Unable to retract his eyes from Xhemin, Miguel answered "I've seen her in the conference. She's the girl with a strange uniform.

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Hearing Miguel's words, Darryl glanced at Xhemin—seeming to look straight to her with those natural hazel eyes—then looked away again back to his food that he was unable to finish. He acted as if he didn't really care about her sudden intrusion and that Xhemin meant nothing at all.

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"So Collet also know her since you both went to the conference together?" Lauren wasted no time in asking questions. She couldn't quite figure out how in the world an heir like Miguel and Collet had something to do with someone who seemed to be a commoner, so she wanted to dig deeper to it.

Collet was irritated at herself for always having gotten into this situation. She wanted to use this time with Darryl so she can at least redeem herself completely and make everyone believe that they were still okay, that she still have the upper hand, that she and Darryl is still a thing. But now that this girl is here, everything she hoped for crumbled into pieces in an instant. Now comes the endless questions from their friends, the speculations, the suspicions, the snickers. How could she able to handle of all of them?

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Why does this girl has to pop up all the time and ruin everything?

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"Collet?" Lauren called the girl's attention when she didn't confirm her recent conclusion. However, Collet gave her no word of response but there was a noticeable quiver that formed in her puffy lips showing how tensed up she had turned to " So it's true. I can't believe it"

"Can't believe what?" Curiosity befell on Leonardo as he noticed the tension that was thickening in the air, thick enough one could cut a butter knife with it.

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"O my God Leo!" Lauren hissed as she caught her head with her two hands, as if she was having a headache. Leo's ignorance about social norms and Miguel's revelation that Collet had associated herself with a commoner was giving her some kind of sickness "How can you not see it? This girl right here…" She pointed a heavy finger on Xhemin "…Is Collet's acquaintance, which means the ever perfect CGC heir had associated herself with someone from the lower class. That's so sickening."

Xhemin's lashes swept up and she blinked upon Lauren's rubbish ordeal. What is wrong with an elite having acquainted with a commoner? She wasn't so serious right?

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