At this moment, in the lounge, the scene was very exciting.

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Song Jiaojiao and a waitress were fighting without caring about their image. Huo Yanlin was originally trying to stop them, but accidentally pulled Song Jiaojiao’s skirt.

When Song Jiaojiao saw that her skirt was ruined, she went to pull the waitress’ clothes. Huo Yanlin stepped forward to stop her, but accidentally, the three of them ended up falling to the ground together.

Unfortunately, at this moment, Huo Zhaoran came with people to the lounge.

Huo Zhaoran was not easy to deal with. Especially for Huo Yanlin, and Huo Zhaoran loved to stir up trouble.

With Huo Zhaoran’s involvement, the situation changed.

By the time Old Master Huo came, many people already knew that Huo Yanlin was fooling around with two women in the lounge.

If this happened outside, it wouldn’t matter how Huo Yanlin behaved.

But now, this was happening in the old Huo family mansion, with many guests outside. Huo Yanlin’s behavior in the lounge made the Huo family’s reputation look bad.

And Old Master Huo valued family reputation the most.

“What nonsense!”

As soon as Old Master Huo arrived, he shouted, and everyone present was startled.

“Grandpa, things are not what you think,” Huo Yanlin said.

Huo Yanlin frowned, wanting to explain.

But Old Master Huo looked at the two women behind Huo Yanlin, who were lowering their heads, with messy hair and clothes. Outside the door stood a group of guests who came to watch the show.

In this situation, what else did Old Master Huo need to think about?

“Old Liu, stay and handle this,” Old Master Huo didn’t want to hear Huo Yanlin’s explanation and didn’t want to make a scene with him in front of the guests. After instructing the butler, Uncle Liu, to deal with this matter, he looked at Huo Yanlin again, his eyes filled with anger and said, “You, come with me.”

Compared with the embarrassing incident of Huo Yanlin and two women tussling in the lounge, what Old Master Huo wanted to discuss with Huo Yanlin was much more important.

Huo Yanlin followed Old Master Huo to an empty lounge and heard him ask, “What happened to Project An No. 1? Why did it go wrong as soon as you took over?”

“What happened to Project An No. 1?” Huo Yanlin didn’t know this news until Old Master Huo asked him, which made Old Master Huo even more furious.

“As the President of the Huo Group, you don’t even know about your most important project going wrong? What have you been eating? Are you only thinking about women all the time?”

Huo Yanlin’s face became gloomy.

Old Master Huo’s words left him speechless and unable to refute.

He didn’t say anything but quickly took out his phone and called his secretary.

This Project An No. 1 is their Huo family’s flagship project. He has only taken over for less than a month. If Project An No. 1 goes wrong, it will be a disaster!

After Huo Yanlin was called away by Old Master Huo, Uncle Liu came to deal with the two women in the lounge.

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Shen Yin took a glance at the two women.

One of them is Song Tan’s cousin, Song Jiaojiao.

“I warn you, you better put away your thoughts. If I catch you seducing Yanlin again, I won’t spare you.”

Song Jiaojiao was speaking to the waitress.

Today’s wedding banquet directly invited the team under the hotel owned by Huo’s family to work.

The waitress was wearing the hotel waitress uniform.

A hotel waitress with Huo family’s young master?

If Song Tan were here, she would definitely recognize the waitress. This is the female lead and the male lead Huo Yanlin’s official partner in the novel, Su Ran.

At that time, although Song Tan could not go out, she also witnessed a lot of excitement.

Someone posted a photo of Huo Yanlin pulling and tugging with two women in the lounge to the group chat.

Song Tan had known about this group for a long time, but she didn’t like to waste time on these messy things, so she didn’t join.

But since she came back from the apocalypse, she found someone to invite her and joined this A City gossip group.

After joining, Song Tan watched a lot of gossips.

Of course, including her own.

If it were her before, she would probably find these people annoying. But now, she figured that she had watched too many zombies, so she found these people cute.

Today is her and Shen Yin’s wedding day. After they gossiped about her and Shen Yin, the topic turned to Huo Yanlin.

In the novel, Huo Yanlin is the man that all the women in A City want to marry, so he naturally attracts the most attention.

At first, there was a photo about how Huo Yanlin had a black face standing next to Shen Yin, and they had a lot to say about it.

Song Tan saw it while climbing the stairs.

But she didn’t care about Huo Yanlin’s face. She thought the picture of Shen Yin holding her looked better.

She downloaded the picture while climbing the stairs and then cut out Huo Yanlin.

After that, they talked about Huo Yanlin’s entanglement with the two girls in the lounge of the Huo family.

The photo was very blurry, but from the blurry photo, Song Tan could still recognize… Wasn’t that the female lead Su Ran and her cousin Song Jiaojiao?


Very interesting.

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She didn’t expect these two to meet so soon.

Well, not completely unexpected.

According to the original novel’s plot, the female lead Su Ran was also supposed to appear at this wedding.

