The Genius' First Love

Chapter 164: 164

Darryl didn't have the time to close his eyes; he was completely unprepared and unsuspecting.

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The moment Xhemin consumed his lips, his world fell away. The warmth of her lips spread throughout his entire body. The kiss obliterated his every thought and after all these days worrying about what will about to come, Darryl's mind was locked into the present, under the spell of Xhemin's kiss that were both his salvation and torment. His previous plan of leaving the place was suspended, now, he had no wish for the kiss to end. Right then, his only desire was to touch her and feel the softness of her as Xhemin pulled him closer to inhale and savoured every bit of him.

The kiss lasted for seconds and as if she had enough, Xhemin break away from Darryl's lips. Her eyes landed to his surprised hazel eyes. She too was overwhelmed by her own actions; she didn't expect she can be that bold, by she had done what her instinct told her so. Also, she wanted to be true to her words, everything between them was something Darryl cannot dictate and her kissing him was a way to remind him he was hers—that it was not over and things will not be over with them, only until she says so.

Darryl had to be reminded that she was not only his woman, to get her, he in return turned to her man—and Darryl had to deal with her until she wants it.

"Oh my God Darryl!" Lauren who cannot contain her shock shouted. Her loudness was like a penny dropped in an undisturbed water well, it stirred some chaos "Who is she?"

Lauren's questions triggered so many speculations from the crowd of campers. They chattered against each other wondering who Xhemin was, her full identity and her relationship towards Darryl.

"Is she the Lagdameo woman?" Someone from the crowd grasped.

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"I thought the same too. But I don't think the young master will not associate himself with commoners. And hello, look at the girl, well she's pretty but she's unrefined. Totally not fitting for his like"

"What I think is that the young master really don't care about social status. And the girl is cute, messy but pretty. They look cute together"

"I had so much hope for the Lagdameo woman, it can't be her. Compared to Collet she's nothing really"

"If she is the Lagdameo woman, then she's the one he traded for with Miss Collet?"

"I can't believe I'm here seeing all of this. That girl is totally screwed!"

The crowd's exchanges had everyone in the elite's table thinking. Leonardo and Lauren were hysterical. Is the girl in Darryl's arms really the Lagdameo woman? Leonardo thought nothing but how pretty Xhemin was, while Lauren frowned over the fact, also she hated and loathed the girl's clothes as well as her nastiness. However, seeing how Collet felt little and helpless with her presence thrilled her, she always long for the day to see that look on the number one perfect heiress, it turned out she wasn't perfect all because her face right now glowed nothing but insecurity over the commoner.

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'Poor Collet' Lauren thought, laughing at the back on her mind.

"So Collet, tell me, is she the Lagdameo woman?" Lauren specifically asked Collet. Apart from everyone sitting in the table, she knew Collet had the most knowledge about the mysterious woman, she was after all, her rival against the Lagdameo heir's affection.

"Lauren stop it" Miguel plead with her. He was very aware that even though Lauren and Collet were friends, their friendship was not a sincere one. It was a friendship based on social status, on the idea that your friends tells exactly who you are.

"Why stop? I want to know" Lauren arched a brow at the boy "Collet for sure knows who she was. Collet is Darryl's best friend after all, right Collet?

Collet hated the idea of the Lagdameo woman. She thought Xhemin wasn't really worthy of the title—she was only a commoner, she's nothing compared to her, but the girl always made it seem that she was a total loser.

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"Collet?" It was Leonardo this time who dare to call her for some information. He was very much into the mystery of the Lagdameo woman and he want to confirm if it was her. That could be one heck of a revelation!

Collet had enough. The crowd's exchanges, scrutinizing eyes as well Lauren and Leonardo's nosiness made her lose it all.

"Enough!" She shouted uncontrollably, banging her two hands on the table as she stood. With teary eyes and reddish cheeks she added "She is not the Lagdameo woman. She is nothing compared to me!"

That was Collet's last words before she flew out the door, leaving everyone in shock of her sudden outburst. They had never seen the CGC heir this defeated and this helpless, although it was quiet a scene, Lauren had no sense of concern for her friend; her lips even formed a smirk right after she left.

Miguel immediately ran after the CGC heir leaving Leonardo and Lauren in the table to tend for themselves.

"Wow, that's once heck of a drama!" Leonardo hissed shaking his head. He tore her eyes back to Xhemin who was also surprised of Collet's outburst. She was definitely something, Leonardo thought. Her eyes blinked in feigned innocence at what just happened yet it was she who caused this tremendous chaos. Somehow he adored the girl, who would not grow adoration for someone who had shut the Lagdameo heir twice in a row and made the CGC heir cry?

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'Interesting' the Leonardo thought. "Well looked like we have nothing anymore to ask round here but you miss" He tried to call on Xhemin, hoping she would spare him some of her attention.

Still in shock, Xhemin mindlessly glance sideways to Leonardo as he threw her the same question he asked Collet "So, are you the famous Lagdameo woman?"

It took time for Xhemin to digest Leonardo's question and when it hit her, her once shock expression turned hard.

"The CGC heir is right. I am not" She easily denied, as if the matter was nothing of value. Aware of what she had done, she knew she needed to leave at the very instant. "I am just some random fan"

"I certainly am not the Lagdameo woman" Xhemin repeated as she withdrew her gaze from Leonardo back to Darryl— her prey and whisper in his ears "But you are mine"

She gave him a smirk and left him swallowing a gulp, making his adam's apple visible, after that.

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