Leaving few things in the car and carrying only the things that they could, the three unpleasantly and exhaustedly entered the cottage.

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"Hello?" Ziggy attempted to call someone's attention again even though he knew that no one was around. No one answered, and since the room was dark he went to find the switch. Since he was always staying in Richmond ranch, then he was familiar with every inch of the house.

However before Ziggy could turn the switch on and much to their surprise, they heard a faint sound and suddenly all the lights came on, and everyone shouted in attempted-unison "Welcome home!"

Ang and one maidservant juggled a banner in front of trio with welcome words printed in it. Over their heads, the three could see the oldies—Senior Hans and Dr. Miles grinning with sophistication while the rest of household casted a smile and laughter over the three's surprised face.

Ziggy and Xhemin' s smile returned while Huzey had a sighed in relief. They almost thought everyone had forgotten about their return and went to a petty vacation without remembering their homecoming tonight.

"Well hello, this is the proper welcome I had been waiting for!" Ziggy's energy had returned before throwing an arm to Ang and the rest of the laborers.

"We missed you young sire!" Everyone laughed as their arms come around Ziggy.

"I already thought you guys had forgotten about me!" Ziggy said sulking that made everyone laughed harder.

Dr. Miles gave Ziggy a sympathetic pat on the back before drawing him to a warm embrace "I thought you didn't like coming home anymore. You were nagging how boring it was round here the last time"

"I was just kidding that time granddad, hoping you would at least pardon us sooner and allow us to come home" He explained with puppy eyes. Before Huzey and him went to follow Xhemin in Woodbrigde, Ziggy was allowed to visit the Richmond ranch once in a while to do some trainings with Dr. Miles and on one occasion, he did nagged about how boring the place was without Huzey and Xhemin without noticing that the Dr. had heard him.

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While his arms was wrapped with Ziggy's, Xhemin and Huzey went closer and gave the doctor and Senior Hans, who was just standing beside the latter, a polite bow.

"We give our respects," They said as the two children bowed in unison.

"Come here child and give your grandpa a warm hug" Dr. Miles invited Xhemin up when he noticed that she was kind of hesitant, probably still worrying whether his granddad was still mad about their previous mess or for the fact that she had gone breaking some of his rules while in Woodbrige.

In haste, Xhemin almost ran to her grandfather and gave him a tight weighty hug then murmured "I missed you grandpa"

"Oh dear, things had never been the same without you here" The old man said as he embraced her back tightly. "Hmmm, look at you. You seemed well attended by the old Madam. So how was your research?"

"Come on Dr. Dugmoch, give the child a rest" Senior Hans laughed out at the Doctor's query of her granddaughter's studies.

He had known the doctor long enough since he could remember and he knew how strict he was with the children's studies. This probably was one of the reasons why, aside from their old close bonds, that he was very confident charging the doctor with the diamond prince's education— his only grandson and ultimate heir.

"Well, I was just hoping you learned a lot in Woodbridge and from the Shun's household" The doctor added to his previous words referring to her granddaughter still.

"I did grandpa" She smiled reassuringly. Well, she indeed had learned a lot in Woodbridge and the experience was one hell of a kind. But of course, the details about it should be kept away from her grandfather's ears, or else, they will be banned out again.

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"Grandfather, granddad" Huzey called for the two old men's attention " The professor send his regards to both of you"

"Oh dear prince, how was the professor? Was he well?" Senior Hans asked, "It had been a long time since I went to visit"

"He was fine. His walking was had also improved since the last time" Huzey tell off referring to Professor's Shun walking gaffe. He had met professor alone previously and he knew how he got that injury on his feet.

"That's good to hear…" Senior Hans sighed. He was glad his old friend was fine and was wishing he could prioritize a schedule to visit him. However, since the Diamond prince was still very young, the old senior had to run all their business all alone although at some time, he calls for the prince's help. However, Huzey was still at the time of his life where he was soo absurb and focused on improving his art and he didn't want to take that passion from his only grandson's life.

"By the way dear, I have a surprise for you" Senior Hans turned to the Little Miss as he took something from his pocket. It was a small rectangular box "Here, take this"

Xhemin hesitantly accepted the old man's gift. She knew it was some kind of a jewelry judging from the way it was wrapped and of course, since it came from the Montarini Senior, then it must be very expensive.

