Liu Miaomiao and Liu Yanzhi’s birthday was very lively, Father Liu directly waved his hand and booked a children’s playground for the five children to play, but also let the family’s maids and bodyguards out to ensure the safety of the children.

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In short, after a day of play, every child slept all the way home in the arms of their parents.

Even Lu Chenjun was no exception.

He didn’t want to play and couldn’t stand against the other four, especially the way Xu Youyou looked at him with a “pleading” face.

Generally, Lu Chenjun had no choice but to agree.

Then you will see Xu Youyou and the other three clapping happily, as if they had accomplished some major task.

In short, this birthday was quite fun.

After the birthday, Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun hadn’t had a few classes before they were back for their third training session.

And this time, in addition to the familiar instructor, another familiar figure appeared.

“Uncle Lu!”

Xu Youyou’s performance was much more pleasantly surprised than Lu Chenjun, his own son.

Several months had passed since the last time she had seen Lu Wei Zheng, but Xu Youyou clearly hadn’t forgotten about Juanjuan’s father and still recognized him at a glance.

“Youyou, long time no see.”

Lu Weizheng has always behaved maturely and steadily outside, so even if his heart desperately praised Xu Youyou for being more adorable, a faint smile just appeared on his face, which did not look unfamiliar but also could feel the adult aura.

While the other three children secretly exchanged glances behind their backs.

Who is this Uncle Lu?

How come it seems Youyou is familiar with him, but they’ve never met before.

Then the next second, Lu Weizheng walked up to Juanjuan: “Train well, I have ten days off this time, and I’ll go home later.”

For Lu Weizheng, a ten-day off was very rare thing. After all, he didn’t come back for the New Year.

And the training camp took seven days at a time, which meant that he could still see this man when he went back.

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Lu Chenjun couldn’t help but show a little disgust in his eyes, which happened caught by Lu Weizheng.

—The other family’s little girl is more enthusiastic than you!

He couldn’t help but rub Lu Chenjun’s curly hair as hard as he could, his great strength rubbing the little boy all over the place, while at the same time cursing with a laugh, “Brat, you don’t even call out when you see Dad.”

Juanjuan’s dad!

The eyes of the three little friends widened at the same time, and their curious eyes moved from Lu Weizheng to Lu Chenjun, and then from Lu Chenjun to Lu Weizheng. Of course, such an obvious sight could not escape Lu Weizheng’s keen five senses.

He also knew about the three new friends of Juanjuan from Qin Yiren. According to his wife’s description, Lu Weizheng immediately matched the names with the people.

“Hello, Miaomiao, Xiao Pang and An’an, right? I am Juanjuan’s father.”

“Hello Uncle Lu!”

The three little kids greeted each other in unison, and the line of sight was finally less obvious.

Lu Weizheng was also here for other reasons. He was just on the way to see Juanjuan, now he will leave after greeting. Of course, he didn’t forget to wave “Train well” before leaving.

“Juanjuan, your father looks amazing.”

Leaving in such a dashing manner made Qian Xin couldn’t help but sigh, then instantly received nods of approval from Liu Miaomiao and Liu Yanzhi.

Truly, when Lu Weizheng stood there, you could feel an indescribable aura, it made the instructor next to him look like an invisible man.

Obviously, Uncle Lu didn’t keep a straight face, nor was he mean to them, but he just felt very cool, especially handsome.

Lu Chenjun: “…”

He thought of Lu Weizheng’s clingy and childish appearance when he was at home!

If all adults had two faces like a certain someone, then he’d rather never grow up in this life.

The influence of Liu Weizheng came and went quickly, and soon the five children had no time to think about it. When the instructor saw that they were one year older, the training plan was naturally adjusted.

Moreover, several kids learned of the “bad news”. After going back this time, there will be exercise tasks every day except Sunday rest, it starts at 6 o’clock in the evening and ends at 7 o’clock. You also have to turn on the video instructor for live supervision!

Of course, you can ask for leave under special circumstances.

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Thanks to advances in technology, training has become more convenient.

On the other hand, Lu Weizheng went to the office of the chief of the base. After he said his request, he mercilessly got a heavy slap on the table from the chief!


“Lu Weizheng, ah Lu Weizheng, you’re such an affectionate!”

This was not a compliment, but how thick was Lu Weizheng’s skin? just directly take it as a compliment.

A “sweet” smile suddenly appeared on his face: “I can’t help it, my wife is bigger than the sky ~”

The chief who was disgusted by the smile and this sentence: “…”

If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t smash it and wasted one of his cups, he really wanted to see if he could break someone’s thick skin!

But after getting angry, the chief still asked with a stern face: “Have you really made up your mind? Weizheng, with your skills and contributions, there’s a high hope that you’ll be able to advance further in three years, your family’s old man is counting on you.”

In this regard, Lu Weizheng’s reaction was very calm. Even if he moved out of Lu, the old man didn’t let him have the slightest change of mind at all.

