The Genius' First Love

Chapter 120: 120

The melody echoed through the room and it was the kind of music that transported one to another haven. Long moments have passed before Xhemin realized that she had gotten so caught with the music and under Huzey's arms, and that she was barely breathing.

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She looked at the boy whose blue eyes flickered with so much emotions as he hold her in his arms guiding her every move as they blended with the dance. His eyes were different tonight, too different that for the first time in her life, she thought he was a stranger she had never met before, and the thought of that fact fascinated her.

Perhaps the rumours about her best friend were all true, he was kind of mysterious, and she just noticed that mystery now.

"You're frightening me" She break off as they were dancing, trying to swallow back the intensity of emotions thundering through her insides because of Huzey's strange demeanour.

"And you are amusing me" He said. His words were very gentle, but loud enough so she could hear him over the music that was playing "I think the second young miss did a very good job with you tonight"

"I couldn't just refuse her" She said trying to explain how she ended up changing clothes.

"I'm glad you did not" He smiled and made a whisper " You are very beautiful tonight, Little Miss"

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Huzey said those words in a way that could make one woman bloom, from a rosebud into a flower, and like the way a young cocoon will soon turn into a butterfly. Xhemin could not help but blush over it, good thing her face was hiding behind her mask, if not, Huzey might see the redness that covered her face.

"I thought you did not recognize me" She slid out the topic for once because it made her a little conscious and her face was getting hotter, an indication that the blush in her face might me staying for a while.

"How in the world will I not recognize you?" He answered in a voice deep and resonant "I memorized every part of you already"

His words left Xhemin speechless this time. She just answered him with a painted smile, hiding of every strange feelings that were waging inside her.

What's with Huzey tonight?

And what's with her that all of a sudden, she was feeling a bit weird, anxious and different toward her own best friend?

The music continued to play, so were the dancers that were enjoying themselves as much as they pleased although unknown to them, they only looked as a background to the power couple that were swirling around the aisle. The view of Huzey dancing with the mystery woman did not only surge so much interest and admiration, it also brought with it few insecurities from among the high class socialites who missed their chance of getting a dance with the Diamond Prince.

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What's so special about that girl in blue by the way?

Few of the offspring of the wealthy socialites gathered off in one corner, rolling their eyes upon the power couple.

Collet, the CGC's heir was even there who couldn't help but grimaced upon such sight. Tonight, she was earnestly expecting that she can have the first dance—not only because she had every right because she was the most suited heiress, but for the simple reason that to everyone's knowledge she was Darryl's childhood best friend—so she kind of earned the reputation of being close to all Manuel Lagdameo's children.

However, much to her dismay, she saw Dian cheerfully sponsored a grand entrance for a certain stranger and that stranger kind of took it all in—even the power couple dance.

And to abase her glory further, the aloof Diamond Prince himself offered the invitation for a dance with that girl? Who the hell she thinks she is?

Although Collet was determined to dance with Darryl, the Diamond Prince was not a bad alternative. But like Darryl, his interest for girls seemed to have been misplaced somewhere. What a pity.

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"Was she really the rumoured Lagdameo woman?" A voice spoke beside Collet. It was Miguel, Palazzo Alcantar's heir whose family owned series of hotels around the country. He was one of Collet and Darryl's circle of friends.

Collet ignored the boy and just stood there with her feathery red dress that revealed every speck of her back down to her tailbone.

"The girl in the canteen" he spoke again and with a gracious gesture, offered a glass of wine to the CGC's heir.

"Or should we say, the girl with a strange uniform" for the third time he said as he took a sip of his own champagne glass.

"Oh please…" Collet mocked, "Whatever gold you let her wear, I can still smell the stinky perfume of her class"

"From which family do you think the girl belongs to?"

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"From nobody of course" Collet hissed, annoyed over the fact.

From the other side of the hall, Dian moved with hesitation and anxiousness.

Somehow the Diamond Prince's entrance gave her a relief but a little later, she kind of regretted allowing him to take Xhemin. She was there watching the power couple shone with so much splendour as they dance and no matter how beautiful it looked, the sight gave her nothing but negative chills and guilt.

Even when the masquerade dance just started, she wanted to end it right away. How did everything went this far?

"Oh no!" She tore her eyes from the couple to one of the glass doors.

There she saw Darryl entered the party and the sight of him filled her chest with so much apprehension. Dian's once bright face turned ghastly pale as she saw her brother's eyes looking straight at the centre aisle, and no matter how many couple danced in the crowd, she could tell right away he was digging intensely at the power couple moving by the rhythm.

His expression was dim and his hazel eyes turned deadly.

Hell, the beast has awakened.

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