You can play however you want, I won’t interfere with you.

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The meaning of this statement… it contains a lot of meaning.

Including, if he has someone else outside.

When the Huo family was about to form a marriage alliance with the Song family, Song Tan directly stated that she wanted to marry the most outstanding man from the Huo family.

At that time, the people of the Huo family all thought she was referring to Huo Yanlin.

The people of the Huo family said that Song Tan was full of lofty ambitions and unrealistic ideas, actually wanting to marry Huo Yanlin.

However, the truth is that if Song Tan had really opened her mouth, if Huo Yanlin resisted, Old Master Huo would still make him marry Song Tan, even if if he has to be tied up.

Furthermore, the prescription in Song Tan’s hand is the old man’s life-saver.

Even if the Song family’s situation is not as good as the Huo family’s, if that prescription can save the old man’s life, Song Tan would be his savior.

Exchanging a grandson’s marriage for the old man’s life, no matter how you look at it, the Huo family has taken advantage.

As for Song Tan, although she has a long-term vision, she was blind due to her young age, so at that time, Shen Yin did not stop this marriage alliance and chose to watch coldly.

On the day Song Tan chose a husband, Shen Yin went to the scene to see if the Song family was trying to please the Huo family by signing their core team over to the Huo family. Unexpectedly, Song Tan’s hand turned and landed on him.

Song Tan wanted to marry him.

At once, everyone’s gaze focused on him, and he had to postpone his plan. He didn’t take action that day but waited until today.

Today is the day he marries Song Tan, and causing the Huo family’s proudest “Project An No. 1” to go bankrupt is a gift he presents to them.

But as for Song Tan, he still hasn’t figured her out.

Before, she asked him to give the prescription to that old man Huo.

At that time, she was probably testing him, so he refused.

Now, she speaks these words again…

Is she testing him, or does she have ulterior motives?

Shen Yin looked at Song Tan without speaking, while Song Tan looked back at him, contemplating in her heart.

Although what she said was a rare heartfelt statement in her life, she had put on a facade too many times, to the point where she couldn’t even distinguish if what she said was true or false.

Even the system previously said she had a brain of a villainous supporting character, which is why she needed to spend three years in the apocalypse to complete the supporting character transformation task.

Song Tan didn’t know if she had truly changed, but she always felt that her choices were not wrong.

No matter who stood in her shoes, it was impossible to maintain the qualities of purity and kindness that a female lead should possess.

Even if she made the wrong choice in the original plot, it was because Huo Yanlin wasn’t worth it. Her vision was wrong, and she chose the wrong person to cooperate with.

However, she would never admit that she had made a mistake.

People are naturally inclined to choose what benefits them.

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But now, knowing the original plot and enduring the torment of the apocalypse, some of her thoughts have truly changed.

For example… in the face of life and death, everything else is trivial.

Whether Shen Yin loves her or not, she doesn’t care.

However, she has already said this to him, and he must not treat her as an obstacle to his feelings like the male lead in the original book.

Seeing Shen Yin’s silence, she added, “If someone wants to take Mrs. Shen’s position, just let me know in advance. I won’t hold onto it stubbornly.”

Song Tan felt that she was just one step away from swearing that what she said was sincere.

She didn’t know if Shen Yin believed her or not.

“Do you like to joke?”

After contemplating for a while, Shen Yin asked with a hint of doubt.

Upon hearing this response, Song Tan couldn’t help but fall silent for a moment.

From the looks of it, he must have regarded her previous words as a probe.

Song Tan wasn’t angry, considering that if she were in his shoes, she would also perceive it as a test.

After all, it was their wedding night today, and if her husband said something like that to her, her initial reaction wouldn’t be happiness but suspicion.


Song Tan noticed a slight peculiarity in Shen Yin’s eyes.

Shen Yin, on the other hand, seemed quite quick in his response.

By asking back like this, he neither made her think that he genuinely considered her words nor revealed his own thoughts.

This Shen Yin, leaving aside everything else, truly had a high level of intelligence.

If he joins the Huo Group, then it should be…

There would be nothing for Huo Yanlin, right?

However, this Huo Yanlin is the protagonist, while others, no matter how outstanding, are just supporting characters.

It’s actually quite smart for Shen Yin to choose to teach at a university instead of joining the Huo Group.

She just doesn’t know whether…

He is doing it on purpose, or he genuinely likes teaching.

Currently, Song Tan’s impression of Shen Yin is still good. As for whether he’s pretending or genuinely gentle, Song Tan isn’t considering it for now.

“Am I joking? When you really find a girl you like in the future, come and ask me again, then you’ll know.”

After saying this, Song Tan met Shen Yin’s gaze.

Shen Yin’s gaze remained as gentle as ever, giving Song Tan the feeling that she had said something very offensive.

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Clearly… what she said was a great benefit to Shen Yin himself.

Maybe Shen Yin getting married to her doesn’t really mean they’ll live happily together?

While Song Tan was still contemplating, the servants of the Huo family came to knock on their room.

“Old Master has fainted.”

Old Master Huo fainting was a big deal.

The two exchanged a glance, without the need for further words, they immediately grabbed their clothes and headed towards the old man’s residence.

On the way, neither of them spoke, each lost in their own thoughts.

They arrived at Old Master Huo’s residence.

Song Tan stood outside the room, looking at the people inside, feeling a slight daze.

She knew that there were many people in the Huo family, but she didn’t expect there to be so many.

During her wedding with Shen Yin, at least half of these people did not appear.

But now that the old man had fainted, they all showed up.

It seemed that Shen Yin’s position in the Huo family was truly not good.

After scanning the room with her eyes, Song Tan’s gaze fell on Shen Yin.

