Still in the dance, Xhemin gazed before the boy who was holding her and Huzey's eyes were the most vibrant picture of a beautiful soul. It brought something to the surface, an emotion, a spark of something that Xhemin knew pretty well—but she was just denying it.

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Huzey's eyes was like an eye of someone who was in love, but Huzey couldn't possibly be in love with her, right?

No that was the most absurd idea she had thought of tonight.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Xhemin asked, curious of the different glow in his eyes.

"Something like what?" Huzey replied as they moved gracefully in the center aisle.

"Something I don't know" Frustratedly she replied but got caught off in her own words, "It's just like you are looking at me as if I am someone you are…"

"Someone I am what?" he raised a brow at the girl's question, but he spoke too gently and with so much affection that left Xhemin more anxious. She shivered a little more.

"never mind…" She cut off, not wanting to cause any ruffle between them.

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"Someone I am in love with?" Huzey continued Xhemin's words and it rang to her ears with a mixed combination of weird feelings.

She gazed at Huzey in shock and the boy did not depart nor tried to escape her questioning eyes. Instead, his eyes were hopeful and clear, clear of any doubts and it glinted a light of pure honesty.

Now, everything was more confusing. What does Huzey meant with his words?

Was her best friend in love?

With whom?

Xhemin opened her mouth to ask, but for the first time in years, she felt like if she would open her mouth, a fire will consume her entire being, and she was not willing to risk anything just to end up getting burned.

But she was conflicted inside and at the same time curious, however, the feelings that were disconcerting inside her didn't lasted long because the music stopped, and it left Xhemin nothing but shaking knees.

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The dance had ended even before Xhemin could must all the strength she needed to brazen out her own feelings and Huzey's words. The crowd that once dance with them, halted and gave the power couple a hand, their eyes were gleaming with appreciation and respect.

"Bravo! Bravo!" The blissful crowd cheered, but in a sophisticated way only elites can do.

Huzey turned to face the crowd and gave them a bow, of course Xhemin followed the prince gestures to show her courtesy to everyone.

Soon, the crowd started dispersing from the center aisle and went back to their previous conversations and coterie. However, most of them kept an eye to the power couple wondering who the girl was.

"I'll get us something to drink" Huzey told Xhem as he guided her to sit in one of the empty tables.

"Okay," Xhemin answered as she glided herself unto one of the chairs and sat with grace.

Even for the fact that she was raised in a farm, Xhemin knew how to act herself properly in parties, thanks for Rivendell's social classes and to her best friends, she kind of learned the thing—although sometimes, she forgets them specially when her impulsive behavior strikes.

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"Opps, sorry!" Someone exclaimed just beside Xhemin and much to her surprise, a thorough amount of liquid came spilling into her gown.

Xhemin instinctively avoided it, so liquid only spoiled a little part of her gown, but it wet down the heels she was wearing so was her feet.

"It's okay" She replied politely and went to check her heels as an ice-cold wintry liquid chilled her toes. She pulled her gown up a little and the act revealed her toes so was the heels she was wearing. She doesn't have much concern about having a spoiled outfit, but since they all belong to Dian, she worried a little.

"O my God! Look at her heels!" Someone gasped from the crowd frustratedly.

"What a shame…"

"Is that a low-heeled shoe I'm seeing?"

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When it comes to heels, the socialites were bound to the saying that only a true heir can walk off with high heels. So, the popular trend these days was to wear as high heeled shoe as one can in social gatherings, because the higher your heel will be, the purest your socialite legitimacy will be.

Also, low high heeled shoes were hugely expensive that low heeled shoes.

Xhemin knew how to walk with high heels, as it is part of their social class curriculum. However, for tonight, Xhemin chose to wear a low-heeled shoe although Dian earlier asked her to choose another one. Not only because the shoes she was wearing matched her gown, it was the only shoe she got comfortable of wearing apart from all the shoes that Dian suggested. Since her gown was long enough to cover her heels, Dian didn't really mind much about it, so she just let her be.

However, as everyone was curious with Xhemin, they kind of observed all her demeanor, and when she pulled her gown up, everyone took notice. Although her shoe looked brilliant in her feet, the fact that it was low heeled made everyone mocked her again. From afar Xhemin could tell, everyone had made an opinion of her.

"What a pity!" The girl who stood beside her grinned. It was the person who accidentally spilled of a glass of wine at Xhemin. As Xhemin pulled her eyes to look at her, she realized who she was in an instant.

And judging from the way the girl acted, it seemed that the spilling was not an accident.

It was intentional.

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