Song Tan doesn’t know what Shen Yin is thinking deep inside.

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The prescription in her hand must be given out, and since she has to give it anyway, it’s better to find a suitable time to do so.

Just like now.

She handed over the prescription, expecting to gain more than she would on an ordinary day.

“You’re so confident in your prescription?”

After handing over the prescription, the medical team of Old Master Huo will conduct research, and it no longer concerned Shen Yin and Song Tan.

As they walked out of Old Master Huo’s room, Shen Yin spoke up.

“It’s not that I’m confident in the prescription, I’m confident in my grandfather.”

Old Master Song’s medical skills were definitely remarkable.

If he wasstill here…

Song Tan concealed her emotions and said, “Don’t worry, your Grandfather will be fine.”

Shen Yin : “…”

Song Tan : ?

Song Tanke couldn’t quite understand Shen Yin’s emotions, but she guessed that he was probably more worried about his Grandfather, which is why he was particularly silent at this moment.

She didn’t care either.

After all, that Old Master Huo was his Grandfather.

Even if his Grandfather was somewhat hard to handle, the old man was still his relative.

Although Song Tan had some complaints about Old Master Huo, in front of Shen Yin, even if she was pretending, she had to pretend to be a good granddaughter-in-law.

The two of them walked outside.

There were more people outside now than when they went in. It seemed that some people outside had received the news and hurried back.

When Song Tan and Shen Yin came out, immediately someone came up to ask about the situation.

“How is Old Master?”

“Did your prescription work?”

A group of people crowded around, and Song Tan felt a heaviness in her chest.

As she was about to cover her chest, Shen Yin immediately held her and protected her in his arms.

“Whether the prescription works or not depends on the team’s opinion. My wife is not in good health, so please don’t crowd around her.”

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Shen Yin protected her, startling the others.

“This Shen Yin…”

“When did Shen Yin become so tough?”

“Tsk tsk, ever since he married his wife, he’s become so arrogant.”

“If it weren’t for Song Tan’s prescription, he wouldn’t even have the qualification to stand here.”

Although these people spoke in lowered voices, their voices were not low at all, as if they were deliberately speaking for Shen Yin to hear.

Song Tan turned her head slightly. From her angle, she saw Shen Yin’s profile. At this moment, his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and his lips were slightly pursed, indicating that he often suffered such grievances.

Song Tan pondered for a moment and felt that this was a good opportunity.

A good opportunity to win over Shen Yin.

“All of you standing here can’t be of any help, yet you still come to blame me and Shen Yin. What audacity you have.”

Song Tan spoke in a gentle voice, but she didn’t control the volume, so everyone present should have heard it.

Because… Originally, there were some whispers in the room, but now everyone fell silent, and the whole room was quiet. They all looked at Shen Yin and Song Tan.

This is much more attention than they received when they got married.

However, Song Tan is not afraid of the scrutiny.

During the apocalypse, she wasn’t afraid even when being stared at by a group of zombies. Why would she be afraid of their gazes now?

The only thing she doesn’t know is how Shen Yin will react.

Song Tan looked up at Shen Yin.

From Shen Yin’s eyes, she saw a hint of surprise. He probably didn’t expect her to be so indiscriminate in her attack, right?

Song Tan is also testing Shen Yin’s reaction.

If Shen Yin stands on the side of the Huo family, then she would have to make plans in advance.

But if Shen Yin stands on her side…

At this moment, Shen Yin loosened the hand that was holding Song Tan.

Just when Song Tan thought he was going to stand with the Huo family, he reached out and held her hand.

“Feel free to ask anything you want, just ask Uncle Liu.”

Afterwards, he no longer explained anything and directly took Song Tan’s hand, leaving under the gaze of everyone.

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Everyone : ??

“Song Tan, she…”

“Did she just scold us?”

“Is she crazy?”

“Shen Yin doesn’t even say a word to her. This is really…”

These people are all “arrogant geniuses” and have never been scolded like this before.

The words Song Tan just said truly shocked them, to the point that they forgot to react.

Now that they have reacted, they have started to blame Song Tan for her outrageous behavior, as well as Shen Yin.

However, the two can no longer hear these words.

Shen Yin pulled Song Tan outside and the two walked into the Huo family’s garden. Along the way, neither of them spoke.

But at this moment, a gust of wind blew, and Shen Yin stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Song Tan.

Because they rushed out in a hurry, Song Tan was only wearing a jacket and didn’t bring a scarf. Her neck was bare, which made her long and slender neck stand out, but it caused Shen Yin to furrow his brow.

