Dannah Samuelle watched Ziggy as he left the room. She was watching her from one corner not visible from him and God knew how she was very thankful that she had escaped him in an instant. That was pretty close.

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As soon as the place was secure, Dannah went out from the place she hid and combed her hair lightly, taking off her mask as she took time to calm her tensing nerves. What happened earlier was not expected, good thing she was wearing her mask, if not, the young sire would have recognized her in an instant. Of course, no matter how colorful and dazzling the makeup she wore in her face, he will surely know since Ziggy had also seen her wearing makeup before—that was the time he dated Sabina Xu.

The third young miss wanted to go back inside the piano room and probably follow Ziggy to pry on what happened that made Manager Song sought the boy desperately. She heard the valet's words earlier and she knew it was about the Dugmoch's little Miss. She thought it wouldn't harm a bit to check into the mess. However, even before she could enter the room, she heard light footsteps from the garden, so she went in to check, and what she saw halted her every plan of following the Montreal young sire.

"A message from the big boss little bird" A dark silhouette appeared from the darkness, he was all in black and his eyes reflected a bloody yet calm sparkle. He was uptight and from one look, one could tell he was not an ordinary messenger.

Dannah didn't answer, instead she extended her arms and opened up her palm. Her gesture hinted out that she was ready to accept whatever message was sent to her. She knew this particular guy; he comes every time the big boss had something for her, and it was quite a mystery to her—how he always comes unannounced and unseen by people all the time. But then, just like her, the man could have undergone such a thorough training that his odd job came pretty easy for him.

The messenger reached out a small thin paper to her then left immediately. It only took a snap of second and he become invisible in Dannah's eyes but the thought about him didn't linger long in her mind as it shifted to the blank paper that was handed out to her by the latter.

"What does he have for me this time?' Dannah murmured beneath her breath.

She then took a lighter in her secret pocket, hidden under her gown and lighted it. When the fire emerged, she put the blank paper on the top of it as if trying to burn it down but instead of turning into ashes, the blank paper heated up and the lines of black ink become visible through it.

"Stick with the Montreal boy" The note said and Dannah almost threw up upon reading the words.

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Damn! It seemed like she needed to get back to that hateful job of hers!

Days run pretty quick after the masquerade party event and get lost a week after, when the three friends, Xhemin and the two boys needed to leave Woodbridge.

That night—the masquerade party—become their topic for mostly all the nights they had spent together in Woodbridge. Ziggy as soon as he met manager Song realized it was Xhemin who was wearing the blue gown and although he found her beautiful, he pretended to laugh at the sight of her to hid off his shock of seeing her in a pretty dress. It was a good sight, but it was something he wasn't used to seeing. Not long, Huzey joined them and they left with Manager Song altogether, without Huzey telling his friends that he went to speak privately with the Lagdamoe heir. The rest of the night went pretty smooth after that, with the trio sneaking back again Professor Shun's residence without anyone knowing the Little Missus' escape.

"Please come and visit us again Little Miss" Madame Selina who was not ready to let the girl go sniffed out a little cry. She was very fond of the girl and if only she could let her stay then she had done so. The maidservants at her back reflected also the same sentiments that the Madame had. For quiet a while, the professor's home in Woodbridge had been a little pleasant with Xhemin's presence.

"Of course, Madame, don't worry I'll give a call once in a while" She said with full smiles cheering up the old woman. Somehow, the professor's home had been welcoming and the people around had been good to her, making her forget her homesickness for a little while.

"That sound good" The madam's face brightened up a little bit, although she was still quite sad of her leaving "We will miss you around here"

"Thank you Professor Shun for allowing us to stay here for a while" Huzey bid his farewell to the professor. His grandfather, Senior Hands Montarini was also close to the professor like Dr. Miles. The three of these oldies had strong old bonds that cultivated from their younger years.

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"Our house is always open for the three of you" The professor answered, hiding off his dismay for the trio who will be leaving their farm house. It was such a lovely experience to have youngster roaming around his household. Too bad their only son, Dr. Cyan wasn't in a mood yet of settling down. He kind of wished he would have grandchildren soon "Send my regards to Senior Hans and the Dr. Miles"

"I will" The diamond prince bowed politely, giving his respects.

"I also bid farewell to you Professor" Ziggy interfered with respect "Thank you for allowing me to stay here with my friends. Although our families do not have relations, still, you welcomed me like Huzey and Xhemin"

"You are always welcome here young sire" The professor replied. Indeed, the Shun's and the Montreal's had no connection or relationship in whatsoever form. However, Ziggy was Huzey's best friend and Dr. Miles' apprentice, so the professor welcomed him despite him being a total stranger for them. Besides, the young sire was popular, so their household was also a little thrilled of him staying for a while "For me, you are the same as the two"

The farewell had ended in a while. The trio had created a special connection with the Shun's household and so it was a little emotional when they left. When the three entered the car, they kind of succumb to their feelings, leaving the car very silent. They didn't talk in the car because after a while the road back to Hampshire became tedious and the three fell into deep slumber.

"Xhemin were almost here" a successive tap on her shoulder woke Xhemin up, only to find Ziggy's exhausted face in front of her.

"Where?" She groggily asked.

"Home" the word settled in Ziggy's mouth comfortably as if they have reached a fine haven.

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The sound of it was very comforting.

Very soothing that suddenly the three felt like all the caress and burdens of the world faded away in one tickle. They were finally home, and everything that happened in Woodbridge faded out into history once more.

The road was dark, but Xhemin knew they are in Hampshire now. The familiar smell of the lushes of green coupled with some familiar muddy smell and also the familiar feeling of the wind that gushed to her skin made her vey certain where they were. Although from outside the car, she only saw small sparkles of light from the Richmond ranch, the picture however in her mind had given her a clearer glimpse of it despite the darkness that hid off its glory.

Few minutes and their car puttered to a stop, and the sound of gushing engine so were the howl of startled pets flooded their childhood home. However, despite chaos, the three looked at each other confused at the sight of the empty front door.

"Where's everyone?" Ziggy formed a curious and disappointed look in his face. He was kind of expecting Dr. Miles, Ang and few laborers to welcome them but the place was unmanned.

"Did something happen? Where's granddad?" Xhemin asked, forming the same sentiments Ziggy had given.

"let's go out and check" Huzey suggested calmly. He was also confused yet he didn't want to scare off the two.

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The three stepped out the car and heed immediately to the front door.

"Surprise! Your brilliant and gorgeous young sire is home!" Ziggy shouted on their way, hoping he might call in some of their attention. Perhaps they had gotten the days mixed up and forgot today was the day they were coming home "Who's excited?"

Ziggy's smile wilted. Where's everyone? Where were the yummy smells of freshly baked buns and cookies that Dr. Miles always prepare? Where were the hugs and chants of his great fans—the laborers?

"The door is locked" Xhemin announced as she tried to pull the door open.

"Use your keys" Huzey suggested. It seemed that no one was really inside because although the outside lamps were lit, the inside was of the house obviously wasn't lighted.

It didn't take long for Xhemin to find a key in her purse and successfully opened the front door and only darkness and barren feeling welcome them. Ziggy and Xhemin sighed deep,

"Well…" Huzey pretending to be unaffected by the fact that their homecoming was left out, settled " We should probably unload the car and get settled before it gets too dark"

"Okay…" Xhemin acknowledged and followed Huzey as he opened the trunk and started off unloading. Ziggy on the other hand hadn't recovered from his frustration.

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