In order to match with Song Tan’s wedding dress, Shen Yin also wore a Song-style wedding suit today.1

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The Song-style wedding suit is relatively loose, and most people would feel like they can’t fill out the clothes when they wear it. However, Shen Yin managed to do so.

When he wears modern clothes, because he always wears a pair of glasses, and his scholarly demeanor is quite strong, people subconsciously ignore his tall figure.

But today, when he put on the Song-style wedding suit, his advantage in figure was revealed.

Coupled with him taking off his gold-rimmed glasses, his gentle temperament was reduced by a few points, and his handsome appearance was increased by a few points.

The Song family guests who came to attend the wedding banquet outside began to discuss after seeing this groom:

“This Song Tan’s husband is so handsome.”

“He is gentle and handsome, and matches well with Song Tan’s appearance.”

Although everyone usually talks privately about how Song Tan is a sickly person, today is after all her big day, and this groom looks truly gentle and handsome. So everyone speaks kind words about him. As for what they truly think in their hearts, only they themselves know.

At this moment, the gentle and handsome Shen Yin pushed open the door and saw the bride.

Song Tan had put on slightly heavier makeup today, which made her complexion look much better.

But her spirits were indeed good today, coupled with the bright red wedding dress she was wearing, which made people unable to help but be dazzled.

What a beautiful bride.

Shen Yin looked deeply into Song Tan’s eyes, and then stepped into her chamber.

Song Tan’s chamber was decorated very elegantly, just like the room of an ancient noblewoman.

For a moment, Shen Yin had a feeling of crossing time and space.

However, when he held Song Tan’s hand, he was brought back to reality by the temperature.

Song Tan’s hand was very cold.

Even though she was wearing quite a lot of clothing today, her hand was as cold as ice.

Shen Yin’s palm was very warm.

Originally, he intended to hold Song Tan’s hand, but now he changed his mind and covered her hand, enveloping it entirely.

Song Tan felt the warmth of his palm and was a little surprised.

Shen Yin smiled at her.

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Song Tan immediately understood what he meant.

He was helping her warm up her hands.

Unexpectedly, Shen Yin was quite thoughtful.

The two of them didn’t say much, following the procedure, but their eyes communicated a lot.

After completing the necessary steps, it was time for Shen Yin to carry Song Tan out the door.

This princess carry was really a test of arm strength.

Shen Yin looked like a scholar through and through, but when he picked up Song Tan in his arms, it didn’t require any effort at all.

She…was too light.

Although her wedding dress was quite heavy today, with the weight of the dress, her whole person weighed only about 100 pounds.

Song Tan was one meter and sixty-seven centimeters tall.

Shen Yin lowered his head and looked at Song Tan.

Her hand hung on Shen Yin’s neck, and she had just taken the opportunity to touch his arm.

What she didn’t expect was that Shen Yin actually had muscles.

Unexpectedly, there was quite a bit of material under his clothes.

The two were thinking about their own things, but it didn’t stop them from going through the wedding process.

Most of the wedding process was carried out with Song Tan in Shen Yin’s arms, so it didn’t tire Song Tan out, but it would tire Shen Yin out.

Shen Yin cooperated throughout the entire process, wearing a smile on his face, leaving a good impression on the guests.

However, Huo Yanlin, who had been stern-looking by his side all the time, became a more vivid contrast.

Huo Yanlin is usually very stern, but that’s when he’s facing work. Being stern in work can make people feel more awe-inspiring. But now that he is a groomsman, he still looks stern, which is a bit off-putting.

However, Huo Yanlin doesn’t care about that.

The reason why he agreed to be a groomsman today was just to make his Grandpa happy.

It’s not because he had a deep brotherly relationship with Shen Yin.

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His eyes occasionally fell on the bride, Song Tan.

This Song Tan’s means are truly profound. With just a few glances, she hooked Shen Yin’s eyes and couldn’t move them away.

Shen Yin really has no backbone, he couldn’t even move his eyes away from a sickly woman.

Throughout the event, Shen Yin cooperated with everyone and had a smile on his face, leaving a good impression on the guests. However, the contrast between him and Huo Yanlin, who had been serious-looking the whole time, was quite stark.

Huo Yanlin is usually serious-looking, but that’s only when he’s at work. If he’s serious-looking, it will make him seem more imposing. But now, as a groomsman, he’s still wearing that same frown, which is a bit off-putting.

But Huo Yanlin doesn’t care about any of that. The only reason he agreed to be a groomsman today was to make his grandfather happy. It’s not like he and Shen Yin are really close.

Every so often, his eyes would fall on the bride, Song Tan, who was quite skilled in her ways. Just a few glances from her and Shen Yin couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Huo Yanlin was very disdainful of Shen Yin’s unimpressive behavior.

However, neither the groom nor the bride said anything about Huo Yanlin’s ugly expression.

