Song Tan’s physical condition was not good, and Shen Yin drove her back to the Song family.

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“Thank you,” she said.

Today’s outing was worth it for Song Tan.

Not only did it increase Shen Yin’s favorable impression of her, but she also learned more about his character.

“Don’t be so polite,” Shen Yin said, looking at her pale face with concern. “Your complexion doesn’t look good. You should go back and rest.”

“Okay, then… see you at the wedding?”

Perhaps there are not many couples who have only met each other once before their wedding. Song Tan felt that her words were a bit ridiculous.

But Shen Yin was quite accommodating and nodded in agreement, saying, “Okay, see you at the wedding.”

After the two of them exchanged polite greetings, Song Tan waved goodbye to him, and Shen Yin nodded before driving away.

As soon as Shen Yin’s car left, Song JiaoJiao ran out from the door.

She looked at Shen Yin’s departing car, then turned to Song Tan and snorted, “It seems like this Shen Yin isn’t doing too well. He drives this kind of car.”

Song Tan glanced at Song Jiaojiao when she heard what Song Jiaojiao said.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Am I wrong? He’s at least half a member of the Huo family, yet he drives a car worth only 300 or 400 thousand… So shabby. Song Tan, what do you see in him?”

Song JiaoJiao still couldn’t believe that Song Tan had not chosen Huo Yanlin.

Song Tan has always been someone who always wakes up early to seize any opportunities for personal gain. How could she pass up such a good opportunity to marry into the Huo family and choose a peripheral figure of the Huo family instead?

“I see something in him… his intelligence,” Song Tan said and walked straight into the house after finishing her sentence.

Upon hearing Song Tan’s words, Song JiaoJiao was stunned for a moment before realizing that Song Tan was indirectly saying that she lacked intelligence!

“Song Tan, you’re the one who lacks intelligence. That Shen Yin is just a bookworm. What big prospects does he have in the future?”

“So, are you suggesting that I should choose Huo Yanlin?”

“No way,” Song JiaoJiao said. She liked Huo Yanlin, and she had been eagerly waiting for the day when Song Tan would not be able to marry him. She couldn’t let Song Tan have any relationship with Huo Yanlin now.

As Song Tan listened to Song Jiaojiao’s words, a smile appeared on her lips, and she suggested an idea, “Since you like Huo Yanlin, why don’t you ask your parents to figure out a way? They seem to be close to the Huo family lately. Maybe they can come up with a plan, and then we can be still be cousins-in-law.”

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Song Jiaojiao listened to this and was immediately moved, but then she realized and said angrily, “What can they do?”

The reason why the Huo family and the Song family could form a marriage alliance was because of the prescription in Song Tan’s hand. If it weren’t for this prescription, the Song family would never have been able to form a relationship with the Huo family in this lifetime.

It was all Grandpa’s fault. He passed on such a precious prescription to Song Tan. If he had passed it on to Song Jiaojiao, wouldn’t she be the one in this marriage alliance?

Song Jiaojiao looked at Song Tan with jealousy in her eyes.

Song Tan was already used to Song Jiaojiao’s gaze and didn’t care. She gave Song Jiaojiao an idea, “You are also a member of the Song family and Grandpa’s granddaughter. You know what good things you have in your hands.”

“What good things do I have in my hands? Of course, only I know that.”

For a moment, Song Jiaojiao didn’t understand Song Tan’s meaning and stood there, speaking confidently.

Song Tan shook her head and walked straight into the house.

However, after she had walked a distance, Song Jiaojiao suddenly realized.

“Right, I am also Grandpa’s granddaughter.”

Song Jiaojiao had been worrying about how to establish a relationship with Huo Yanlin these days, and now Song Tan gave her a new idea!

Listening to Song JiaoJiao’s self-talk, Song Tan curled her lips.

But then, she was stunned for a moment and thought of something: If Song JiaoJiao found a way to marry Huo Yanlin, would Song Jiaojiao also be caught and taken to the apocalypse world for transformation?

After returning to her room, Song Tan called 007 several times, but the system did not respond and displayed that it was under maintenance.

Song Tan frowned.

Although this system was sometimes annoying, when she was in the apocalypse world, this system was her only companion.

Although they often bickered with each other, Song Tan still had some feelings for the system.

If this system was broken like this, Song Tan would still feel a little regretful.

007 was still under maintenance, and she couldn’t access the rewards pool.

Song Tan half-lay on the chair, covered with a cashmere blanket, and after her body warmed up a bit, she turned on the computer.

During this month since she returned, although she stayed at home every day, she was not entirely resting.

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She registered a reader account on LuJiang1 website and spent a month reading novels there.

The system had told her when taking her to the apocalypse that the world she lived in was like a novel.

She wanted to see what could be written in such novels.

After taking a look, she became hooked and had a new idea: she wanted to write a novel.

