Why does she want to give him a gift?

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Song Tan blinked her eyes and said, “Wedding gift?”

After Song Tan uttered these words, she saw that Shen Yin’s eyes trembled slightly, as if her words had left him speechless.

She smiled faintly.

“We’re about to get married, so I’m borrowing the power of the book to build a good relationship with you.”

It had been almost a month since she proposed to marry Shen Yin, and during this time, he hadn’t suggested her to replace him with someone else.

So, the marriage proposal seemed to be settled.

Now that it was settled…

Naturally, she wanted to build a good relationship with him.

Shen Yin heard her response and turned his head to ask again, “Build a good relationship with me?”

“Yes, my health is not very good, so after we get married, I may need to trouble you a lot.”

What Song Tan spoke was sincere.

Although their marriage was a business marriage, Song Tan believed that even in a business marriage, it was important to build a good relationship with the marriage partner.

She was afraid of death.

Especially considering her current poor health, if she didn’t establish good relationships with the people around her, she wouldn’t have anyone to turn to in case of unexpected situations.

So, for now, she wanted to cultivate a good relationship with Shen Yin.

Shen Yin understood her meaning upon hearing her words.

“You’re being too polite, it’s something I should do.”

“Sending good books to those who need them is also something I should do.”

With these words, Shen Yin also smiled.

Shen Yin’s smile was truly charming.

He looks good, not just in appearance, but also in his inner temperament.

A knowledgeable and refined scholar is much more attractive than a businessman.

She tilted her head slightly, with a smile on her lips, and asked, “Professor Shen, I have liked your school for a long time. Can you show me around?”

Shen Yin regained his senses and replied, “Of course.”

Shen Yin walked with Song Tan on the tree-lined path of the school, unaware that they had been photographed and the pictures were now on the headlines of the school’s forum.

“Mr. Huo, Song Tan went to A University today.”

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The secretary brought a tablet, and the interface of the tablet was on A University’s forum.

There were several popular posts on the homepage.

[Professor Shen Yin’s fiancée came to the school! They are currently taking a walk on the park!]

[Such a talented and beautiful couple, they are really eye-catching.]

Huo Yanlin frowned and casually clicked on the post.

There were several photos in the post, although they were a bit blurry, it could still be vaguely discerned that they were Shen Yin and Song Tan.

Are they having a romantic relationship?

Huo Yanlin couldn’t describe the feeling in his heart.

He wasn’t interested in Song Tan.

But when the decision was made for the Huo and Song families to form a marriage alliance, everyone assumed that Song Tan would marry to him.

Although he didn’t like it, he had already prepared to sacrifice for the prescription…

But unexpectedly, Song Tan chose Shen Yin?

Is she playing him?

Huo Yanlin always felt that things were not that simple.

He had someone monitor the movements of Song Tan and Shen Yin.

During the month of their engagement, Song Tan stayed home all the time and didn’t go out.

Shen Yin, on the other hand, continued with his teaching and research tasks at school.

Both of them were busy with their own things, and didn’t seem like a couple about to get married.

Huo Yanlin was waiting.

Waiting for Song Tan to be unable to bear it anymore and come to him.

But now, she was actually dating Shen Yin at school?

Did he miscalculate?

Song Tan, though physically weak, had ambitions that were definitely not small.

Would she really be willing to marry Shen Yin, who only knew how to teach?

Huo Yanlin tapped his fingers on the high-quality sandalwood table, then stood up.

Since Song Tan didn’t take the initiative to come to him, he decided to go and personally find out what tricks she was playing.

Song Tan hadn’t been strolling for long before she started feeling a bit exhausted.

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Her body was really weak, and even a little exertion would make her face turn pale. It was Shen Yin who noticed her discomfort and quickly found a place for her to sit.

“You sit here for a moment, I’ll go buy you a bottle of water.”

Song Tan nodded in response, “Okay, thank you.”

As Shen Yin went to buy water, Song Tan sat on a chair in the park to rest.

Even with such little physical activity, her forehead was already glistening with a thin layer of sweat, and her heart rate had increased.

As she covered her chest, she suddenly felt a shadow blocking her sunlight.

She looked up.

It was Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin was tall and well-groomed, with meticulously combed hair. He looked down at her with a serious expression, exuding a strong sense of intimidation.

“Song Tan.”

Song Tan looked at him and raised her eyebrows slightly, “You’re Huo, Huo what was it?”

Upon hearing her words, Huo Yanlin’s face darkened.

Did Song Tan not know his name?

She was definitely pretending.

“Miss Song’s methods are quite impressive.”

First, she used a prescription to force the Huo family to propose a marriage alliance, and then she used a selection process to choose a marriage partner. If she chose him directly, he would marry her but wouldn’t really care about her.

However, if she chose Shen Yin first… it caught him off guard, then his attention would definitely be focused on her.

“You have successfully caught my attention.”

Song Tan: “…” This line sounded oddly familiar.

Isn’t this the special line that the overbearing CEO male lead uses on the female lead? How did he use it on her?

This Huo Yanlin… seems to have some issues.

He clearly doesn’t like her and doesn’t want to marry her, but now he’s coming to her and saying these things, what does he want?

Could it be that he’s trying to poach her?

“What do you mean, Mr. Huo? I don’t understand.”

Song Tan’s face was pale, but her eyes were bright.