“What’s wrong?”

Song Tan saw him staring at her neck, and immediately thought of those zombies. She couldn’t help but touch her neck.

As she straightened her body, Shen Yin averted his gaze and said, “It’s getting cold at night, and it looks like it’s going to rain. You should go back to your room and rest.”

“What about you?”

The old man was still unconscious, and as his grandson… of course, Shen Yin had to stay.

It’s just a pity that he won’t be able to see the old man die tonight.

“I have to go back again.”

Song Tan saw that he didn’t blame her for offending the Huo family, and was even concerned about her being blown by the wind. She felt a rare sense of guilt in her heart.

“I just spoke to them like that. They shouldn’t let you off, right?”

Song Tan has seen the plot related to her. In the original plot, the people from the Huo family either believed they were superior because of their surname or they sided with Huo Yanlin and humiliated her, knowing that Huo Yanlin didn’t like her.

She didn’t confront them today because she valued her life.

As for Shen Yin…

She was straightforward, but she still felt somewhat guilty about letting Shen Yin clean up the mess.

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After all, in all the times she tested Shen Yin, he always stood by her side.

Since he’s standing on her side, she won’t consider him as part of the Huo family anymore.

“Don’t worry, they won’t do anything to me.”

Seeing Shen Yin’s calm expression, Song Tan gave up on persuading him to go back together.

“Well then, if you need anything, you can message me.”

“And then you’ll come to rescue me?”

This script feels familiar, as if it’s been seen in some popular novel.

“Is it not allowed?”

Although they seemed to have reversed the script, Shen Yin was still pleased with Song Tan’s words.

A smile curved his lips as he nodded in agreement, “Hmm, alright.”

However, as he turned away, the smile in Shen Yin’s eyes completely vanished.

He was about to face the bunch of scoundrels from the Huo family again.

The wind picked up at night.

Song Tan stayed inside the house, although the wind couldn’t reach her, she still felt a bit cold listening to the howling wind outside.

Her physical condition is really poor.

[007? Still under maintenance?]

Song Tan called out 007 twice, but the display showed that it was still undergoing self-maintenance.

[Your retired version is really useless. Just because you scanned Shen Yin’s micro-expressions, you’ve been stuck for so long.]

The system is a technology surpassing this era. It can not only take people to different time and space, but also has various medicines that modern technology cannot match.

She was able to survive in the apocalypse world only by relying on various rewards obtained after completing missions.

Now the reward pool is not as abundant as before, but there are still some medicines that can help improve her physical condition.

But with 007 in self-maintenance mode, she can’t even exchange for a bit of medicine.

Song Tan called several times, but there was no response from 007. She cursed under her breath, then gently lay down on the bed, trying to think about other things to distract herself.

After all, this Huo family is the home ground of the male lead, Huo Yanlin. If she and Shen Yin continue to stay in the Huo family, conflicts are inevitable.

Huo Yanlin holds the male lead script, and everyone’s fate revolves around him.

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Song Tan doesn’t want to revolve around him.

She has known since childhood that her life might not be very long.

Before, she wanted to make her relatively short life more exciting.

But after experiencing the apocalypse world, she felt like she had gone off track.

Nothing is more important than life itself, and as for other things, she shouldn’t force them.

Song Tan’s current goal is not big, just to reclaim the old mansion of the Song family and make the people who bullied her miserable in passing.

Just the thought of coming back from the apocalypse world and causing trouble for both the Song and Huo families makes her feel satisfied.

With these thoughts, Song Tan finally feels somewhat at ease.

However, she still needs to work harder.

She wonders if the partner she recently selected will become her long-term support.

She couldn’t help but think of Shen Yin’s reaction when facing the people from the Huo family.

Even though the Huo family treated him poorly and spoke harshly to him, he protected her in front of so many people.

Just based on this, he has already surpassed Huo Yanlin.

However, how long he will stay this way is still an unknown variable.

Song Tan doesn’t have the habit of putting all her cards on one person.

So, even though Shen Yin seems reliable at the moment, she still needs to leave herself with two possible retreats.

One of these retreats is…

Writing a novel.

Song Tan propped herself up and glanced at her dashboard area.

These days, she had figured out some of the rules of the LuJiang platform. The words she sent out were no longer repetitive throughout, but now a new problem emerged… In her comment section, everyone was focused on who the male lead was.

Clearly, in these two chapters, the female lead only encountered zombies…

Readers were guessing which zombie was the male lead.

Sun Tan: “…” How outrageous.

Author’s note:

Song Tan : I want him to separate from the Huo family.

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