Since she was young, Song Tan had understood a principle: relying on others is like running up a mountain only to fall down, or leaning on a tree that might topple over, only by relying on oneself can one have true confidence.

However, her health was not good, and although her Grandpa had taught her a lot of medical skills and she had attended medical school, she had not yet taken the medical qualification exam due to her current physical condition.

Furthermore, even if she passed the exam, her physical condition would make it useless.

She couldn’t afford to overwork herself, and being a physician was a very tiring job.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Song Tan decided not to pursue a career in medicine.

Writing a novel was a new path that she had discovered after returning from the apocalypse world. It could be done at home, and the time was relatively flexible, so she could tailor it according to her physical condition.

After a month of exploration, she finally made up her mind and registered for an author account on LuJiang website.

Lately, the weather had been good and Old Master Huo’s health had improved somewhat, allowing him to sit in a wheelchair and go out for a walk with someone pushing him.

However, not just anyone could push the old man’s wheelchair.

Normally, if Huo Yanlin was around, he would be the one to push the old man.

But today, the old man had summoned Shen Yin.

“Xiao Yin, come over here,” he said.

Although Shen Yin had also grown up in the Huo family’s old mansion, he had always avoided the spotlight and kept to himself in the corner.

This time, because of the marriage with Song Tan, people had paid a bit more attention to him.

However, it is true that Shen Yin is a bookworm. Marrying Song Tan is such a great opportunity, but he didn’t seize it and continued to teach at school every day as before. It was simply unreasonable.

However, seeing his reaction, everyone’s guard against Shen Yin has decreased a lot.

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But now, when the old man called him, everyone’s eyes on Shen Yin changed again.

The old man’s illness is a big deal.

If the prescription in Song Tan’s hand can really cure the old man’s illness, Shen Yin will have made a great contribution.

Even if he doesn’t work in the Huo family’s company, the benefits the old man will give him will not be small.

Several younger generations of the Huo family are extremely envious.

If only they could marry Song Tan.

But they can only think about it.

From beginning to end, Song Tan never considered them.

As for Huo Yanlin…

When the old man brought up the idea of a marriage alliance, there was quite a commotion, and in compensation, the old man gave him quite a few benefits.

As a result…

Song Tan didn’t choose him at all.

The whole situation made Huo Yanlin look like a joke.

The old man didn’t mention it, but he still had some dissatisfaction with Huo Yanlin in his heart.

So, even though Huo Yanlin had been here for so long, the old man didn’t pay any attention to him and instead called on Shen Yin to help push his wheelchair.

The onlookers’ eyes on Huo Yanlin were somewhat gloating.

Huo Yanlin naturally felt the gloating gazes of the onlookers.

He frowned unhappily and weighed his options in his heart.

For the old man, the prescription was crucial.

This opportunity… would Huo Yanlin give it to Shen Yin for free?

Everyone’s thoughts were wavering, but only Shen Yin greeted the butler to bring a blanket.

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“Although it’s a bit warmer today, Grandfather still needs to keep warm.”

The old master looked at Shen Yin thoughtfully covering the cashmere blanket over his legs, and smiled, “Xiao Yin is quite good at taking care of people now.”

Shen Yin paused when he heard this.

“Is it because of taking care of the future Sao Sao2 that you have become so attentive and considerate?”

Huo Zhaoran loved to tease, and his teasing caused other Huo family juniors to laugh.

Their laughter immediately lightened the mood.

Old Master Huo was old now, and he most enjoyed seeing everyone getting along happily.

Seeing several grandchildren gathered around him, chatting and laughing, the old man felt the joy of family warmth.

“Xiao Yin is going to marry Song Tan in a couple of days. As his cousins, you all should help him more,” the old master said, and everyone except for Huo Yanlin responded quickly, showing their willingness to help.

“Huo Yanlin, do you have any thoughts?” The old man’s tone was clearly getting angry.

Huo Yanlin’s expression changed, and he shook his head, “I have no thoughts. My Biao Ge is going to marry, of course, I will help him.”

Huo Yanlin’s face showed a hint of a smile, and his eyes met Shen Yin’s.

The two had some unpleasant fight at school earlier, but now, Huo Yanlin’s eyes were full of hidden emotions, while Shen Yin smiled back at him behind his glasses.

“Thank you, Yanlin, and thank you to all my cousins,” Shen Yin said with his usual good temper and attitude, and everyone looked at him and then at Huo Yanlin.

Hmm… compared to Huo Yanlin, they still prefer Shen Yin more.

Everyone started talking to Shen Yin about the wedding, and Huo Yanlin couldn’t get a word in.

At this time, he received a message from his subordinate on his phone.

Song Jiaojiao has a prescription in her hand.

Author’s note:

Song Tan : I didn’t say anything (innocent face)

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