The view of the San Sebastian students brought out so many memories from the conference. Xhemin looked at them from where she was sternly and thought how cool it would have been if she had made friends from any of them during the conference. However upon a careful observation, she only recognized one or two students who joined the conference before, the rest were all unfamiliar to her. San Sebastian is a huge school with a great populace, so it wouldn't be a surprise if students from the conference wouldn't be the same students that attended the camp—the two activities were not the same anyway.

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Xhemin eyed the group for a bit longer than she did with the other schools and there was a part of her that wanted to approach them and ask whether Darryl will be coming or not. Although she was quiet sure he wasn't coming, there was a slight hope in her wishing that he will soon appear.

But wouldn't Darryl's attendance in the camp run contrary to her beliefs about his current activities?
Well, she had planted thoroughly in her mind that Darryl was so busy these days that made him unable to send her a single email and if ever he shows up here, that would only mean he wasn't that busy after all. So what would be his excuse for failing to communicate with her?

Xhemin shook her head off. She was trying to clear her head and threw away the recent idea that struck in her head. She came here for the camp, not for some love affairs neither to do some beast hunting.

Xhemin was ready to wander further and leave the San Sebastian group behind. However, before she could turn her back entirely from the group, another big group of students arrived and blended in from the previous flock. They were so many that Xhemin couldn't give an estimate of their number, but what bothered her the most was the familiar silhouette of the person she was dying to see. He came with the new comers but Xhemin wasn't sure if it was Darryl she was seeing from afar, drowned in the middle of the ocean of San Sebastian students that were greeting and chattering with each other.

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Curious about what she saw, she moved a little closer to the group to have a clear view of the person that caught her eye. That person was exceptionally tall, towering the flock of students that were surrounding him. It only took a minute and a short distance for Xhemin to get a closer look and the realization struck in her heart.

It was Darryl.

Darryl is here.

He is here in the camp with the San Sebastian students.

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He stood there in the midst of them with his masculine confidence that was both wonderful and irritating.

Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug.

Her heartbeat started racing uncontrollably in her chest. Just seeing him even from distance blew her breathe away.

Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug.

Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug. Dug.

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Xhemin looked at Darryl with a smile of pure pleasure as emotions filled her heart. Seeing him after dreaming of him for long looked surreal but she knew today wasn't a dream or if it was, she don't want to wake up anymore.

"Darryl" She muttered his name in a sweet gentle voice and Darryl titled her head toward her direction. There was a hint of recognition in his hazel eyes but Xhemin thought his eyes glowed somehow different this time—it lacked all the warmth and affection it used to have when he looked at her.

What she didn't expect was that, Darryl gave her only one look and tore his eyes away from her and back to the paper that he was holding.

'He saw me, I know he saw me' Xhemin thought as her head formed lines when Darryl looked away.

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What is happening?

Why did he look away?

And why is there some surge of panic that is running along her spine as if something so bad is going to happen?

So what's Darryl up to?

It was either Darryl didn't recognize her or he was ignoring her.

So, which is which?

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