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I looked for an empty seat beside a window. I sat all alone in one corner feeling sorry for myself. I hugged my sling bag and pouted in dismay.

Coach was so unfair. He left me all alone by myself. He chose those two gorillas over me.

"What's with that face?"

"Holy cow!" A familiar voice startled me. The tears that were about to fall from my eyes find their trail back in, out of nervousness. Or should I say the tears dried up pretty quick after I realized he was beside me again.

He stood there and frowned over my uncongenial and frigid response. It appeared that he wanted to talk more but decided not to because of my obstinate hostility.

Well, it was his fault anyway. Why does he always appear so sudden most of the times? His unannounced presence frightened me. It was not that I was not aware that he was here— but I did think he would just ignore me all throughout, yet here he was trying to pry on me again!

I realized that I hadn't seen him when I hopped in the bus earlier, perhaps he dropped by somewhere. Obviously, he just came back, and his mood right now was not that pleasant— to say the least.

He decided to sit beside me a minute after.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Sitting beside you," He responded in a nonchalant way.

"I don't want you to sit beside me"

"Then find another seat"

"But I sat here first!"

"Then shut up 'kay? Have you forgotten something?"

"What? "

"I'm your coach…" That statement sounded a threat under his flaring beastly eyes. I swallowed in fright.

I turned my head to the window to elude from the beast eyes. I was cautious not to make any sound afraid that I might distempered the beast.

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"Good girl" That was the last word he said.

There was a vast ocean of silence between us after that. I sat there impatiently, looking at my watch almost every minute, waiting for the bus to start. Other participants started hoping in the bus one by one, but the bus was still half full fifteen minutes after.

The beast beside me had been quiet for a moment now and suddenly I heard his small breathing. Wait, was he snoring? I sluggishly turned my head and saw the beast sleeping.

His face was so calm and peaceful. He was snoring lightly, and it wasn't bothersome. It was kinda luscious and manly actually. He didn't sleep well last night, did he?

I didn't know that a beast sleeps, aren't they supposed to be awake all the time?


"Second. You will feel an electrifying feeling whenever you touch that person!"

"You mean you will be electrified?I didn't know love can kill!" Ziggy thought for a moment.

"Silly child. I'm talking about a different electricity. It's something that you feel running through your veins"


Again, I was reminded by the boy's colloquy yesterday. I thought about it for a second and hesitated.

It's only a touch, a touch doesn't kill, right? Besides, the beast was sleeping so he would not know that I took advantage of him. This also might be my only chance of trying, so better execute it now than regret it later, right?

I raised my pointer finger in the air and cautiously reached out for the beast face.


My finger landed and sank on his soft cheeks. Well, I didn't feel anything. See Xhem? You were not feeling anything! So, stopped worrying about it, you can't possibly be in love with a beast! I smiled confidently when I figured out that the second test failed.

Boink. Boink.

I tried it again twice to satisfy my curiosity. However, before I was able to withdraw my finger away from his face, the beast suddenly opened his eyes! He gave me a complicated look!

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I was stunned when an electrifying feeling ran from his cheeks to my finger and traveled to the different parts of my body. My eyes grew big out of shock!

I pulled out my pointer finger in an instant. It was trembling in panicky now!

I felt it! Indeed, there was electricity!

"WAAAAH" I shouted while looking at my finger in front of me— like a kid whose fingers was cut open because of her own silliness.

The bus was full of my screams; all the passengers came rushing to my seat when they heard me.

"Are you hurt Miss?"

"What happened?"

The beast was stunned, and he instinctively pulled my finger in front of him as soon as he recovered his senses. He scrutinized every inch of it to see if I had any open wounds.

"Don't touch me! Stay away!" I shouted in terror, afraid that his touch will bring more of those electrifying energy. I pulled my finger right away and hid it behind my back.

His face grimaced at my recent reaction. His eyes flashed so many expressions; but the only expression I caught was his confusion.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asked looking distinctly disappointed.

"Just stay away from me!" I shouted back at him.

He hesitated, looking shamefaced. After a minute, he rose and transferred to a different seat behind me.

The other passengers saw how I calmed down when the beast left; they withdrew from instigating me and looked at the beast with suspicion.

They must have thought that the beast did something bad to me that made me screamed. In their eyes, the beast was guilty without doubt.

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I closed my eyes helplessly feeling ashamed of the little commotion I did. I successfully shooed away the beast this time, yet I felt bad for making him the culprit. The other students mistakenly accused him of something he didn't do. But what can I do? I'll just let it be.

I leaned on the bus window and slept.

Thirty minutes after, one of the San Sebastian students tapped my shoulder to wake me up. I realized we were at the venue now.

I blended with the crowd of students and followed them inside the building. The organizers welcomed us and gave us a brief orientation.

I was silent the whole time and intentionally separated myself from the San Sebastian flock. Not because I dislike them, I just didn't know how to act in front of the beast after what happened.

I tried to avoid every possible interaction with the beast. At the corner of my eye, I could see that his eyes were fixated on me—always. His stares followed my every move the whole time and that made me feel conscious.

When competition was about to start, the contestants for the desktop publishing was instructed to enter the computer room.

I saw the beast talking to the contestant of San Sebastian High. A moue of dismay flashed across my pretty face knowing that I didn't have coach with me. Now I missed coach Gem and his nagging.

I headed out to computer lab's door, but then I heard his call.

" Xhemin"

'Oh please! What is it this time around?' I made that a sarcastic remark in my head.


" Third. If that person calls your name, your heart will jump!"

" Is it possible for a heart to jump?"

" Yeah I think! Okay coach this is noted"


The boy's conversation echoed in my ears the moment he called my name. Heck!

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Is this how a heart jump?

I put my hand in my chest and cursed my beating heart. Stop beating, I'm losing my breath!

"Xhemin" He called again.

"....." I didn't respond, nor did I turn to face him. How was I supposed to answer when my heart was beating wildly?

'Stop calling name! Stop calling my name, will you?' I begged him to just leave me alone in my mind.

"Huh" I heard him sighed." Good luck"

I nodded and entered the door immediately. I closed the door and walk empty-headed inside. I walked like a zombie and seated myself in an empty computer table.

I intentionally banged my head in the table a couple of times in an attempt to wake myself up from my own daze.

Thud. Thud. THUD!

However, I think I overdo the last bang.

"Ouch!" I complained to myself while caressing my aching head.

Now, my heart's beating started to slow down. I guess I need to bang my head more often to stop feeling those weird things.

"Are you okay Miss?" I turned around to head the call.

Heck! Everybody was looking at me. I think I caught their attention when I banged my head a moment ago. They were anticipating my response.

Another awkward moment for me! Bravo! Looks like I'll go home with an Oscar for the most stupid act of the year!

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