Shen Yin’s eyebrows were slightly furrowed.

Looking at him like this, he must be very worried about the old man, right?

Song Tan hesitated for a moment and called out to Uncle Liu, who was walking away: “Uncle Liu.”

Uncle Liu was the person closest to Old Master Huo.

When she called out, Uncle Liu stopped, and everyone’s gaze fell on her.

“Who is this?”

“Song Tan, the one Shen Yin married today.”

Some people truly didn’t recognize her, while others…

“Shen Yin… Oh, who is it again?”

Among the numerous members of the Huo family, Shen Yin, the son of an outsider, could only be considered half a member of the Huo family. He held no significant position in their hearts.

There was even some disdain.

From a young age, Song Tan was highly sensitive to other people’s gazes. She didn’t need to look, but she could feel the contempt in their eyes.

“I heard that Grandfather collapsed. Is the situation serious?”

“The doctor is already attending to Old Master. I’m not sure about the current situation either.”

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Uncle Liu appeared rushed, as he had other things to attend to. He was about to leave when Song Tan called out, “Uncle Liu.”

At that moment, someone stepped forward and spoke, “You, Shen Yin’s family, you might have just married into the family and are unaware of the rules in our Huo family.”

In the current situation, when is it appropriate for Shen Yin and his family to interrupt?

Song Tan furrowed her brow and looked at the person who spoke to her.

“Huo Zhaoxu, I remember your name.”

Huo Zhaoxu : “…”

“Among the people who visited my house that day, you were one of them.”

Huo Zhaoxu didn’t quite understand her meaning and furrowed his brow, asking, “So what?”

“I just glanced at your information and remembered your name. But when you came to my house, you couldn’t even remember my name. Perhaps you need to treat your brain.”

Song Tan appeared gentle and soft, speaking in a gentle and soft voice. No one expected that as soon as she spoke up, she confronted Huo Zhaoxu and even asked him to treat his brain…

How could this woman…

“My name is Song Tan. I don’t know what rules your Huo family has, but I hope you can have some basic manners,” she said.

Before Huo Zhaoxu could react, Song Tan turned to Uncle Liu and said, “Sorry, Uncle Liu, can I go in and see Grandfather?”

“Song Tan, we’re still here. When is it your turn?”

Everyone wanted to go in and show their presence by the old man’s sickbed, but it wasn’t practical for everyone to go in, so they all waited outside.

But now, Song Tan shamelessly told Uncle Liu that she wanted to go in?

Who does she think she is?

Upon hearing Huo Zhaoxu’s words, Song Tan sneered in her heart.

He truly lived up to his status as the male lead’s lackey; just looking at him was annoying.

However, while she sneered inwardly, she maintained a gentle smile on her face and asked, “Do you also have a prescription in your hand?”

With this question, she caught Huo Zhaoxu off guard.

Everyone present knew that the Huo family wanted to marry Song Tan because of the prescription she held in her hands.

As soon as Huo Zhaoxu realized this, he was about to accuse Song Tan when she preempted him, saying, “Grandfather is currently in a coma, and the situation is not good. Delaying his treatment would be a responsibility none of you can bear.”

This matter concerned the safety of the Old Master, and Uncle Liu didn’t dare to delay. Initially, he was going to go out and find Huo Yanlin, but now he turned around and brought Song Tan and Shen Yin inside.

On the way in, Song Tan glanced at Shen Yin and said, “Don’t worry, Grandfather will be fine.”

Although the main plot had changed because she had chosen a different marriage partner, the subplot of the old man falling into a coma had also occurred in the original story.

Although the current plot had some differences, the outcome should be more or less the same.

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In the original book, her prescription had played a significant role and directly brought the old man back from the brink of death.

After the old man woke up, he was very happy and regarded her as a lifesaver. He acknowledged her great contribution and asked her what she wanted.

In the original story, she “pleased” Huo Yanlin and attributed all the credit to him.

According to reason, Huo Yanlin should have been grateful for such a significant contribution and thanked her. However, Huo Yanlin believed she had ulterior motives, so he took the credit for himself.

Moreover, because of her, Su Ran had a disagreement with him.

Therefore, Huo Yanlin naturally felt that Song Tan was quite cunning.

Song Tan thought Huo Yanlin was an idiot.

It’s because he was an idiot that her efforts seemed so idiotic.

Based on her understanding of herself, she knew that she and Huo Yanlin were already married. Her health wasn’t great, and even if she gained any benefits, they wouldn’t be significant. It would be better to give them to Huo Yanlin, so they could both share the glory.

But Huo Yanlin was just an idiot, obsessed with love.

Now, of course, she wouldn’t do something idiotic like that.

She wants to make it known to everyone in a high-profile manner that when Mr. Huo was critically ill, she provided a precious prescription to save his life.

After saving him, she becomes Old Master Huo’s savior.


After saving Old Master Huo, Shen Yin should be very happy, right?

Shen Yin’s mouth carries a smile, but there is a hidden coldness in the smile.

This old man was directly knocked unconscious by anger because of the failure of Huo’s “Project An No. 1”. Combined with his pre-existing illness, whether he can wake up after this coma is unknown.

Although letting him die like that was really too easy for him.

However, he truly deserves to die.

If he were dead, it would save Shen Yin a lot of trouble.

Shen Yin just didn’t expect Song Tan to show up at this moment.

He should have just pushed Song Tan to the bed earlier, so she couldn’t get up.

That way, she wouldn’t have the energy to show off at this moment and save this old man.

Shen Yin smiled.

A smile mixed with a knife.

Author’s note:

Song Tan : I saved his Grandfather, so he will definitely love me very much.

Shen Yin : …My wife is right.

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