The Genius' First Love

Chapter 122: 122

Collet was thrilled. She had never been wrong about anything, and now, her socialite radar didn't fail her. She knew the girl was wearing a low-heeled shoe. There's no way a girl of that breeding can pull of a dance confidently with high heels. Was this girl the one everybody was calling as the Lagdameo woman? What a cheap ambitious bitch!

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"I was really kind of excited to get to know you earlier after you dance with the Diamond Prince" Collet said with disgust "But seeing your shoes now, I've kind of lost of interest"

Collet's words drew a half-suppressed laugh from the crowd. Everyone was once curious who the girl was, but now that they have seen her shoes, all the envy they felt for the girl was overshadowed by the fact that she was from low class.

Was the Diamond Prince aware of this?

Was she really the Lagdameo woman?

The fact that she came in to a Lagdameo parties with low heeled shoe was really frustrating to know.

"Miss Collet I think she didn't know anything about shoes" A girl wearing a pink threaded outfit and mask laughed beside the her.

Collet's name came pretty obvious in her companions' mouth and her golden curls that was hanging in her shoulders made everyone realized that it was she, the CGC heir, who had spilled off a glass of wine to Xhemin.

"Her shoes looked pretty, but a person of keen eyes—a socialite eye, can easily recognize that her shoe doesn't even cost that much!" Another companion of Collet, who was in a yellow sparkling gown spoke, adding up to Xhemin's disgrace.

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Everyone who watched Xhemin being mocked by Collet's companion agreed to them. With disgust and utter dismay, they looked at Xhemin with questioning eyes as if they had every right to judge the girl. Now that she was put on a hot sit, they kind of doubted if she was the Lagdameo woman.

"I don't think she was the Lagdameo woman, there's no way the Lagdameo mystery woman can be that cheap" Someone whispered.

"If she is indeed the mystery woman then I wonder what trick she did to attract the L Empire's heir. Perhaps the rumors are all false, there's no way a peasant can caught Darryl Lagdameo's eyes"

"But the Diamond Prince danced with her…she must be it!"

"No way! I think the Diamond Prince just pitied her when she was ignored at the first dance"

"True. Although the Diamond Prince was aloof, they said he had a kind heart to the poor. Perhaps he knew her beforehand and just wanted to not let her be embarrassed"

"Yes, you are right, perhaps her attendance here was sponsored by the Diamond Prince, you know some sponsored charity invitation"

Xhemin cursed inwardly upon the crowd's judgement. They were all in chaos just because of her heels? She already knew the socialites were pretty much a damaging judgmental crowd, but she didn't know they were this too pathetic, even making a fuss about one's shoes.

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And F*ck this Collet was. If she was not wearing a gown right now, she could have strangled all that golden hair of hers.

Xhemin sighed to suppress her rising annoyance. She was ready to just walk out right away but Collet's mocking eyes stopped her. She kind of wanted to teach her a lesson.

"I thought you were respectable person, nobody informed me that you were also an insecure little puppy" She started very calmly, as if not affected by everyone's derision.

The words insecure chimed with so much emphasis from Xhemin's mouth and everyone gaped open at the girl's audacity to call the CGC's heir as an insecure puppy. Collet had everything, why would she be insecure with someone else?

"Insecure?" Collet raised a tight brow and balled her own hands "Why would I be insecure with someone who can't afford even afford a high heeled shoe?"

"Miss Collet, I think the girl don't know who you are…" The girl in yellow spoke.

"Of course, she doesn't. If she does, she will regret what she just said" The other girl concluded right away.

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Collet, desperate to shame the girl, pull off her mask to reveal her face. Although her face was stunning as Xhemin remembered her, the tiny blush of red in her cheeks suggested that the girl had drank enough wine, but then perhaps because Collet was used to drinking much, the heaviness of the wine she took in didn't become obvious in her demeanor. Instead, she held herself up completely unruffled, probably the taste of wine even made her more confident.

"Who's insecure again?" Collet had the previous words on repeat. No one had called her an insecure puppy before and so the fact annoyed her to the peak.

"You. I thought I made it clear earlier" Xhemin answered and to everyone's dismay she didn't show off any shock response or regret over her words, and such words brought a rising fury to Collet's companions.

"She is CGC's heir! The Young miss Collet! How dare you call her insecure!" The girl in pink shouted and threw off a hand in the air, ready to slap Xhemin but she failed.

Xhemin caught her hand midway, pushed her back and she staggered away like an inebriated tramp. The sight and the girl in pink's scream caught everyone's attention over. Now everyone, from all corners of the room halted and their head all turned to the commotion.

Collet who had a clear view of the incident realized the girl was not an easy prey, but then she was CGC's heir, so she refused to leave the girl off.

"How dare you hurt my friend!" Collet said with glaring eyes.

"She wanted to hurt me first" Xhemin reasoned calmly, but the tone of her voice was enough to give everyone a warning. "And how petty are you to make a fuss just because of one's low heeled shoes."

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"Petty? Your shoes obviously show off that you don't belong here" She responded with clarity and smirk "You are such a disgust, can't you see, it doesn't even have a brand. O my God! Are you mocking the host of this party? You should have at least bear yourself with grace!"

"Really? Talking about bearing yourself with grace, why don't you be so kind to wipe off the spill that you cause?" She answered, meeting Collet head on and raising her gown higher to show off her spoiled shoes. She doesn't really care who she was, CGC heir or not, she must be responsible for all her scrapes.

"What?" Collet couldn't believe what she had heard. There's no way she would go on her knee and wipe off the wetness of someone else shoes. Not to mention it was a cheap heel. "Do you think you can make anyone of us kneel down to you? With that cheap heels you had"

Collet had enough. Never in her entire life did someone shouted back at her, not only that, the girl had the audacity to order her around as if she was just somebody with no social status. Obviously, this girl didn't have any education of socialites' rules.

"This heel isn't cheap, mind you…"

Collet laughed out loud, so was everyone who heard the girl. Of course, Xhemin's shoes looked dazzling, but with nowadays trend, it was obvious it didn't cost much.

"Oh really…" Collet scorned at her "So which cheap designer made those shoes of yours? I don't even see a brand name"

Xhemin's mouth went dry. Of course, she didn't know who made the shoes she was wearing. It wasn't hers, it belonged to Dian. But of course, knowing that it was one of the second miss properties, she knew they could have cost a fortune. But who was its designer?

"D-M-L" Somebody from the crowd spoke, and when the person stepped in from the crowd. Everyone held off their jeering and laughter.

The words DML reechoed to everyone's ears again and again that made them almost lost their breathe.

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