"That's the most nonsense thing I've ever heard today Lauren "Miguel shook his head and frowned at his meal, looking ready to trade Lauren for someone who had a lot more sense. Although he kind of understand where Lauren was coming from—having been raised in an environment of strong socialite rules, who thinks that commoner are some kind of a dirty race—but he thought she was too overacting in this one.

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"Of course everything is nonsense. Collet is CGC's heir, she must be an epitome of a perfect socialite and what is happening right now is unacceptable. Look everyone is looking, they must have an impression that we are making friends with a low breed and…"

"Low breed?" Xhemin cut all of Lauren's insult. She looked at Lauren with a hard staring eyes which gave Lauren a fiery warning that she was ready to choke her unless she shuts her mouth.

And Lauren did shut up. Xhemin's lethal stare manage to make Lauren fear her even before she knew her name. For once, Lauren felt her body froze in panic and thought it would be better for her not to say a word anymore.

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The silence pierced in the elite young blood's table.

"Hey…" Xhemin started, her eyes specifically digging on Darryl without minding the other people sitting with him on the table. They were the least of her concern to be honest.

"Why are you here?" Collet, unable to contain her tingling irritation with Xhemin rasped out in her perfectly refined accent.

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"Don't worry I'm not here for you" Xhemin gave Collet the benefit of a glance this time "I'm not gonna ruin your reputation by making it seemed that we knew each other because certainly we are not…"

"...So please tell your friend right here that she should stop assuming that we had some sort of any casual friendly relationship. We commoners had enough sense to choose who to make friends with and someone like you and her would be the least in our preference" Xhemin said in an unwavering tone and if she wasn't angry right now, she would joke out of giving herself a bravo clap for the things she had just said. Being a mean girl is a sure hard task.

Xhemin's words caught Collet off guard. She never thought that the girl would turn this nasty and unkind overtime. Her audacity made her lost for words and her annoyance over the girl overwhelmed her to the point that she can think of any counterwords against her.

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"Hey beast!" Xhemin tired of everybody's shade on her called on to the boy who acts as if he had nothing to do with her. "We need to talk, as in right now, this instant!" She demanded, quiet spectacularly losing her cool. Her voice came out a little louder than she intended and it caught everyone's attention—everyone including the campers that were eating their lunches. They all tore their gaze to her, becoming an audience of her naïve confrontation.

Darryl was appalled at Xhemin's sudden demand of his attention more so her aggravating rage. He knew how upset she was because of his actions but it didn't quiet came into him that she will confront him openly about this, he was kind of hoping she would just let it go quietly.

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Knowing that she cannot anymore ignore Xhemin's audacity, he tilted his head toward her ready to give her some attention. He kept his cool and pretended that he wasn't affected of her open display of boldness.

He anchored his gaze to her ink eyes that were burning with resentment "Miss I'm sor—"

"Save your apologies for later Mister Lagdameo," she cut his words abruptly with a smirk, and everyone in the dining room drop-jawed at how she, a commoner like the rest of everyone in the room, had the guts to silence the Lagdameo heir publicly.

Had she lost her mind?

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