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6th day of the conference

8:00 AM


I was humming gleefully like a kid in the hallway. I just finished a warm bath and was on my way back to the quarters.

I woke up today in a good mood. After reviewing some stuff, I tucked myself early on bed last night because today was the final rounds of my competition.

Luckily, the beast and I hadn't cross path since yesterday morning, so my day had been peaceful all throughout. Weird things happen only when he was around.

I wondered where the beast had been sleeping all these nights. After our last encounter, I didn't think I can face him comfortably. Until this time, I haven't really figured out why he acted that way and why I responded the way I did. Whenever I thought about it, it was far too complicated for me to solve it than my calculus home works.

"No negative thoughts today Xhemin, alright? You need to focus!" I mused to myself as I crossed my fingers while walking.

I saw everyone absorbed with morning routines when I flew in the quarters. The San Sebastian students were in chaos, each was occupied with their own things. I saw someone putting her make up on, someone scanning documents and few students fixing their beds.

I saw the boys arrayed in formal suits in one corner. Huzey and Ziggy's performance ended yesterday, and today will be the evaluation of their scores. It was a formal gathering, no wonder why they were dressed up like that.

I realized that they were conferring seriously with each other like businessmen. Their expressions were stern as I approached.

"Something wrong?" I asked curiously as I halted before them.

"Xhem I'll assign you to a new coach." Coach welcomed me with some bad news. Going to the competition alone was a bad news for me.

"What?" A disappointed half smile hung on my lips as I put my two hands in my hips.

"I am not literally transferring you over to another coach if that's what you are thinking, Na-ah…" He shook his head and started explaining, "But it would be difficult for me to check on you today, so I asked another coach to go with you."

"Coach? What's wrong? Don't you like me already? Why are you giving me away?" I asked in rebellion. This was the first time that coach assigned me over to another coach in my entire competition years. Also, the last time I checked, there was only one coach for Rivendell Academy, so to whom could he possibly handed me over?

"Xhem, the venue of your competition was changed. All the computer-related contests were transferred to a nearby university. Since it is Ziggy and Huzey's evaluation today, I need to be there. So, I ask another to watch over you while you are at the competition. Anyways you won't really be needing my presence there." He explained further.

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From the looks of it, it was just practical for him to choose the evaluation of the boys than my contest. For the evaluation, coaches were required to attend. On my competition on the other hand, his presence was merely as a companion. He didn't really need to be there.

"In short, coach chooses to stay here with us and you need to go on your own" Ziggy said in his attempt to plant a distraught feeling on me.

"Meaning, we are already abandoning you" Huzey added to make me feel worst.

Well, I really was feeling bad. Even if I didn't need a coach there, this was the first time I was going to the competition alone and I was feeling dispirited.

"…....." I lowered my head in silence. I was almost teary-eyed.

"Boys! can the both of you stop that nonsense? "Coach reached out for my hair and gently tapped my head " Dear…. You know how important it is for a coach to be on the evaluation right? "


"Oh my! this child! Xhem, you must understand that there are three of you and there's only one me. So, I have to choose the best spot where I am much needed," He tried to convince me further.


"Huzey and Ziggy will each buy you a box of strawberry later, how about that?"

"For real?" I confirmed with shining eyes.

"How about if we don't?" The boys answered in accord. These two! They really wanted me to feel bad. They were teaming up against me again.

"If the both of you are not going to buy her strawberry, then I'll just go with her and leave you both. How about that?" Coach spoke with a hint of menace.

"One box of strawberry then! I'll buy you a box of strawberry later Xhem so don't be sad now okay?" Ziggy volunteered in an instant, afraid that coach will changed his mind.

" Yohoooo!" As long as there will be strawberry later, I don't mind being alone!

"Okay, it is settled then" Coach picked up his handbag and reminded me " Xhem you promise to behave right?

"Yes, coach" I nodded without any hesitation. Strawberries here I come!

"Or else there will be no strawberries"

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"I promise to behave coach!" I raised my right hand to swear on to it. "By the way who's going to be my temporary coach?"

"Me….." A familiar voice answered from my behind.


My heart started beating rapidly when I heard him. I slowly turned my head and saw the beast leaning on a wall beside the door. How long had he been there? He was wearing a coach uniform. Wasn't this one just a student? Why the heck would he turned out to be a coach?

"You are kidding right?" I frowned and tightened my lips at the sight of him.

"Nope" He answered unfeelingly and called out to the four students from San Sebastian team, each picked up their bags and hung it on their shoulders. "You ready team?"

"Yes Darryl" They answered together. From what I knew, those four were the contestants of San Sebastian for the computer-related contest. They were looking at him with respect and approval, so he really was a coach?

