Xhemin gave Huzey a guilty look. Of course she was aware why Ziggy wasn't saying a word, he thus felt betrayed about Xhemin's constant appeal for Sam. She can't help it thought, but having Ziggy acting out like that made her felt a little guilty for her friend.

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Sitting beside Ziggy, Xhemin opened her backpack and pulled some snacks that she thought she could bribe out to the boy in order for him to feel less dejected over her actions.

"Hey young sire, I pack out your favourite snacks. Don't feel bad anymore, I'm sorry" She said in a gentle soothing voice. "What do you want to eat first? Candies or these gummies?"

She heard Ziggy held a deep sigh. Without facing the little Misus, Ziggy grossed out "It's too early for that. It is barely even morning"

Xhemin pouted over Ziggy's rejection. "Okay…" She said in a low sulking tone "I'll just hand these over to the boys." She was referring to their other classmates that were with them in the bus. However, before she could open her mouth again to offer the snacks to the boys sitting at the back of their seat, Ziggy snatched the whole pack from her hands.

"Just hand me those" He spoke in haste, a little irritated. "You said you packed it for me but you are just giving it away so easily like that!"

"You said you don't like it"

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"I only said it's too early for sweets but didn't say I don't like it"

"Okay...Okay" She settled now with a smile on her face knowing Ziggy was back being a gorilla again. "Eat as much as you want"

"I'll eat as much as I want but it doesn't mean I forgive you already" the youngest sire clarified.

"Huh? I had already given you the snacks! I was bribing you to make peace with me" She said with a voice full of dismay, her eyes were even sparkling trying to imitate a lost poor puppy.

"You hurt me so much that candies nor gummy bears can't make up for it" He insisted as his eyes narrowed at the girl who was trying her best to appease him.

"Then what can I do for you to forgive me?" She asked desperately. If not for Huzey and for the fact that this will be their last camp, Xhemin will not make up with him right away. So the girl was trying to end the misunderstanding before it will ruin their whole camp adventure.

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Ziggy thought for a moment and Xhemin knew by then that Ziggy was contemplating the best throwback for her.

"I'll think about it" he spoke after few minutes of thinking things through "But you owe me one. Remember that"

"Fine" She responded without giving it a thought. "Just end your tantrums and let's enjoy the camp together"

"Alright" The young sire settled before he stuffed a gummy in his mouth and chewed.


After few hours of being stuck in their bus' seats and watching out an unending moorland, finally the children had reached their destination. The bus dropped them off on the base camp situated below the Malayan Mountains. Campers call this place as station zero, the first camp site where students gather and register themselves. After that, students will hike for miles up to the top of the mountain where the main campsite was situated—that's where the students will stay for few weeks to conduct the camping activities.

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As soon as the bus came to a stop, the Rivendell students scrambled out one by one and went on their ways separately. They were instructed clearly not to make it obvious that they came from the same school and all the most that they were all from Rivendell–exactly the reason why they chartered a passenger bus than using an official Rivendell transportation. They were not even required to register as they came in as camp officers, in fact the instruction they had was to directly head out the main camp and regroup in there.

The three friends also, Xhemin, Ziggy and Huzey intentionally scattered off, giving enough distance to make it seemed like they didn't know each other.

Station zero was flooded with students from different schools. You can however tell who came in with who and from what school they belong because of their banners and with the fact that students from the same school flock in together in one corner waiting for their camp master's or teacher's instructions.

Xhemin wandered around hoping she could see some familiar faces, like Dian perhaps. However at the corner of her eyes, she didn't miss to watch the activities of her two best friends. The two— Ziggy and Huzey— stuck out together at once. There was no use for them to pretend that they didn't know each other or that they weren't both from Rivendell because everyone knew how the Montreal youngest sire looked like and it was off common knowledge that the prince and him were friends. So with the exception of the two of them, who were the only known attendees of this country in Rivendell High, the rest of the Rivendell students followed what had been instructed to them and made a low profile, like Xhemin.

Xhemin blended in with other students, pretending that she was also waiting for her turn to register where in fact what she had been doing was wait for Huzey and Ziggy to move. It was already known that Huzey and Ziggy were camp officers so they will be leading some students on the hike to the main camp site and Xhemin wanted to tail off in their group. Of course she can't leave without her two favourite gorilla friends.

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As Xhemin wandered off from group to group, something caught her attention. There was this particular group that was holding a blue banner. Blue means San Sebastian and San Sebastian is Darryl's school.

The thought made her quiver.

Will Darryl be here today perhaps?

Maybe not.

Definitely not.

The Lagdameo heir was far too busy, he was not even able to send her a single email.

Thus, he won't have time for camps like this.

Does he?

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