In a full-length mirror located in the corner of the room where Xhemin was, she stood, gazing at the beauty of her own reflection. She had stood before such moments earlier in wonder, reaching out to touch the image of the woman there, tracing the carved frame as if daring anyone to deny the vision. It was her own, of course, but an image of her own self that she had never imagined.

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"Perfect" Dian giggled excitedly at her back, placing her own two hands on Xhemin's exposed shoulders. The one she let Xhemin wore was a sexy cut, off shoulders and it hugged every curved of her friend's body with wanton perfection.

Xhemin smoothed her hand over the gown, feeling the incomparable texture of rich, slightly irregular velvet. The very fabric of blue gown possessed a special quality, an indefinable element missing from anything that had been mass-produced or synthetic. This type of clothing was specifically made, exclusive for the socialites perhaps or probably exclusive for the Lagdameos.

She closed her eyes with pure pleasure, inhaling the scent that were strange and new that surrounded her, it wasn't the first time she wore a gown, but it was her first time wearing such a type of clothing.

"Dian I don't think I can rock this off" She admitted, feeling a little bit conscious of showing off some of her bare skin.

"Xhem, it's a masquerade ball. No one will see your face, so why care?" Dian convinced her. She had sensed Xhemin's uneasiness with the dress she let her wear, but she was determined to go partying with her wildly tonight. This will be the first time they will hang out together and so why hold off anything? It's just a dress anyway, just a little bit sexy, but who the hell cares?

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"Put these on" Dian gave Xhemin a mask that complimented her dress and ravage the room again to find a mask for her own. She had lost the previous mask she was wearing earlier so she looked for another one.

Half a minute later, Dian already slid off the mask into her face. Satisfied with how she looked, she turned to Xhemin who was awkwardly tying off her own mask at the back of her hair.

"Shall we?" She asked, reaching for her hand.

"Are you sure about this?" Xhemin inquired, still not sure where this idea would lead to.

"Well let's paint the whole party red!" She exclaimed and grabbed the Xhemin's hand before pushing the door open.

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Huzey had searched for Xhemin almost everywhere but end up with no success. The prince wondered where his best friend went to and what could had possibly happened to her. Not able to find her outside the garden, Huzey went back to the party hoping he can find her amidst the crowd.

As he entered back the room, sparkling expectant eyes from the guests welcome him back as if they were missing him out and had been wondering where he went to. Although the guests were subdivided into flocking small groups, one can easily noticed that almost all heads followed Huzey adoringly. Girls giggled and was hoping he could spare them some glances yet Huzey remain unflustered. He was used to this and he hated the fact, and although almost every girl in the room wanted to catch his attention, his blank face made everyone stay out of his way.

From one corner he saw Ziggy reached for a glass and took a sip whilst conversing with his brother. And as if his friend noticed his presence, Ziggy's eyes found him immediately amidst their distance and the latter's face drew a questioning look toward the prince. Probably because Ziggy was already expecting him to be with Xhemin, but unfortunately the girl had been missing.

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Ziggy excused himself from his brother and started his way toward Huzey. He knew then something was wrong, because aside from he couldn't see Xhemin beside the prince, the former's gesture was off, giving him a fair warning that something was troubling him.

He was already few meters from Huzey when suddenly, he heard the concerted gasped of the crowd and noticed everyone's attention was drawn to the center aisle, so was Huzey's.

Curious, he looked toward the source of the commotion and saw someone stepping down the fabricated stairs. It was a lady, in deep green gown, and judging from the way she acted, it is no doubt she was a Lagdameo, even from the distance he could see her hazel eyes sparkling behind her mask.

'The second young Miss,' Ziggy guessed. However, a little later, he realized the second young miss was not alone. Behind her back, another girl was following, and her presence was the one that caught everyone's interest.

The girl was shining in blue and she was like an art piece of a high quality whose artist had soo much love and inspiration— she was nothing short of colors and radiance.

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Ziggy like the crowd of socialites beside him couldn't help but adore the woman. There was something in her, like a mystery that cannot be phantom that left one gasping for her identity. The boy didn't blink, not move either. He just stood there as if mesmerize by the view of the mysterious woman, whose beauty seemed to have left everyone speechless.

Xhemin who just descended from the stairs noticed that she attracted everyone's eyes, but unlike earlier where their faces mocked her with disgust for wearing the same clothes with the Lagdameo heir, this time around, their faces were full of admiration and intrigued.

Their expression had Xhemin's nerves quaking, but then the knowing that her face was hidden behind her mask, she confidently glided in, following Dian's every footstep.

"They're looking at us" She whispered to her friend who was waiting for her at the head step of the stairs.

"They're looking at you" Dian corrected her words as she gave her a naughty wink.

Then to finish off the show, Dian snapped out her fingers in the air as if giving a cue and a sweet melancholic music started playing just as the place dimmed, leaving only some sparkling spotlight's in the center aisle.

"Now, it's time for a dance" Dian smiled wildly, and her face glowed with so much adoration "I have the perfect partner for you"

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