The Genius' First Love

Chapter 150: 150

Dannah Samuelle had always adored Huzey and the feelings got pretty intense after Huzey saved her on that fateful masquerade party night.

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Previously, the girl's adoration for him was brought by her high respect for his skilful art—because the prince's creation was certainly one of a kind. Yet now, after he had become her knight in shining armour at the ball, her adoration for him grew into something more. It's not anymore purely reverence and respect, it's something more personal now, more intimate, just like how some random seed was left covered in dust and grew unexpectedly strong in an unmannered ground.

She had watched over him closely these days, and such task came pretty easy with the fact that her boss, the youngest Montreal, was always with Huzey. And although her job was to secure the young sire's safety, it wouldn't hurt a little to spend extra effort looking after the diamond prince.

One afternoon, Sam was carefully watching over Huzey as the latter was horseback riding around the barn with the little Miss. Dannah Sammuelle twisted around and rested her back against the fence, folding her arms as she looked over the open field in front of the barn.

She thought the barn had seen better days as the wood that was covered every part of it had aged to the point that it had buckled away from the posts in some places, leaving large gaps and holes. However
no matter how the structure looked old, it was kept neat and simple and it had a looked of an antique charm against the mountains and shrubbery that served as its backdrop.

The two friends, Huzey and Xhemin on the other hand had a great time and Dannah Sammuelle, even just being a bystander, had enjoyed being an audience to their laughter and fun. Xhemin was riding Summer while Huzey rode his fave stallion. The two had been enjoying the sunshiny sun by trailing of around the horse field.

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After few rounds and race, the two opted to have their horses do small walks around as they were chatting with each other.

"No words from him?" Huzey dared to ask after few days of avoiding to raise the topic.

"Nope" the little miss answered abruptly, as if the question wasn't bothering her at all where in fact it does, every bit of it.

"You okay?" Curios about how she felt about the Lagdameo heir cutting ties with her, the prince asked.

"Okay with what?" Xhemin threw back the question at him.

"With the Lagdameo heir cutting off communication with you" He answered without wavering. There's no point of being cautious with words, Xhemin must learn how to deal with it.

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"I don't think he's cutting me out" She defended but when she saw how Huzey's eyes faltered by her answered, she kind of withdrew her defences. "I mean, he must have been busy. And for the record this was not the first time he did this so I'm kind of used to it. And just like the last time, he'll catch up with me sooner"

"Well let's hope so" Huzey did not press on further. He himself wasn't sure whether he had totally convinced the Lagdameo heir completely about leaving Xhemin alone. From the way Darryl sounded previously, he seemed not to care about his plea but from the way he acted out with the little miss these days, Huzey didn't know what to think anymore.

"He's just busy, I know" Xhemin insisted sounding very confident but her eyes failed to hide her doubt.

The look on Xhemin's face made Huzey felt a tingling pain of guilt in him, but the idea that it was for the Xhemin's best to be off without the L Empire's heir consoled him. Perhaps Darryl realized this too and decided it would be for everyone's best.

Xhemin on the other hand stood on what she believed for. She knew Darryl would not abandon her and she was certain the thing they had for each other was strong enough to withstand everything that comes knocking on their way. She was very positive about the thought that Darryl will soon he knocking on her door, make amends for the time he lost, and everything will go smoothly as they used to be.

"I'll go and drink some water" Xhemin said as she noticed that they are nearing the point where Sam was sitting idly, watching them.

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"Okay" Huzey responded, even though he kind of notice that the girl just wanted to avoid their recent conversation.

Xhemin jumped out her horse and dragged the animal toward Sammuelle who was already on her feet and was approaching her, with the intention to help the little Missus out in descending in her horse.

"Wanna go for a ride?" Xhemin invited her and gave her the reins of her horse. "You can accompany Huzey while I'll attend to personal needs"

"Okay..." Sammuelle answered back as she tore her gaze from Xhemin to Huzey; the latter gave him a nod of approval.

With that, Xhemin head out to the grey cottage while Sam mounted to Summer and positioned herself comfortably. Huzey went near her while on his horse' back and help her to settle at Summer.

"Have you ridden a horse before?" Huzey asked her gently.

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"Yes" She limitedly answered. She wanted to say a little more in order to not stop the conversation the prince opened, but she was lost for words. For some reasons, her nerves tensed up when Huzey came in and that made her regret accepting the little miss offer. She could have stayed where she previously was and just watched the handsome prince go horse riding alone.

"Careful. Summer can be a little wild sometimes" Huzey warned. Truth was he noticed Sam's indifference and realized she could have a little horse fright.

"Really?" She asked and unintentionally her panic cracked through her voice. She wasn't really afraid of the horse. She was afraid of her and Huzey's close distance and that made her stomach backflipped.

"How wild?" She added immediately, pretending that her panic was because of the unfamiliar horse.

"As wild as Ziggy" Huzey teased her, and soon Huzey burst into laughs at his own words " ha ha hahaha"

The view of Huzey laughing unsophisticatedly caught Sam off guard. Damn! He had he most gorgeous smile he had ever seen in her entire life. Truth be told, the rumours about the diamond prince were all so true, he was indeed good-looking, fucking hella good looking especially when he was all smiles!

"Then I'm sure in trouble" Sam rode in with Huzey's silliness. All a while, she thought the prince knew no other expressions than being a serious one, looked like she was wrong after all. The boy does have a good sense of humour, not as funny or annoying like her master, but enough to make one fell into his enigma.

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