Xhemin knew she cannot anymore appear in the crowd without arising any comments or commotion from the campers—that probably was the drawback of what she did. But she had to do what she needed to do at time and she didn't regret it.

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After that mischief she did with the Lagdameo heir, rumours about a random fan kissing the Lagdameo heir spread like wildfire. Somehow Collet and Xhemin's denial successfully lured everyone into believing that the Lagdameo woman wasn't in the camp and that Xhemin was just a foolish desperate fan of Darryl who was unable to get hold of herself at that time.

It had been days now since she had done that bold act of kissing the Lagdameo heir in the dining hall and things had never been the same. Knowing that she was a little popular these days among the campers, she avoided the crowd. She had asked her comrades if she can trade of working with the medical team so she can hid herself a little in the cabin clinic which had been rarely been visited by campers these days. Since Ziggy was also the clinic officer, then she was able to trade out tasks smoothly without problems.

However even if Xhemin wasn't able to go out that much, she had eyes all over Darryl's activities—where he was, who was he with and what he had been doing in the camp. She was able to do so by bribing off some student campers to watch over him and report every move of the Lagdameo heir at the end of the day. Last report she received was that Darryl had left the main camp three days ago and that he had not been back yet.

It was a fine day under the summer sun, Xhemin felt the warmth of the brilliant rays on her face as she stared outside the window of the cabin clinic. She had stayed in that position for a long time until her face was already burning red from the summer heat. After sun bathing her delicate face, Xhemin tore her attention to the bandage that was wrapped in her feet and slowly let the binding lose one by one.
Her foot wasn't swollen anymore and her walking had been steady so there was no need for it.

"lil thuuuuug!"Ziggy slammed the door in the cabin clinic looking for Xhemin. Surprised with Ziggy's sudden blast, Xhemin almost fell from the chair that she was sitting near the window.

"Calm down, I'm here…" Xhemin chided on him and she saw how Ziggy's face lighted when he saw her "What is it?"

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"Oh lil' thug!!" Ziggy cried as he ran to Xhemin's side, fell on his knees and hug the girl in her feet " Lil' thug help me!"

Xhemin's face grimaced as she tried to free her two feet from Ziggy's arms " Ziggy I can't move, this is soo uncomfortable!"

"Help me, help me, help me" Ziggy cried harder grabbing her even more " Say you'll help me!"

"How can I help you if you are being this annoying" She responded still wanting to break lose "What is it that you need from me?"

"Say you'll help me first"

"Do I have a choice"

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"None…hehehehehe.." The boy stopped his fake crying and let go of Xhemin's feet. He straightened himself as he squatted in the floor ready to give the girl some explanation, or instruction rather because there was something he needed her to do.

"I need you to help me win" He started as he pointed a finger to her.

"What? Win in what? Did you bought a lottery ticket or something?"Curiosity befell on her and she can't help raise a brow against Ziggy whose face seemed to have relaxed. She wondered what this gorilla would ask of her this time.

"Not in a lottery. In a tag game" He revealed.

"..." Xhemin's head was loading, trying to understand what Ziggy was trying to me. "Tag what???"

"Tag game" Ziggy repeated "It a traditional game the elites do every camp secretly. It's like playing like assassins or hunters, you hunt someone, sneak upon him and tag him—then you win!"

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"An elite game?" Her curiosity surged to the highest peak now, "If it's a secret game going around the elites then think it's no good"

"It is good! It's even fun—like one heck of fun!"

"Ziggy I know you. Fun for you always includes profits and bets. I'm sure the reason the elite kept this a secret because it's illegal. Isn't it? If it is then I don't want to involve myself in. I promised grandpa I won't be doing any mischiefs this camp. It's our last year you know," She nagged at him. Truth was that she doesn't want to associate herself with the elites this time, for sure, because of what happened to Collet in the dining hall, she was the least person to be welcomed in the elite circle.

"It isn't illegal. It was just banned by camp officers" He reasoned out and confidently muttered "Also, you need to help me. You have to help me with this one! Besides don't come clean about not doing any mischiefs, you already did one few days ago"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about some random fan kissing the Lagdameo heir" Ziggy rolled his eyes at her. The day when the kiss happened, Xhemin didn't specifically tell the boys about it but she wasn't able to escape their scrutiny when the rumours flew uncontrollably. The boys thought, no one in the camp was silly enough to mess around with the Lagdameo heir and all the most kissed him—only Xhemin.

"I already said I'm sorry for that one. Whatever you say I am not helping anyone with that silly elite game of yours" She rejected him with finality. Of course Ziggy can't force her to do things she doesn't like. Also she don't have any plans of going out the cabin clinic, campers for sure will feast on her.

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"Well you don't have a choice" Ziggy's lips formed a playful grin at her "You have to do it"

"You can't force me"

"I can actually"

"How sure are you?"

"Very very sure" He confidently said "In fact I am not requesting you to help me, I am commanding you to do something for me"

"I am not your slave youngest sire" Xhemin grew tired of their conversation that easily so she dragged herself out from the chair she was sitting and went to pick on the inventory sheet that was laid on the wood table. She thought of starting her task on checking on the stock of medicines than wasting her time with Ziggy.

"You are not my slave—okay. But you owe me one" Ziggy reminded her and that caught Xhemin off guard " Remember in the bus? You owe me" He made emphasis to the last three words.

He knew Xhemin couldn't say no—paying off what you owe to someone is a sacred rule not only in their friendship but also in their household.

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