Song Tan not only picked a husband, but she also has a lot of demands for this marriage, asking for this and that.

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If they are not satisfied, Song Tan would speak halfway and ‘threaten’ them.

So, Song Zhiwen and An Yue had to follow her wishes.

However, this also concerns the face of the Song family, so even if they didn’t want to give in to her, they had to save their face.

As for Song Tan, she wraps herself in a cashmere blanket and waves her hand whenever something comes up.

Her health is not good now, and she shouldn’t be bothered with these things.

“Do you feel like Song Tan… has changed a bit?”

Song Jiaojiao’s best friend, Lin Jiao, came to play with Song Jiaojiao. Lin Jiao passed by Song Tan’s yard and saw Song Tan basking in the sun wrapped in a cashmere blanket, looking content.

In the past, even when she was sick, Song Tan would never be idle. She would be diligently reading a book.

But now, Song Tan…

“Hmph, now that she has found a marriage partner, she doesn’t plan to pretend anymore.”

Song Jiaojiao scoffed.

These past few days, Song Jiaojiao’s parents were busy with Song Tan’s wedding. Song Tan was not their daughter, so why should her parents be busy preparing dowry and arranging the marriage for Song Tan?

That was one thing.

But what really bothered her was that even though it was Song Tan’s own wedding, Song Tan acted like an outsider, staying comfortably at home every day, treating her parents like servants.


Song Jiaojiao was very angry.

Seeing Song Jiaojiao getting angry, Lin Jiao wanted to say something, but considering that Song Jiaojiao never liked her cousin Song Tan, she would explode at the mention of her. So Lin Jiao decided not to say anything.

She changed the topic to Huo Yanlin.

“Jiaojiao, now that your cousin didn’t choose Huo Yanlin, does that mean you have a chance?”

When Song Tan had the chance to choose Huo Yanlin before, Song Jiaojiao scolded Song Tan fiercely.

Song Jiaojia’s claim was, “If it wasn’t for the fact that I had to consider Song Tan’s poor health and be lenient with her, Huo Yanlin would have married me.”

Now that Song Tan didn’t choose Huo Yanlin, does that mean Song Jiaojiao can marry him?

Upon hearing her best friend’s words, Song Jiaojiao immediately raised her chin proudly, “Of course.”

“Wow, I envy you so much.”

Song Tan happened to pass by the courtyard where Song Jiaojiao and Lin Jiao were talking, and overheard their conversation.

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She sighed in her heart.

She couldn’t tell if Song Jiaojiao was naive or simply ignorant of the world.

Did the Huo family propose a marriage alliance with their family because of the Song family’s lucrative business?


What they were after was the prescription in her hands.

The Huo family only pursued profit, and once they obtained the prescription from her, they wouldn’t bother with the Song family’s people anymore.

As for letting Song Jiaojiao marry Huo Yanlin…

That’s just wishful thinking.

Song Tan remembered the novel plot that the system told her about, where Huo Yanlin’s mother highly valued social status.

After marrying Huo Yanlin, she would be looked down upon by Huo Yanlin’s mother, who would want her to learn the rules like ancient times.

But screw learning the rules.

As for Song Tan, she would never lose to anyone in terms of etiquette.

In the original plot of the book, Huo Yanlin’s mother was just nauseating.

[*Ding Ding Ding*]

System 007 (retired version) : [Host, detected that your heart rate is too fast, please be mindful of controlling your emotions.]

007 finally fixed its data system and came online again.

As soon as it came online, it detected a surge of anger in Song Tan’s heart, and her heart rate started to rise.

The system quickly reminded her.

Now it’s not like in the apocalypse world, when her body was healthy. But now, her current body was like a thin piece of paper. If she gets too excited, the system is afraid she might pass out.

[Oh, you’re online, I thought you were dead.] Song Tan said.

After all, now it’s just a retired version of the system that immediately has data system errors after casually scanning others’ micro expressions. She felt that this system is better off being scrapped.

System 007 (retired version) : [This System doesn’t die as easily as you humans.]

After stating the objective fact, 007, out of concern for the host’s safety, couldn’t help but issue a reminder: [Are you sure you want to marry Shen Yin?]

[Is it not possible?]

System 007 (retired version) : [My database only contains plotlines related to you, and this Shen Yin… has no involvement in any plotline related to you.]

No involvement at all, which means that in the book, they are two individuals who have nothing to do with each other.

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System 007 (retired version) : [He doesn’t exist in my database, so I can’t do data analysis on him.]

Upon hearing this, Song Tan raised her eyebrows slightly : [I like him.]

This Shen Yin seems to fit her criteria for selection.

In the book, they have little interaction, which proves that he is not associated with the main leads. At least, in the original book, he didn’t bully her.

Although the events in the original plothaven’t happened yet, it doesn’t mean that Song Tan has forgotten past grievances.

As for him not being in the system’s database… Song Tan doesn’t really care.

This indicates that Shen Yin is just an ordinary passerby.

