The stars outside were slowly fading as the sun was slowly rising up. It was early morning when Ziggy had to make some rounds in the Hampshire hospital where he was currently working and where Huzey, his best friend was confined. The operation they had with him was quite a success but it would take a couple of days for Huzey to be able to recover fully.

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When the youngest Montreal sire was nearing Huzey's hospital room, he slowed down a bit and relaxed himself as he tried to suppress all the unstable emotions he had inside of him brought by Huzey and Xhemin's accident. It had been a terrible one and although the circumstances were quite suspicious, he had no enough evidence to overthrow the police's investigations saying that it was all an accident and nothing else.

Ziggy peeked through the small glass window attached purposely in the hospital room's door and noticed that Huzey wasn't alone in his room. To his surprise, Samuelle was also in there, watching the Diamond prince sleep in the bed of linen— his eyes were shut but his total facade was peaceful like a sleeping child who had all the assurance of safety.

Samuelle's gaze upon Huzey was something else. It wasn't a look of care upon an injured friend not even a look of worry upon a revered master. It was of another kind, like how a painter adored a prairie or how a child's eyes shimmered upon the thought of having a taste of a candy he so longed for.

Sam was there on one side of his bed, her two hands were on the iron railing and she was saying something upon the sleeping Huzey, something Ziggy couldn't hear because he was on the outside.

Ziggy grimaced upon the view of his bodyguard acting strangely intimate on his best friend. From the way she acted, it seemed that Huzey was someone of value to her.Did she grew some feelings over the prince?

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"Gawd!" Ziggy exclaimed under his breathe when the thought hit him. When did Sammuelle start having some kind of affection over Huzey? Did she like the prince all these times? How come he didn't notice?

Flooded with his own questions, Ziggy decided not to enter the room and just go away. The view gave him some chills, probably out of disgust or fear.


Why fear the fact that Sammuelle liked Huzey?

Perhaps not fear, perhaps it was all disgust.

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Disgust with the thought that his lowly bodyguard who play pretends have fallen to someone impossible to reach.


Time ran so quick, days went by smoothly and it hurdled in till it, got lost two months after the incident. Huzey had recovered fully and life in Richmond ranch went back the way it had used to be.

That was a good thing of course for the three friends whose exile had been lifted, and so they spent all these times with each other's company. So days went by unnoticed, just like before only that, this time, Xhemin was missing something, something she never thought would evaporate without a word.

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One hot afternoon in Richmond Ranch, Ziggy was enjoying a flavourful ice cream while Huzey had been painting on a big blank canvass. Xhemin on the other hand was in front of her computer staring blankly as if waiting for something to pop by on that blue screen.

"Xhem…Huzey had already given me his share. Would you like also to give me yours?" Ziggy asked referring to the ice cream he was enjoying fully.

"Hmmm" the little Misus simply answered.

Ziggy ignored Xhemin's lack of interest and her strangely weak demeanour. He proceeded to dug on the can of ice cream, one scoop at a time. When he had transferred enough amount into his cup, he licked on his spoon as his eyes went to Huzey who was so absorb with his art.

"Strange" he concluded when he noticed what the boy had been painting. "You seemed to have been obsessed with red haired mermaid these days. You had been painting them again and again."

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Xhemin's attention was caught by Ziggy's words and so she went to look at Huzey who was scrubbing a huge amount of colourful paint in the canvass. Indeed, the diamond prince had been painting a red haired mermaid again, and just like his few previous paintings, the mermaids face was left blank or it was painted in abstract.

"That looks beautiful. But why is it that you never come up with a face?" she asked him beaming with so much curiosity.

Xhemin's question made Huzey paused a bit. He kind of breathe a deep sighed and went on brushing again the once empty canvass that was now flooded with colours.

"I'd like to keep it this way" he answered in a face unsure. He himself couldn't understand why whenever he decided to paint a face for the red haired mermaid, it always ended not fitting for his like. It always seemed not right and until today, he couldn't figure out the exact face for it.

"O my gawd Huzey!" Ziggy faked a cry as he was about to swallow a scoop of the ice cream he had been doting on. " You must have been bewitched! You always goes underwater alone, I think an unnatural creature had bewitched you!"

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