Xhemin opened the box carefully and a silver bracelet with little strawberry designs welcomed her. It was very beautiful that Xhemin's nerves sweep off excitedly at sight of it, but of course, she thought it was not right for her to such a luxurious gift for nothing. She was about to return it but the Montarini Senior cut off her attempt.

"It is my advance gift to you" Senior Han's smiled lovingly upon the girl " Happy seventeenth birthday Little Miss!"

Xhemin swallowed a big gulped upon hearing his words. Oh Gosh! How could she forget it! It's going to be her birthday three days from today!

"Oh yeah, little thug your birthday is fast approaching!" Ziggy suddenly remembered and the thought shocked him a bit. He almost forgot, time flew fast enough and so much things had happened that her birthday almost came in so suddenly, like a thief stealing in the night.

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Huzey who was standing right beside the girl took the initiative of getting the jewelry out of the box and wore it to Xhemin's wrist. The bracelet fit perfectly in her as if it was specifically made for the girl. Aside from that, the strawberry designs seemed to have a special mark on the girl making the gift more sentimental.

"The Diamond prince helped me chose the perfect gift for you" The old man added contemplating the time when had bought the gift. He was in another country when he remembered the Little Miss birthday. Having remembered so, he took the opportunity to buy her a little gift and he had to call his grandson Huzey for help since he was having a hard time choosing the right gift for her.

"Thank you Senior Hans" Xhemin thanked Senior Hans politely. Of course, she needed to accept the gift. It was for her birthday and it is not good to reject one's birthday gift.

"Well I though you'll like it" Amused by how the girl's face lightened up at the sight of the gift, Senior Hans couldn't help but burst into smiles.

"Another celebration! Yeeha!" Ziggy screamed filling the entire cottage with so much excitement " Oh I can't wait!"

"Your grandfather and I had planned to throw you a little party" Senior Han's revealed.

"A party?" She asked and turned to her grandfather for a confirmation. Most of her birthdays were spent at home with the boys and the servants, and with some strawberry cakes, so the party's information was something new to her.

"Yes child" Dr. Miles confirmed "I thought that since you are turning seventeen and will soon graduate from Rivendell, then we can have some little party for you.

"Thank you grandpa, really. But I'm good with the strawberry cakes" She said before adding "But a little party isn't a bad idea"

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"Wew! What a great pretender you are!" Ziggy came in accusing the girl's answer "Your eyes were sparkling like stars; it only tells how you preferred a birthday party!"

Everyone laughed about it as Xhemin blushed over such accusation. Ziggy was right, she was indeed thrilled by the fact that they were throwing her a party this year! Who didn't like a birthday party after all?

"Can we invite people in?" Ziggy excitedly asked after Xhemin's downfall "Where is the party going to be held anyway?"

"Ziggy it's not your party" Huzey reminded him when it seemed like Ziggy was far too excited than Xhemin. "It is Xhemin's party and so she should choose whom to invite there"

"Well Xhemin don't have many friends" Ziggy commented displeased by the fact, but of course he was only trying to annoy Xhemin out as he always do "Her party will be too boring if that's the case"

"I'd prefer a simple celebration with family and close friends" Xhemin laid off her options "Although I may want to invite a special guest too"

"Special guests?" Ziggy face grimaced upon the fact "What special guest are you talking about?"

"Invite all the people that you can think off child" Dr. Miles encouraged her granddaughter. The looked upon Xhemin's face tells that she was pleased with the idea of a simple gathering. Although Dr. Miles' labelled it as a simple party, he still wanted it to be special for her so might as well let her invite whomsoever she wanted. Spending a little extra for guests won't hurt after all.

Ziggy's curiosity over Xhemin's words got him thinking and soon he wondered "Don't tell me you are planning to invite that—"

"Everyone why don't we eat first… the food will turn cold in a while" Huzey interrupted Ziggy and shifted the topic to the food that was prepared for their homecoming. He knew what Ziggy was going to say and better not to trouble everyone with the fact. They just came home and Huzey thought it would be better for them to enjoy the night than worry about what's coming next.

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