Dian had turned the once diverse chattering crowd into a flock of sophisticate intriguing one. As the music played, it gave everyone the indication that it was time for the dance. Of course, a masquerade cannot end without such.

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However, it was customary for the elite to have a power couple glide off the dance floor first before the rest can join, the question for tonight was—whose gonna be the power couple for tonight?

Of course, Dian had someone in mind, that's why she had dressed up Xhemin gorgeously, so she can throw her out to her favorite bet.

Every single female socialite stood there wishing they could be picked up by a partner of great caliber especially the high-class socialites who refused to go to the dance floor knowing that the host—the Lagdameo heir to be exact, hadn't picked up someone yet.

It was the L Empire's ball, thus it was rather reasonable to assume that Darryl, as host should lead the dance.

But where was the Lagdameo heir?

Everyone turned around and saw no signs of him.

He vanished all of the sudden.

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Even Dian who stood there with Xhemin became a little impatient when she couldn't find Darryl around. She and Xhemin stood in the center aisle for few seconds while the expectant crowd waited for him.

"Who is that girl beside the second young miss?" Someone asked "How unlucky of her to have been treated like that"

Since it was Dian who brought Xhemin to the dance floor, and probably because of that grand entrance they had earlier, the crowd were kind of expecting that Xhemin was the lucky bet for tonight—that she will have the first dance with the L Empire's future emperor.

But now that Darryl couldn't be found, the crowd started mocking her out again.

"I think the girl on blue is Miss Collet, of course the CGC's heir should have the first dance" Someone gasped.

"Foolish! The girl in blue has ebony hair, Young Miss Collet has golden curls!" Another one whispered. "Also, Darryl Lagdameo will not humiliate her like that"

"True, the Young Miss Collet had golden curls" Someone agreed.

"Then who could that be?" Everyone wondered.

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"Is she the rumored woman of the Lagdameo heir?"

The crowd that had been gossiping before them made Xhemin feel anxious. She made a tight grip in her long gown to suppress the embarrassment that she felt. The crowd's judgement made her feel little about herself, but who were they to condemn her right away?

Dian felt Xhemin's reluctance beside her and as hopeless as she was, she took Xhemin's hand, pressed it and smiled before her. "How about we have a drink first?"

"Sure," Xhemin agreed, faking a smile under her mask.

Dian was about to give a cue to halt the music, but even before she could, someone went to the center aisle to join them.

"Seniorita" The familiar voice was low and just before Xhemin could compose herself fully, the diamond prince took her hand and kissed it.

Xhemin was caught off guard by Huzey's sudden entrance, even the crowd that mocked the girl earlier was stunned. Is the Diamond Prince going to lead off the dance?

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Everyone knew the Diamond Prince didn't like much off socializing, so every time he made attendance to parties he was invited to, he surely vanishes without a trace even before it ends. Sometimes, the guests don't even notice the Diamond Prince's attendance. Yet for tonight, out of the blue, the diamond prince wanted to dance in front of the public. How rare was that?

Everyone exchanged glances and shock toward each other. How lucky was that girl!

Even Dian was caught off guard, but she already knew that the two were friends, so the shock didn't dwell long in her face.

"I told you she is the Lagdamoe heir's woman," Someone concluded from the crowd "The news says she also captured the Diamond Prince's attention!"

"O my God I want to see her face!"

Xhemin blushed at Huzey's gentle demeanor. They had been together ever since she could remember, but this was the first time he had kissed her hand like a lady. It made her feel like one—a proper lady.

"Seniorita" He repeated. The tone of his voice sent a shudder up her spine, a thrill. "You are…" He began "…very beautiful tonight"

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Huzey's strange and a gentleman behavior made Xhemin confused. Did Huzey fail to recognize her that he was treating her with so much formality now?

"Huzey, it's me..." She whispered to him. "Your best friend Xhemin…"

Much to Xhemin's surprise, the diamond prince only smiled at her. A different smile that she had never seen before, a smile that can cause a thousand flowers to bloom in just one single blow, a smile that can melt on all the snowy feelings amidst the winter.

"May I have this dance? "He asked, extending a hand to her and his question drove everyone crazy.

The expression on Huzey's clean features reflected the same feeling Xhemin herself had experience when she gazed earlier in the mirror. Huzey too was, like her, awed by her feminine transformation.

"Okay" the girl shrugged and accepted his hand.

The confusion that drew her brow up still lingered in her face. "Strange," She whispered under her breath as Huzey gently guided her to the dance floor.

Huzey's ocean princely eyes shone behind the mask as he took the girl and placed his hands on her waist and whisked her into the dance floor and Xhemin flowed with dazzling grace that took away the breath of every person in her audience. She was used to dancing with Huzey, so the task was not as hard as anyone thought it could be.

And so, as the power couple glided in and grew absorb in their dance, other couples joined in, forming a crowd of dancers below the fabricated stairs. The music was appealing, and the crowd of dancers that gracefully followed it was beaming with enthusiasm and joy.

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