"Silly" Xhemin rolled an eye to Ziggy's words while Huzey remained phlegmatic to it. He had continued his masterpiece trying to patch pieces by pieces as if he was painting something from memory.

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"...but Ziggy was right" Xhemin continued as he was watching the Montreal young sire eat a huge scoop of the ice cream like a kid who had been denied of such desert for long "…You seemed to have obsessed yourself with a mermaid. What's the story behind?"

Ziggy licked the spoon for some melted sweet after he had swallowed a huge scoop "Blame it to the foreign teacher. He was the one who planted such idea to him"

"It's nothing" Huzey spoke after being apathetic for long "I just couldn't find the perfect face for it that's why I keep painting it again and again"

"What's so hard of giving it a face? You can put Xhemin's face on it. She had been your favourite subject previously. It wouldn't hurt to paste her face on it this time" Ziggy suggested.

"It doesn't seem right" Huzey sighed as he withdrew away from the big canvass to refill some paint. " Xhemin is not a mermaid"

"…and Mermaids don't exist. So you won't have a perfect reference for it." Ziggy answered back at him "Just put any face on"

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"I will" the prince settled "just not today"

"papsssh" Ziggy mocked at Huzey and made another scoop of his ice cream. He was totally not satisfied with Huzey's conclusion, but don't want to interfere anymore. He was no artist anyway "Sometimes it's really hard to understand the mind of an artist even if that artist is your best friend"

"So true" Xhemin agreed lazily as she put her head down to table where her computer was sitting. She wanted to rest her eyes or perhaps get some sleep, but for some reasons, exhaustion filled her as if she had done some thorough workout, where in fact they did nothing but just chatted the whole afternoon.

" And you little miss seemed to be tired always"

"I just need some rest for this afternoon"

"Emphasis to the word 'always'. Not just this afternoon" Ziggy pressed on. He had noticed Xhemin's indifference for some time now but didn't get the chance to confront her until that afternoon.

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Huzey also noticed this so he became attentive to their conversation even thought his fingers were still busy on the canvass.

"I'm just bored these days. Doing nothing is tiresome" She reasoned which is partly true because ever since that terrible accident, the servants in their ranch didn't allow her to do some chores she used to do before.

"You sure about that? Because something is telling me its more than just being bored. Does it have to do something with the ill famous Lagdameo coach?"

"Don't drag him to this nonsense conversation. As I said I'm fine. I just couldn't find a thing to keep me busy on"

"Then why are you looking at your email every now and then as if waiting for something? The last time I checked, it was the Lagdameo coach that you had been communicating through emails"

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"Did the emails stop coming?" For the first time, Huzey intervened with a question that silenced the room.

Caught off guard, Xhemin was left unable to defend herself. She just allowed the silence to swallow her pride. There's no point of being defensive this time since sooner or later, the boys will eventually find out.

Ziggy watched Xhemin's idleness before he silently scoop another spoonful of ice cream. He waited for her to respond but moments later, his ice cream already melted but still, the girl remained passive. He hurried to swallow the scoop before the thing will spill down to his shirt.

"So it's true" Ziggy broke the silence as the melted mix was still flooding in his mouth waiting to be swallowed trough. " It was about the Lagdmeo coach again"

"When was the last time he checked on you?" Ziggy followed up another query "I had already warned you a long time ago. That boy will do you nothing good. What a waste of time"

"Xhem are you okay?" Huzey asked gently. He decided to stop his painting, set aside his brush and paint before he took off his painting apron.

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"I'm fine don't worry" Xhemin answered " He is busy for sure. I'm just a little worried, perhaps he had been sick or I don't know..."

"As per the news, there's nothing to worry about" Ziggy interjected." For sure if the Lagdameo heir had been sick, it will hit on the news"

" Not always" Xhemin disagreed. "The Lagdameo's would sure hide the fact. They are very concerned about their heir's publicity"

"I'm sure he's fine" It was Huzey. "But perhaps something happened that made him stop sending you messages"

"That's another thing I want to know" She confessed "I really am dying to know"

As Xhemin said those words, she turned to Huzey and the latter caught the exhaustion and worry in her face. She was restless, she had been restless for days and the thought made the prince guilty. Something inside him ache a bit to see the girl suffered tremendously.

He himself wondered why. Did the Lagdameo heir perhaps heeded his request and decided to let go of the Little Missus completely?

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