At a glance, it was obvious she was pretending to be ignorant.

“Miss Song is a smart person.” Huo Yanlin didn’t have time to play along with her charade, so he went straight to the point, “You should know what I want.”

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“What should I know?” Song Tan asked seriously, “Although you are Shen Yin’s Biao Di1 and should call me Biao Sao2 in the future, Shen Yin and I haven’t gotten married yet, and you’re already coming to me asking for things, isn’t that a bit…” shameless?

“Song Tan, you…”

Huo Yanlin was infuriated by Song Tan’s misinterpretation, and was about to sternly question her when Shen Yin returned from buying water.

“Why did you come to school, Yanlin?”

Huo Yanlin pursed his thin lips when he saw Shen Yin.

Although Shen Yin didn’t have much presence in the Huo family, Shen Yin was still his Biao Ge3 after all.

It seemed inappropriate for him to come to find his Biao Ge’s fiancée behind his Biao Ge’s back.

He was about to speak when Song Tan, who had been sitting in the chair, spoke up.

“It’s okay, he… he has nothing to do with me.”

Song Tan’s face turned even paler as she covered her chest, avoiding eye contact with Huo Yanlin.

At a glance, it seemed like Huo Yanlin was bullying her, and Song Tan didn’t want to offend him.

Huo Yanlin had never seen such a cunning woman like Song Tan!

His face immediately darkened, and his voice grew heavier. “Miss Song.”

The tone carried a threatening meaning.

Song Tan then looked at Shen Yin with a pitiful look in her eyes.

Upon hearing the tone with which Huo Yanlin called Song Tan, Shen Yin frowned.

Now that he saw Song Tan looking at him like this, he couldn’t just sit by and ignore it.

“Yanlin, Song Tan is my fiancée.”

His fiancée.

Regardless of how little presence he had in the Huo family, he was still Huo Yanlin’s Biao Ge.

Respect towards a Biao Ge’s fiancée was necessary.

Shen Yin didn’t say everything explicitly, but he had conveyed his message.

“Shen Yin, things are not as you think.”

Huo Yanlin didn’t want to explain, but he found Song Tan too cunning, pretending to be innocent, which was quite despicable.

He looked at Song Tan with a disdainful gaze, and said again, “This woman is not simple.”

Song Tan : Tsk… of course I’m not simple. But what are you trying to say, Huo Yanlin?

Song Tan looked down on Huo Yanlin in her heart, but she didn’t show it on her face.

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She wanted to see how Shen Yin would react.

This Shen Yin doesn’t have much presence in the Huo family, and Huo Yanlin is younger than him, but Huo Yanlin doesn’t even call him “Biao Ge”, just called his name directly.

And now, he even talked about Shen Yin’s fiancée in front of Shen Yin’s face…

What’s the difference between this and sh*tting on Shen Yin’s neck?

It seems that Shen Yin’s temper is very gentle, so will he not be able to protect her at all?

Song Tan was secretly planning something in her heart, but at this moment, Shen Yin raised his hand and gently blocked Song Tan, protecting her behind him. He then spoke to Huo Yanlin, “Yanlin, she is my fiancée, and your future Biao Sao. I hope you can show her some respect.”

Song Tan, who was being protected by Shen Yin, blinked her eyes slightly.

Although Shen Yin’s voice was not as imposing as Huo Yanlin’s, it was gentle and tender. But Song Tan felt that Shen Yin’s image in her heart had become much taller.

With Shen Yin’s attitude, at least she wouldn’t have to worry about him siding with the Huo family to bully her after they got married.

She had indeed chosen the right person to marry.

Song Tan felt secretly delighted in her heart, while Huo Yanlin was infuriated.

He didn’t expect Shen Yin to value a marriage alliance partner so much and protect her like this.

It must be that Song Tan’s methods were extraordinary, and she had blinded Shen Yin’s eyes.

Huo Yanlin also had his own dignity to consider. Since Shen Yin had spoken like this, if he continued to insist, he would appear petty.

“Fine.” Huo Yanlin clenched his teeth and said, then his gaze fell on Song Tan.

Song Tan exchanged a glance with him, then gave him a provocative smile.

Huo Yanlin : “…” Song Tan, just you wait.

Huo Yanlin left in anger, and Shen Yin turned around, asking with concern, “Did he trouble you?”

Song Tan looked at his caring gaze and felt a little embarrassed.

Shen Yin was really good to her.

“I’m fine,” Song Tan smiled and shook her head. “But, you protected me so much just now, won’t it make it difficult for you in the Huo family?”

Shen Yin listened to her words and smiled. “No.”

After all, he intended to make things difficult for the Huo family.

Author’s note:

Song Tan & Shen Yin : Although we both have our own little plans, we love each other deeply.

rokumi’s note : as far as I know, the Chinese pays a lot of attention to seniority, especially in a family relationships, where the younger respects the older and the older takes care of the younger (traditionally, even just one day older might make a difference). For the wives or husbands of one’s siblings or cousins, the seniority will follow the siblings or cousins. For example, in this case, Huo Yanlin is younger than Shen Yin and should be older than Song Tan, but when Song Tan marries Shen Yin, her seniority would follow Shen Yin and would be higher than Huo Yanlin.

There will be some conflicts in the future chapters revolving this seniority relationship, so I decided to retain the original way of calling.

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