It’s just that according to the original plot, the groom was Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin was on stage getting married to Song Tan, but his heart was wandering towards Su Ran sitting in the audience. Then they both went through a period of torturous and deep love.

And this plot was absolutely disgusting to Song Tan.

Fortunately, she had avoided this plot.

But now, Song Tan clutched her chest and wondering what would happen next… Why hasn’t it happened yet?

According to the plot in the book, she was supposed to fall seriously ill today and be bedridden for several days, naturally unable to spend her wedding night with Huo Yanlin.

However, Song Tan’s condition has been pretty good all day, especially when Shen Yin noticed that her hands were icy cold and kept using his own hands to warm her up, her cold body had some warmth.

So if she still hasn’t gotten sick now, does that mean…


For her, this situation is not entirely unacceptable, but…

This Shen Yin is usually gentle, but can he still be gentle in bed?

Song Tan’s fingers clutched the quilt, and the soft fabric was wrinkled by her grip.

But soon, she let go of the quilt.

She seems to be thinking too far now.

This wasn’t her original plan.

Song Tan took a deep breath and waited for Shen Yin to come back.

He didn’t make her wait long before he came back.

Although Shen Yin carried her in earlier, the atmosphere in the room was still a bit strange now that they were together in the same room.

Song Tan spoke first, “Why did you come back so early? Didn’t you need to accompany the guests?”

Shen Yin smiled at her question and replied, “They don’t need me to accompany them.”

Because all the guests who came today were guests of the Huo family.

And he, is just an insignificant person in the Huo family.

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Even though it’s his wedding day today.

Hearing his response, Song Tan pondered for a moment and felt that it was necessary to talk to Shen Yin according to her original plan.

“Can we talk?” she asked.

Shen Yin looked at her for a moment and nodded. “Sure.”

After agreeing, Shen Yin poured a cup of hot water for Song Tan and placed it in front of her.

Song Tan looked at the hot water and couldn’t help but say, “Shen Yin, you are really a good person.”

When Shen Yin heard this, he was stunned for moment.

Was she giving her new husband a good person card on their wedding night just for a cup of hot water?

“It’s just a cup of hot water. You don’t have to be so polite,” Shen Yin replied.

Song Tan held the cup of hot water and felt its warmth, shaking her head. “It’s not just about the hot water.”

Giving a cup of hot water was indeed an easy thing to do, but not everyone would be thoughtful enough to do it.

Shen Yin was forced to marry her. He could have just completed the task assigned to him by his family and get the marriage over with.

Just like what Huo Yanlin did in the original plot.

However, Shen Yin did not do that.

Today, on their wedding day, Shen Yin took good care of her.

Plus this cup of hot water at night.

Song Tan naturally knew that it was not because Shen Yin loved her, she wasn’t that narcissistic.

The reason why Shen Yin did so much for her was simply because he was a good-hearted and responsible person.

Since he was such a good person, Song Tan decided to be honest with him.

“Marrying me is a bit wronging you.”

When Song Tan said this, Shen Yin just stared into her eyes without saying a word.

She didn’t mind though.

After all, this was not something that could be responded to.

If Shen Yin said he wasn’t wronged at all, then he would seem hypocritical.

But if he admitted it directly, he would appear too cold-hearted.

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Song Tan didn’t expect him to respond and continued to say, “Although we haven’t met many times, I can feel that you are a very good person.”

Shen Yin, who was described as “a very good person,” curved his mouth upward slightly at her words.

He was smiling.

His smile made Song Tan slightly dazed.

Then, she blinked her eyes, “?”

He said, “No one has ever praised me like this before.”

Song Tan remembered Shen Yin’s experiences and his invisible status in the Huo family.

“People haven’t praised you before because they are blind,” she said.

Hearing Song Tan’s words, Shen Yin’s smile grew even wider.

She wasn’t sure if her words were praising him or herself.

“Don’t laugh,” Song Tan said, feeling at a loss for what to say next because of his smile.

Shen Yin restrained his smile and continued to listen to her.

She said, “You’re a good person, so what I’m about to say next is sincere.

“My physical condition is not very good, and marrying me may be quite burdensome for you in many ways.”

For example, the physical matter between husband and wife.

And the issue of having children.

She couldn’t do things like a normal wife would.

She continued, “And if it weren’t for me dragging you down, you wouldn’t have to marry me.”

Being chosen by her meant losing his freedom in marriage.

Although Song Tan knew she was not a naïve and kind person, but for this time, Shen Yin was just implicated, and he was really innocent.

She said again, “You’re innocent, but I had no choice at the time.”

At that time, she was forced by both the Huo and Song families, and her own health was also a concern. She had no choice but to find someone to marry.

Then Song Tan added, “But don’t worry, I don’t have high expectations for this marriage. If you want to play around after we get married, feel free to do so. I won’t interfere.”

Author’s note:

Shen Yin : ?

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