In 007’s data system, only key characters related to her are entered, and Shen Yin has no connection with her in the original plot, so it’s normal for him not to be in the system’s database.

It’s just… she may have dragged an innocent person into this mess.

So… she needs to find a way to make it up to him.

Getting married should be a troublesome affair, but because both the Huo family and the Song family are more concerned about the wedding than the couple themselves, they are taking care of all the expenses and arrangements, busy from start to finish.

On the contrary, the bride and groom are relaxed.

Shen Yin is still attending classes at the school according to his original work schedule.

Song Tan originally wanted to join the class to wait for him in the classroom, but Professor Shen’s class was extremely popular. The entire lecture hall was filled with people, even standing room at the back was full. She couldn’t squeeze in, so she had to wait outside the classroom.

“Look, look, there’s a fairy-like Sister.”

“Do we have such a beautiful person in our school?”

“Maybe she’s a senior?”

“Should we go up and ask for her WeChat?”

A few male college students were excited, not realizing that their voices were loud enough for Song Tan to hear what they were saying.

She smiled.

The real world is so nice, full of liveliness of people everywhere.

It’s not like in the apocalypse world.

The person you see who looks like a human may not be human anymore, but a zombie who could bite you at any moment.

So, the first rule of survival in the apocalypse is: do not get close to anyone.

Song Tan still enjoys this kind of liveliness around her now.

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“Miss, you’re so beautiful, can I get your WeChat?”

After struggling for a while, one bold college student finally approached Song Tan and asked for her WeChat.

Song Tan smiled at the male student.

“I’m waiting for my fiancé to finish work.”

The male classmate was mesmerized by Song Tan’s smile, looking at her in a daze : Huh?

Fiancé, finish work…

While the male classmate was still processing these two words, the bell for class dismissal rang.

Shen Yin walked out of the classroom through the front door, holding a book in his hand.

As soon as he came out, he saw Song Tan.

She wasn’t in her wheelchair today, and her complexion looked much better than before.

Shen Yin took a step forward, nodded at Song Tan, and then looked at the male classmate next to her.

“Wu Dian, you skipped class today.”

The male classmate called Wu Dian replied hesitantly, “Professor Shen.”

“If you skipped class, why are you outside the classroom?”

Wu Dian stuttered, “…”

He wanted to tell Shen Yin that he was just asking for the WeChat of Professor Shen’s future wife, would Professor Shen go easy on him in the final exams?

Song Tan saw that student Wu Dian was about to cry.

She smiled and said, “Class is already over now.”

Shen Yin nodded and said to Wu Dian, “This time skipping class will result in a deduction of corresponding participation points. Don’t skip class again next time.”

Wu Dian quickly promised.

Shen Yin was known as a smiling tiger in their school. He appeared gentle, but when it came to deducting participation points for skipping class, he would never show mercy.

Wu Dian didn’t dare to plead for leniency when his participation points were deducted. He fled like a rabbit and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Shen Yin frowned and shook his head when he saw this, then turned to look at Song Tan.

“You’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Song Tan shook her head and said, “No, your class is very popular.”

For such a big class, there would be many students who would skip classes, but Shen Yin’s class had many students who didn’t even take this course coming over.

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Now that class was over, some students who had left their seats were still standing nearby, secretly observing them.

Faintly, you could hear words like “Professor’s future wife”, “Professor Shen”, and “perfect match”.

“Maybe they are interested in the content of this course,” Shen Yin said.

Song Tan couldn’t help but feel skeptical.

After all, Shen Yin was a highly popular professor at A University, and these students were here for him.

Seeing how excellent he was, Song Tan felt even more guilty in her heart.

“Miss Song, why did you come to find me?” Shen Yin asked.

Today, Song Tan had sent Shen Yin a message on WeChat and took the initiative to come find him.

“Actually, I have something I want to give you,” Song Tan said.

Shen Yin was slightly surprised at her words.

“Something to give me?” he asked.

“Yes, a small gift as a token of appreciation,” Song Tan replied.

Song Tan handed the gift to Shen Yin.

Shen Yin glanced at Song Tan and opened the gift box.

Inside the box was an old book, and Shen Yin’s expression changed slightly as his gaze fell on the title.

“This is…” he said.

“I saw the article you shared on your Moments and knew that you’re studying paleontology recently. I remembered that my Grandpa left me a rare and out-of-print illustrated handbook of ancient creatures. I thought you might like it, so I dug it out and decided to give it to you,” Song Tan explained.

After hearing Song Tan’s words, Shen Yin’s eyes flickered, and he expressed his gratitude, “Thank you, I really like it. This gift is also very precious.”

Afterward, he looked at her hesitantly.

“What’s wrong?” Song Tan asked.

After a moment of hesitation, Shen Yin asked, “Why did you give me a gift?”

Could it be… that she really liked him?

Author’s Note:

Song Tan : I found a little sheep, of course, I have to feed it some grass.

Shen Yin : Hmm… Little sheep? (Puts on a sheepskin)

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