For Song Tan, once today is over, she’ll be saying goodbye to the plot of the novel.

What happens next is entirely up to people.

As for Shen Yin, he glanced at Huo Yanlin’s eyes and raised the curve of his eyes upward.

Today, there would still be some good drama from Huo Yanlin.

The wedding process was simple, and after both of them said “I do” with affectionate tones under the host’s direction, all the formalities were completed.

Next, it was time for their “performance.”

Shen Yin took Song Tan’s hand and returned to their room.

“How was it? Are you tired?”

Song Tan shook her head and said, “I’m fine.”

She felt that perhaps it was because Shen Yin had taken good care of her today that she didn’t feel tired or cold at all.

Even her hands were warmer now.

“You go ahead and take care of your business. Don’t worry about me.”

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Although today was a day for the Huo family to socialize, Shen Yin was still the groom and it would be better for him to attend the event.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay with you?”

Song Tan shook her head again and said, “No, by the way, please give this to Old Master Huo.”

The most precious thing in Song Tan’s hand was the prescription that Old Man Huo valued the most. But now, she asked Shen Yin to give it to Old Master Huo alone?

Shen Yin looked at the prescription, a little stunned, “Do you want me to give it to him now?”

In fact, when she visits the old man tomorrow, she could show him the prescription and gain some favor in his eyes. But now she was asking Shen Yin to deliver it to the old man alone.

Does she really want to do this?

“The old man must be anxious to see this prescription.”

When they served tea to the old man earlier, he mentioned her Grandpa several times, almost telling her about the prescription.

However, she pretended not to understand. But now, she still wanted to take out the prescription.

She wanted to give it to Shen Yin to deliver to Old Master Huo, so that Shen Yin could gain some favor in the old man’s eyes.

Song Tan doesn’t like Old Master Huo.

The reason for this marriage alliance was Old Master Huo. According to the original novel, the old man favored his grandson and suppressed her a lot. She also didn’t like the old man.

So she didn’t want to please him with the prescription. But it was okay to show her presence in front of Shen Yin.

“In fact, when we visit Grandfather tomorrow, you should take the lead in presenting this prescription. Such a precious item should not be given away casually.”

Shen Yin said while pushing the prescription back to her.

“Tomorrow, we will give him the prescription together when we serve tea to Grandfather,” he continued.

Looking at the prescription back in her hand, Song Tan felt a bit conflicted.

“Okay, then we’ll give it to Grandfather together tomorrow,” she finally agreed.

Shen Yin nodded at her and said a few more words before opening the door and leaving.

As soon as he stepped out, the warmth on his face disappeared.

He lowered his head to adjust his glasses on his nose. Within a few seconds, he transformed back into the gentle and polite Professor Shen.

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Today was Shen Yin’s wedding, which was held at Huo’s old mansion. As a result, many guests from the Huo family were in attendance, making it quite lively.

However, Shen Yin had little to do with this bustle.

Although he was the groom, the guests were not there for him, but for the Huo family.

As he walked among the guests, Shen Yin was like an invisible person, and only a few recognized him as the groom today.

However, even those who recognized him just nodded and congratulated him at most.

After all, they all knew that Shen Yin was just the grandson of Old Master Huo, an orphan without parents, and… the least noticeable person in the Huo family.

He was the person with the least value to network with.

Everyone here carried their own value, and they wouldn’t waste time on a person with no value.

Shen Yin made his way smoothly to the side of Old Master Huo.

Old Master Huo’s health was good today, still sitting in a wheelchair, chatting with his old friends.

Seeing Shen Yin coming over, Mr. Huo asked, “Did Song Tan give you the prescription?”

Shen Yin heard the question, and without changing his expression, said, “She said that she will give it to you when she serves tea tomorrow.”

The old man showed a displeased expression.

For him, only with the prescription, would he feel safe.

But thinking that he would get the prescription tomorrow, and he had waited so long for it, he thought that a little delay wouldn’t make a difference.

He impatiently nodded his head, about to motion for him to leave, when he thought of something else. “Oh, by the way, Song Tan’s health is not good. Although today is your special day, there are some things that can be delayed.”

Shen Yin’s eyes under his glasses showed no reaction to his words.

He knew that the old man wasn’t concerned about him when the old man gave him these reminders. The old man was just afraid that if something happened to Song Tan and the prescription was lost, the old man would be left with nothing.

He lowered his head and concealed his emotions.

At this moment, Uncle Liu hurriedly came over to Old Master Huo’s side.

He glanced at Shen Yin and whispered a few words into Old Master Huo’s ear.

Old Master Huo’s brow furrowed and he slapped his hand on the armrest of his wheelchair, angry as he said, “Where is Huo Yanlin?”

As soon as he finished speaking, another assistant, Uncle An, rushed over to him, panting and saying, “Master, something happened to Young Master Yanlin. He was entangled with two women in his room and almost got into a fight.”

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