Darryl lost count of how many times the view of the Diamond Prince carrying Xhemin off played in his mind. He just couldn't get rid of it and every time the view flashed right before him, his insides chaotically crumble with the desire to break everything his hand would touch into. In fact, he had broken two things earlier already—first the wall in the sauna bath and second his glass tumbler which he had threw off hard in the trail where Xhemin had her little accident. When Ziggy and Huzey's team left, he was very mad he couldn't help but break something to release the tension.

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"So how were the camp party arrangements going on?" Leonardo Auclair, son of an elite jeweller threw off the question at his circle who werer having their lunch in the dining hall. He was particular glad he was able to make it to camp this year. Last year was a wreck since his father had grounded him, so he kind of missed the fun.

"Well, Miguel is sponsoring this year's party so leave it all to him" Collet answered in assurance. Leonardo was referring to a camp party the elite Young blood's party they throw on each year's camp. It was an exclusive one, only for the elites and they specifically made passes to make sure only those who were invited can come. "Right, Miguel?"

"Sure. You all need not to worry about it Leo" Miguel responded, his fork paused in the air halfway to his mouth "Just make sure you show up by then or you'll miss the fun same as last years"

"I'll sure not miss it" Leonardo blurted.

"Which one?" Miguel snickered "The party or the girls?"

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"The girls" Taunted by Lauren, another elite heiress, with one of her too-wide grins. She gave Leonardo a face before shoving the garlic-laced mashed potatoes into her mouth. She knew how outstanding is Leonardo's womanizing skills. He can easily charmed a woman with smooth words and his sinister good looks—that's before you even count his money.

For whatever reason, Lauren's answer struck as everyone's funny bone and everyone in the table started laughing over it—everyone, except Darryl. Few minutes through their laughter, the group noticed his indifference and the laughing stopped.

"So Darryl, who will you bring to the party?" Lauren asked as she set her fork down and rested her chin in clasped knuckled.

Everyone waited for Darryl to answer but the Lagdameo heir was too occupied in his thoughts that he missed the question.

"Dee…" Collet patted his arms to get his attention. "Are you okay?"

"Nothing…" Darryl returned his attention to his plate, trying to force his thoughts away from the image that was bothering him. "I mean I'm fine"

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"You sure?" She answered but Darryl only gave him a shrug as a response. She wanted talk her way through the things that was bothering the boy but she didn't want to upset him more—because she already had a couple of times and it almost cost all her chances to him. It was only few days ago that Darryl had stopped avoiding her and didn't mind her presence and although those things don't really mean much, at least there was some kind of improvement in his treatment with her than previously.

Everyone in the table exchanged gazes, each eye trying to warn the others to just leave Darryl be. There was an implied rule in their circle —never poke your nose on Darryl Lemmuel Lagdameo's business and affairs—that's if you still want him to hang out with your group next time. And who does not want to hang out with the famous Lagdameo heir when the circle he socialize with instantly turns the A squad overnight.

"So Leo I've heard there's a tag game going around" Desperate to stop Collet from going further into her prying with Darryl, who was obviously not in the mood, Miguel changed the subject instantly.

"Well too bad you missed that" Leo said as one side of his mouth lifted into a devious smile as he remembered the whole thing. He and the other elite young bloods started out a game earlier that they thought would make their stay in the camp more worthwhile and profitable—of course they bet out money for it. "Where were you earlier?"

"Well the hike did tire me off I had to sleep to energize myself" Miguel answered sounding regretful as he break off a piece of cheese and dipped it in his soup "Perhaps I'll just enjoy watching you guys as you knock each other out"

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"I don't understand the need for such game" Lauren hissed, her eyes rolled skyward "We are in a camp and that's fun enough"

"You mean digging and looking for woods to burn is fun?" Leo meant those words as a sarcasm.

"There's much to do in a camp than digging and burning woods" Lauren emphasized as she put her fork away and sighed before she continued shaking her head "I wonder why you ever go to camps when you think that way"

Flicking a brow at Lauren, Leo answered "Because it's a perfect get away"

He was about to say some more but he saw Lauren's face grimaced as she fixed her eyes into something that came on sight.

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"Guys…" Lauren warned the group when she saw someone approaching their table and there was some sort of disdain in her voice and as Leonardo followed her gaze, he did understand why. The one who's coming to their table was a girl, and her clothes were something not classy, it probably was bought on discount in some unnamed department store, plus her hair that was tugged in bun was in a mess—and an heiress like Lauren is certainly not fond of that, in fact she's allergic to something that is not classy.

However, the girl was quite a sight—quiet pretty, not a conventional type of pretty and certainly nothing like the girls Leo had been going for in parties—but she was lovely in her own right.

"Who's that chick?" Leonardo muttered, his eyes couldn't hide his curiosity about the incoming stranger. In a minute, he noticed that the girl was limping a little on her left foot and saw the bandage wrap around it. However despite her walking gaffe, there was an unfeigned confidence that she wore with her as she hurried along their table.

Everyone's eyes turned to Xhemin even before she reached the elite young blood's table. Except for Darryl's eyes who seemed phlegmatic about the whole 'incoming stranger ordeal'.

"Oh it's you" Miguel exclaimed when Xhemin halted in their table. He did remember Xhemin instantly as he had seen her in the conference. And just as he remembered her face, he also remembered how she ruined the whole conference experience for Collet. Worriedly, Miguel swung his gaze to Collet whose face started to lost its colour upon recognition of the girl before them.

It became obvious on the look in Collet's face when she saw Xhemin that she had an intense dislike for the girl, which Xhemin also heartily returned by sparing the CGC heir no single glance, as if she didn't matter at all.

"You know her?" Lauren asked, her left brow arched as he faced Miguel who seemed to have recognize the girl.

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