I turned to face my coach demanding an explanation. Today was the final round of my competition and they ruthlessly set me up!

I pressed my lips together and give them a glare seethed with a pool of anger! There's no way I was going with that beast!

"Ehh…Ready boys?" Coach managed to call the boys attention under my glaring eyes.

"Yes coach!" The boys looked at each other in fear.

"One two three… RUN! "


I was stupefied for a moment by their immediate upshot!

I didn't see that coming! I instinctively chased them as soon as I regained my senses. But as I reached the door, the beast blocked it with one of his arms.

"Coach wait—" I helplessly called, not daring to cross the door. I saw the three gorillas running away fast without sparing me a glance. Those three, they lured me with strawberries and sold me off!

How dare them!

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"Pick up your bag, we're leaving" My heart skipped a beat when I heard him said those words with a pack of authority. I trembled a bit of his equanimity. It felt like he was so calm and compose, unlike our first meeting. This sudden change brought me some sense of fear.

He turned into someone different today. His hair was neatly brushed, and he wore some aura as that of a veteran kingpin. He was not the ordinary beast I met six days ago, he was far more beastly.

I gathered all my strength to put up a straight face. How dare this man stopped me! My previous good mood turned into a tarn of disappointment and annoyance.

No matter what show he put up in front of me, I wouldn't recognize him as a coach. I can go alone myself, I don't need a beast babysitting me! So, he thought he could manage me? Not a chance!

I turned to face him, eye to eye with my dagger-like glare ready to pierce into his soul and cut him pieces to pieces. It landed into his well-shaped hazel eyes that were already looking at me.

We stared at each other.


"Okay. First, you will know you are in love with the person when you cannot stand his gaze"

"For how long?"

"Ten seconds is the minimum. So, if you are in front of that person, look at him in the eye and try counting from one to ten. If you can't stand his gaze before the count of ten, then it means you are possibly in love with him!"


Looking into the beast eyes, the boy's conversation yesterday suddenly flashed in my head. My resolve shook a bit, but I managed not to blink while my eyes were still fixated into his.

How much was the minimum time again? 10 seconds; coach said yesterday. I maintained my composure and continued to glare at him.

1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 4 sec, 5 sec,

His hazel eyes were weary as if it didn't sleep long enough last night, but such state didn't abase its exquisite quality. It was still gorgeous that complimented very well to his well sculpted virile face.

6 sec, 7 sec,

I noticed that he swallowed a bit making his Adam's apple visible, followed by a twitched in his kissable lips. Damn! Suddenly he looked sexy. I bit my lower lip unconsciously in front of him.

8 sec, 9 sec,

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He noticed my indifference and he frowned. A minute after, he directed a complicated look intruding every corner of my soul. I felt so transparent and defenseless to his aggressive search.

'Xhem you are almost there! Just stand it! a second and you are good to go!'

"I'm about to melt with your stares. Seems like you want to plant love bites on me again." He spoke breaking the silence between us.

I blinked as soon as I heard his gentle complaint. I withdrew my gaze in an instant and blushed.

What the heck was happening with me?

Did I look at him in a way that I was about to stripped him naked? Heck! Why did I even try those silly test coach and the boys made up? Those boys were just tricking me!

I bowed my head out of embarrassment and regretted what I just did.

"Alright team, follow me." He said a minute after and went out the door.

The San Sebastian students obeyed him right away. I heaved a sigh and reached for my sling bag that was lying on my bed. I followed them silently.

My embarrassment turned into bitterness while we were walking in the hallway. It felt so lonely and alone being left behind by those three gorillas. They were aware that I was going to suffer a great deal in the hands of the beast, yet they sold me off.

'Focus Xhem, just let it pass. Remember you will have strawberry later. Just think about happy thoughts. As for the beast, all you need to do is avoid him. Even if he is your coach today, he cannot accompany you inside the competition area where you are going to compete,' I tried to cheer myself up.

The new venue for the competition was few kilometers from the university circle. From here, the organizers prepared the university bus as our transportation.

I hopped in the bus and realized there was no one else inside apart from my current company. We were too early, I guess. I looked at my wristwatch - it was 8:45 am.

The four San Sebastian students seated themselves by pair. I had a feeling that they didn't want to mingle with me. They were acting as if I didn't exist and that I was not part of their company.

These students were mean. The three gorillas who left me earlier were meaner. The beast was no different, he was the meanest of them all!

I looked for an empty seat beside a window. I sat all alone in one corner feeling sorry for myself. I hugged my sling bag and pouted in dismay.

Coach was so unfair, he left me all alone and chose those two gorillas.

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