save him later?

At this moment, Liu Yanzhi suddenly understood his mother’s expectations of him.

Although Father Liu treated him badly and those people forced his mother to die, besides taking revenge, he also has friends who will care about him.

Seeing Xu Youyou’s distressed expression, Liu Yanzhi smiled instead.

It turns out that it feels so good to have friends!

“By the way, why hasn’t Miaomiao come back?” Liu Yanzhi didn’t want to continue this topic, and quickly shifted his little friend’s attention to Liu Miaomiao.

Not counting the weekend, she hasn’t been to kindergarten for three days.

Is Miaomiao’s illness so serious?

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But it was Mother Liu who answered the phone call. Even if the children knew the location of Liu Miaomiao’s house, they couldn’t just go there, right?

When they were struggling, it was still Lu Chenjun who said that he could ask Mother Liu first, and if she agreed, they would go to see Liu Miaomiao together after school in the afternoon.

“That’s right. It’s been so many days. It’s okay come on, come on. It’s good if you come to see Miaomiao. Auntie first thank you for caring about Miaomiao.” Mother Liu’s voice was hoarse, but the words still agreed to let the children go over.

So after school in the afternoon, the four children go directly to the Qian Xin family car.

As for Qin Yiren and Xu Wenyin, they naturally won’t stop the children’s actions. After a few words of advice, they watched the children leave.

Let’s hope the little girl’s illness is not serious.

Qin Yiren silently wished to, after becoming a mother her heart was softened a lot.

The familiar villa, the familiar Mother Liu.

It’s just that Mother Liu, who has always been exquisite and generous in the eyes of children, this time even heavy makeup cannot hide the blue and black under the eyes.

Xu Wenyin, who came with Xu Youyou as soon as she got home, couldn’t help but spit a few words when she saw it: How many days have you not slept?

She had read in a book; humans will die if they don’t sleep for a long time!

“Miaomiao is upstairs.”

Mother Liu showed a forced smile: ” It’s good for you guys to come and have a look, I’m really, really …… sorry now.”

“Miaomiao won’t let us in, you guys, maybe…” Mother Liu said a few words while taking them upstairs, but the intermittent words made people feel a little confused.

The children looked at each other, and obviously found that the atmosphere in the entire Liu family villa was not right.

It’s very depressing, very… Anyway, it’s very uncomfortable.

They even walk quietly and dare not raise their voices.

And when they got to Liu Miaomiao’s room, they were even more frightened by the sight in front of them.

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