
Thank you Yobikir for the Coffees.

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“Why must one have friends?”


Xu Youyou was stunned.

This question …

Lu Chenjun didn’t expect Xu Youyou to give him the answer, this little genius only wanted to find out the answer by himself.

Let alone go to see Liu Miaomiao before, even in the matter of Liu Yanzhi, Lu Chenjun felt that he must have refused directly, he wouldn’t give advice at all.

What other big battles am I taking part in?

During this time, I have done a lot of things that I would never have done before!


Lu Chenjun was very confused, you asked him if he was happy, he seemed fine too.

But it didn’t seem like I was unhappy reading and playing puzzles alone before.

“Juanjuan, don’t want to be friends with Youyou?”

Before Lu Chenjun could think of an answer, he heard Xu Youyou’s voice with a hint of crying.

Then he saw Xu Youyou looking at himself with red eyes, and her expression was really sad, like that of a cat that suddenly suffered a great injustice—the pathetic appearance no one can just sit back and watch.

Lu Chenjun’s eyes widened instantly.


What was this stupid deer thinking again!


Liu Chenjun panicked and wanted to get a tissue and comfort Xu Youyou first. He had never been so flustered.

Xu Youyou didn’t care that she wiped the corner of her eyes with her sleeve first: “But Youyou really likes Juanjuan, Juanjuan is Youyou’s first friend!”

At the orphanage, Xu Youyou had no friends.

When they arrived in Jiangcheng, Juanjuan was the first friend who showed kindness to her and allowed her to touch his head.

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And Juanjuan is really good, although he looked difficult to get along with, he takes good care of her.

He’ll help her when she’s tired from training, he’ll go out to play together at her own request even though he clearly doesn’t like to go out, and there’s more…

So when she heard Lu Chenjun’s question, Xu Youyou’s first reaction was that Juanjuan didn’t want her as a friend.

Tears appeared in her eyes before she could react.

“I! Do! Not!”

Lu Chenjun paused for a second, and then added: “You are also my first friend.”


Contrary to Xu Youyou, there were too many children who wanted to make friends with Lu Chenjun, whether it was because of their parents’ instructions or simply because Lu Chenjun looked cute, anyway, he was never short of candidates for friends.

But Lu Chenjun didn’t like them, and he didn’t like staying with those guys.

Therefore, Xu Youyou was also his first friend.

“I don’t dislike you as a friend, it’s just…”

Lu Chenjun just thought that except Xu Youyou, what about Qian Xin and Liu Yanzhi? Not to mention Liu Miaomiao.

He used to hate people like Liu Miaomiao who had a bad temper and talked too much.

Well, actually, I don’t really like it now either.

Then why was it so natural to visit Liu Miaomiao with everyone in the afternoon?

Even when Mother Liu asked them to visit Liu Miaomiao often, he did not refuse. Wouldn’t it be good to have this time to read more books?

Liu Chenjun has been a stubborn person since he was a child, even a little proud.

He felt that the others didn’t understand him and treated him like a child, but in fact he already knew what those people were thinking.

Only Qin Yiren, because of this unconditional love, Lu Chenjun did not turn into a sharp hedgehog, the kind who would stab anyone he met.

“Forget it, just let it be.”

Lu Chenjun compromised, he couldn’t figure it out himself then let’s wait a little longer.

Maybe when he gets older and reads more books, he can find the answer.


For now, let’s continue like this.

After all, Lu Chenjun could also sense how happy Qin Yiren was after he had made several “friends”.

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“Juanjuan? Am I really your first friend?!”

Xu Youyou’s emotions came and went quickly, the tearful eyes lit up instantly when she heard this sentence!

Lu Chenjun: “…”

So is this the point?


Lu Chenjun suddenly walked to the door with a straight face and opened the door. Sure enough, he saw Qin Yiren who had an embarrassed face and Xu Wenyin whose face was very natural.

“Yo, Juanjuan good evening ~”

Not only not embarrassed, but also confidently say hello!

Lu Chenjun could only hope that Xiaolu would never learn this in the future, otherwise he would really be sad!

“Oh, I swear, we just got here less than a minute ago, there was absolutely no intention of eavesdropping.” Xu Wenyin approached Xu Youyou and saw her slightly reddened eyes quickly looking at Lu Chenjun with condemning eyes.

It’s called “preemptive strike”!

In fact, she also knew that Lu Chenjun wouldn’t make Youyou cry on purpose, it must be that the two little kids had just talked about something.

But it would be right to condemn it first now.

Sure enough, Lu Chenjun didn’t say anything about eavesdropping at the door, but walked to Xu Youyou and lowered his head.

“You touch it.”

Xu Wenyin and Qin Yiren: “???”

Oh my god, is this some new way of apologizing?

However, seeing Xu Youyou smiling again and Lu Chenjun changing back to his original appearance, Qin Yiren was still quietly relieved.

It’s not good for her son to be too smart.

