“This prescription is extremely precious, and if it is developed, its value would be immeasurable.”

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Song Zhiwen came with Song Jiaojiao to ask Song Tan for the prescription, and Song Tan asked for five million yuan as soon as he spoke.

Five million yuan…

Why didn’t she just rob a bank?

“If a prescription can be worth so much money, how could our Song family be struggling like this?”

Although the Song family is a medical family, because Old Master Song was generous and often did good deeds, the family’s wealth is not very deep despite having some assets.

Song Zhiwen didn’t like living in poverty, so he abandoned medicine and went into business, while Song Zhiwu, the other son whom the Old Master did not expect to achieve much since young, studied medicine.

Song Zhiwen, who did not study medicine, naturally did not know how precious the prescriptions and notes in his father’s hands were. When Old Master wrote his will, Song Zhiwen considered these things as waste paper and sohe asked for half of the old house.

Song Tan, on the other hand, received the other half of the house and the prescriptions and notes left by her Grandpa.

Song Zhiwen always thought he had taken advantage of the situation until the Huo family came knocking on his door, and he realized the importance of these prescriptions.

However, he felt that only the prescription for Mr. Huo was valuable, and the other prescriptions were not worth much.

Now they come asking for other prescriptions from Song Tan, but when she opens her mouth, it’s a price of five million, which is simply outrageous.

“Whether a prescription is valuable or not depends on whose hands it’s in and how it’s used,” Song Tan looked at Song Jiaojiao and said, “If Jiaojiao can use it to find a good husband, and they can develop products together and sell them hot on the market, the money they make won’t just be five million, but it could be fifty million, or more.”

Song Tan’s words directly hit home for the family of three.

They wanted to use this prescription to get Huo Yanlin to marry Song Jiaojiao.

Although Song Tan was related to them by blood, she had always been strong-willed and not very close to them, especially since they hadn’t treated her well when she was younger.

So, after Song Tan married Shen Yin, their relationship with the Huo family wasn’t very close.

But if Huo Yanlin were to marry their daughter Jiaojiao, the situation would be different.

Huo Yanlin was the future successor of the Huo family, and if they became his in-laws, wouldn’t they have no need to worry about their future?

After thinking it through, the couple came to Song Tan to “negotiate.” Originally, they wanted to use their kinship to ask for two or three prescriptions, but who knew that Song Tan would ask for such a high price of five million for one prescription.

“Uncle, Aunt, you should think carefully whether this five million is worth it or not.”

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Song Tan said with a friendly smile, which actually made Song Zhiwen and his wife a little intimidated by her words.

However, five million is really not a small amount, and the couple still had some common sense left, so they didn’t immediately agree to Song Tan’s proposal.

But Song Jiaojiao was immediately dazzled.

After leaving Song Tan’s room, she immediately talked to her parents about what Song Tan had said about her future.

“If I marry Huo Yanlin, won’t there be a lot of five million in the future?

“Mom and Dad, you need to think long-term and not just focus on this five million. Your business has been lukewarm because you lack the spirit of adventure.”


Song Tan had no idea how Song Jiaojiao had talked to her parents.

After painting them such a rosy picture, Song Tan didn’t bother to follow up.

Knowing the couple’s character, she was sure they were tempted by her proposal just now.

However, for the couple, the five million that Song Tan mentioned was indeed something that required careful consideration.

Anyway, she was not in a hurry about this matter.

What she was more urgent about now was…why was it so difficult to write a novel on Little LuJiang?

She wrote 3,000 words for one chapter, but around half of them were repetitive words.

What would readers do when they read this? Do reading comprehension?

Song Tan waited for three days, and Song Jiaojiao came to Song Tan with her pocket money.

“This is all the money I could gather.”

Song Jiaojiao’s pocket money was not much, and most of it was spent on buying luxury goods to show off to her girlfriends.

This time, in order to buy a prescription from Song Tan, she even sold her beloved bag and raised three million.

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“I can give you an IOU for the remaining two million.”

Song Tan shook her head.

“Song Tan, we are sisters after all. It’s fine if you don’t give me a penny for the prescription, but I can’t come up with five million all at once.”

Song Tan blinked when she heard this.

“Okay, since you put it that way, as an older sister, of course I have to help my younger sister.”

She took out a prescription from the book.

“This prescription is for beauty and anti-aging, and it’s worth more than other prescriptions with different effects. I only took it out for you because you’re my sister.”