But when it comes to some major decisions, Lu Weizheng has always been that no one can change his decision except his wife.

Just like when he was going to be a soldier, the old man couldn’t stop him.

Then, now that he was going to change careers himself, the old man still couldn’t stop it.

Lu Weizheng actually did not intend to retire so quickly, he originally wanted to give the Lu family another three years, just for the sake of his relatives.

But after he came back to see his beloved wife last time, Lu Weizheng was suddenly shocked.

Qin Yiren, who was as proud as a rose before marriage, was changing herself a little bit for this family, becoming a little bit quieter and even suppressing her own nature.

Lu Chenjun’s aloofness and intelligence broke Qin Yiren’s hearts, but she also knew that Lu Weizheng was really fighting for his life out there, and one distraction might be…

So she used to try her best to report the good news and not the bad news, and she could solve it herself if she could.

After all, the Qin family and the Lu family can’t solve it, it’s really useless to tell Lu Weizheng except to increase his worries.

But after moving to Jiangcheng, the acquaintances of Juanjuan and Youyou, as well as Qian Xin, Liu Yanzhi and Liu Miaomiao behind, made the big stone in Qin Yiren’s heart was removed a little bit.

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The person is also more and more cheerful and lively, as if returning to the time before marriage.

These can actually be felt in the text.

True joy and forced joy, how can anyone who knows you not notice it?

When Lu Weizheng returned to the army again after that trip home, whenever he had a little free time, he would read the messages sent by Qin Yiren repeatedly, looking at the joy within, watching her and Juanjuan and the daily life of being happy with Xu’s mother and daughter.

as well as…

His own absence!

Why did he work so hard, wasn’t it just to prove to his parents-in-law and others that Qin Yiren didn’t choose the wrong person, isn’t he a rich N generation who only eats the old1Eat the old The phenomenon of relying on parents to support themselves in adulthood. and useless?

Now when he, Lu Weizheng, was mentioned, which one was not in awe and praise.

So enough, he should leave more time for his wife and children. This is the original intention of Lu Weizheng’s desperate efforts.

Otherwise, he’s afraid Juanjuan will really disown him as a father.

“Chief, I’ve already made up my mind.”

Lu Weizheng smiled: “You can fulfill me!”

After changing careers, Lu Weizheng’s current military rank position will not be low, but it is certainly not as fast as rising in the army, and his power may have to drop a few steps, but it doesn’t matter that he didn’t care about it in the first place.

As for the reaction of the old man and the rest of the Lu family…

Who cares, can they still kill him?

“Get out, get out.” The chief saw that he could not be persuaded, waved his hand impatiently: “But just to be clear, it’s not that fast to change, so don’t you think about running right away!”

“That is, am I that kind of person?”

Lu Wei Zheng smiled and got away, he still had to go home quickly to tell his wife the good news!

If she likes Jiangcheng, it wasn’t bad to transfer to Jiangcheng, this city’s future development plans are quite good!

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At this time, Xu Wenyin still didn’t know. For various reasons, Lu Haoyu’s power in the original novel had been cut off by at least one third.

As long as Lu Chenjun doesn’t die in the future, Lu Haoyu will struggle again, but he will just be a rich man!

After the training, the five children lost some weight at the same time, but they looked more energetic.

When Xu Wenyin received Xu Youyou, the first reaction in her heart was to go back and have to make a delicious meal, the meat that she had worked so hard to raise was all gone in just one week.


Mother Qian on the side was even more exaggerated. She touched Qian Xin’s belly and patted it twice like a watermelon, her mouth grumbled: “Thin, thin, go back and mom will make up for you!”

Although Mother Qian said that she wanted Qian Xin to lose weight, children should not be too fat, but when really lost weight and immediately felt distressed. This is probably the unique double standard of parents.

“Aunt Qin, where’s Uncle Lu?”

Xu Youyou looked around and found that Juanjuan’s father didn’t come. Didn’t Uncle Lu say that he could stay for ten days this time?

They were in training camp for seven days, ten minus seven equals…how much is it?

Xu Youyou just managed to count with both hands all up!

There are still three days. Yeah!

“Ah, Uncle Lu has something very important to do and has already left.”

Qin Yiren smiled as she squeezed Xu Youyou’s small hand and shook it: “Did Youyou miss Uncle Lu?”

This time Lu Weizheng brought her good news, Qin Yiren was in a particularly good mood.

She is not the kind of woman who thirsts for power. The most important thing is for the family to be safe. In a few months, she will no longer have to worry about it, fearing that she will get up one day and hear bad news.

“Uncle Lu is so busy.” Xu Youyou looked at Lu Chenjun and sighed: “Don’t be sad Juanjuan, I’ll play with you!”

Lu Chenjun: “…”

Who is playing with whom?

Why does Xiao Lu always make up something that doesn’t exist?

Lu Chenjun once again compromised, no, this is called too lazy to refute her.

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