She was afraid he would drill the horns.1It is a metaphor for laborious research on problems that are not worth studying or that cannot be solved; to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; it also refers to narrow thinking methods.

Fortunately, there is someone who can pull him back.

By the time Liu Miaomiao appeared in the kindergarten again it was already half a month later.

The little girl can recover a little during this period, a little bit of being cheerful again is absolutely inseparable from Xu Youyou and the others company and the love of her parents.

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This month, Father Liu decided to give up several projects, slowing down the company’s progress.

Mother Liu and Father Liu were no longer busy with the company, but instead focused their energy on Liu Miaomiao.

What’s the use of earning more money? Can it be as important as your daughter?

When this happened this time, Grandma Liu was certainly hateful, could be described as vicious and inhumane.

But Father Liu and Mother Liu were also responsible.

If they hadn’t attached too much importance to the company and had accompanied Liu Miaomiao often, these problems should have been discovered a long time ago!

It wouldn’t let Grandma Liu teach for several years, and it wouldn’t let Liu Miaomiao be so hurt.

Fortunately, it is not too late!

Liu Miaomiao is still young, those wrong views are still possible to be taught back.

If in a few years, the views are deeply rooted and there is any rebellious period, Father Liu and Mother Liu are really afraid that their family will be completely destroyed from now on.

As for Grandma Liu, no matter how much she curses, she doesn’t have the slightest ability to resist Father Liu, who has been in the business circle for more than ten years and has been completely chilled.

Father Liu not only gave the eldest sister-in-law in his hometown a sum of money to keep an eye on Grandma Liu, but also directly told Grandma Liu that if she dared to run out and continue looking for Miaomiao or something, then whether it’s an older brother or brother-in-law or any nephew, he would definitely let them couldn’t get along anywhere.

With Father Liu’s current power, Grandma Liu knew that he could really do it.

After crying and cursing again, Grandma Liu was forcibly sent back to her hometown.

Father Liu was also afraid that Liu Miaomiao would recall old memories at familiar places, so in the shortest possible time he bought a villa on the other side of the country and decorated a new room.

It can be said that it is precisely because of this that Liu Miaomiao can come out so quickly.

Of course the impact is definitely still there, compared to the former Liu Miaomiao, she’s still a lot quieter now, this kind of change can’t be helped, can only hope in time, hope that as Liu Miaomiao grows up, she can be stronger and braver to face these things.

The children were also relieved to see Liu Miaomiao like this, tacitly stopped mentioning this matter and instead talked about making up for Liu Yanzhi’s birthday.

Because of Liu Miaomiao’s absence, Liu Yanzhi didn’t want to have any birthday at such a time, and it was enough that the little friends had this heart, so it has been delayed until now.

But Qian Xin and Xu Youyou never forgot it.

It was already late, but how?

How important is birthday, it only happens once a year!

The key point is that Liu Miaomiao’s birthday is just at the end of March, which is next week.

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The little girl was looking forward to this birthday before, but now that she’s back in kindergarten she never mentions it again, don’t know if she doesn’t want it or what.

Xu Youyou could only borrow the topic of Liu Yanzhi’s birthday and asked Liu Miaomiao in passing, only to get a dumbfounded expression from the other party as if she had only remembered this matter.

Well, it turned out that she really forgot!

Liu Miaomiao, who remembered that her birthday was coming soon, first showed joy and anticipation on her face. But then, as if she’d thought of something, she looked at Liu Yanzhi coyly.


“Miaomiao, what’s wrong?” Liu Yanzhi showed a puzzled expression.

Liu Miaomiao also seemed to have made up her mind, saying her thoughts in one breath: “I would like to ask you if you would like to celebrate your birthday with me, my mom will prepare two cakes, which will make it livelier, but if you don’t want to, forget it!”

After this long string of words, Liu Miaomiao first lowered her head and took a deep breath, obviously testing her lung capacity.

Then when she raised her head again, she saw the three surprised faces of Xu Youyou, Qian Xin and Liu Yanzhi.

Liu Miaomiao: “You guys, what’s wrong with you all?”

What kind of expression is this? Did she say something wrong again? But, but these are not taught by grandma!

Just when Liu Miaomiao’s expression began to get dejected, Qian Xin spoke first.

“Miaomiao, are you still Miaomiao?”

This proud little princess who wished she was the center of the world would one day be willing to celebrate her birthday with others?

Even Liu Yanzhi was speechless.

He certainly doesn’t mind celebrating his birthday with his little friend, but when this person turns out to be Liu Miaomiao…

“Miaomiao, are you uncomfortable anywhere?”

Liu Yanzhi couldn’t help but ask. Xu Youyou, who had not spoken yet, also looked at her with concern. Obviously, Liu Miaomiao’s words were unexpected by all of them.

Liu Miaomiao: “…”

She blushed, and finally spit out angrily: “I’m fine!”

Damn it, next time she’ll never talk again!


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1It is a metaphor for laborious research on problems that are not worth studying or that cannot be solved; to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem; it also refers to narrow thinking methods.

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