Song Jiaojiao tried to take the prescription to take a closer look, but Song Tan shook it in front of her and then took it back.

“Are you trying to deceive me?”

Song Jiaojiao looked at Song Tan skeptically.

Although Song Tan never lied, the amount of money was not trivial, so she felt she needed to be cautious.

“What are you thinking? I have registered the copyright for this prescription.”

Song Tan is indeed not inclined to lie.

However…since this is a transaction, there are still some procedures that need to be followed.

“Here’s the contract.”

Song Jiaojiao glanced at the contract and then at Song Tan, “Are you not setting me up?”

“If you think I’m setting you up, you can go find a lawyer to look at the contract. If you don’t think it’s good, don’t sign it.”

Song Tan’s straightforwardness made Song Jiaojiao let go of some of her guard.

However, she really didn’t understand the matter of the contract.

She decided to go find a lawyer first, and then do business with Song Tan.

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Song Tan didn’t mind and let Song Jiaojiao go find a lawyer.

Song Tan really didn’t do anything to manipulate the situation.

Of course, she did not tamper with the prescription either.

This prescription was created by her Grandpa, and her Grandpa’s reputation was at stake. She couldn’t possibly give a fake one to Song Jiaojiao.

The reason she chose this prescription for Song Jiaojiao was that it was originally developed by her Grandpa to treat Song Jiaojiao’s acne scars.

At that time, Song Jiaojiao was in her adolescence and had acne breakouts, and she foolishly squeezed the pimples, leaving many scars on her face.

Song Jiaojiao cared about her appearance very much, and the numerous scars on her face almost caused her depression.

Grandpa didn’t focus on beauty and health, but he specially researched and developed a cream to treat scars for Song Jiaojiao. He treated Song Jiaojiao’s acne scars with the cream and cured them.

Now, by selling this prescription to Song Jiaojiao, she is “returning the property to the original owner”.

This time, Song Jiaojiao didn’t keep Song Tan waiting for long and came back to sign the contract with Song Tan.

Song Jiaojiao consulted a lawyer and found that there were no problems with the contract, and it was completely formal.

She originally thought that Song Tan might have set a trap for her.

Unexpectedly, Song Tan did nothing.

It was Song Jiaojiao who unreasonably suspected her.

So Song Jiaojiao immediately came to Song Tan to sign the contract.

While signing the contract, Song Tan asked, “You seem to be in a good mood lately. Are you in love?”

Recently, Song Jiaojiao had been in contact with Huo Yanlin. Although they didn’t chat much, Song Jiaojiao could clearly feel that Huo Yanlin was interested in her.

“Yes, my boyfriend treats me very well.” She raised her chin, feeling a bit proud.

Compared to Shen Yin, Huo Yanlin was definitely better.

However, Song Jiaojiao wouldn’t tell Song Tan that she was dating Huo Yanlin now, in case Song Tan changed her mind and didn’t want to marry Shen Yin, but wanted to marry Huo Yanlin instead.

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Listening to Song Jiaojiao’s proud words, Song Tan understood clearly in her heart.

“Then I wish you and your boyfriend all the best.”

Song JiaoJiao felt comforted by Song Tan’s words. It was rare for her not to argue with Song Tan, so she spoke up, “Song Tan, you will be marrying Shen Yin in a few days. Don’t worry, I promise not to cause trouble at your wedding.”

Song Tan : “……”

—So, she had originally planned to make trouble.

How could Song Tan not know her?

The wedding day arrived in the blink of an eye.

It was time to get married.

Song Tan put on her wedding dress and sat in front of the dressing table, allowing others to help her with her hair and makeup.

Her health was not very good and couldn’t handle too much fuss, so many of the processes were simplified, but this was one step that Song Tan did not skip.

Her Grandpa had once told her that her parents’ biggest regret before they passed away was not being able to see her get married.

Before her Grandpa passed away, this was also his biggest regret.

Although they could not be with her on her wedding day, she still did not skip this process.

Although they were all gone, she felt that today, they were all with her, watching her get ready and accompanying her out.

As she stared at herself in the mirror, she was lost in thought when a knocking sound came from outside.

Then came Shen Yin’s gentle voice, “Song Tan, I’m here to pick you up.”

Song Tan felt that this voice…

was really like an angel’s.

Author’s note:

Shen Yin : She praised me as an angel…

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