"I can't believe you are pulling off that debt card!" Xhemin hissed back at him. How can she say no right now to him? A debt is a debt and as long as it is not against this country's laws then she had to give through.

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Xhemin stared at Ziggy for a long time in a glare full of infuriation. After murdering Ziggy with her stares, she let loose and began to probe "So tell me what is this tag game all about?"

Ziggy was then the one sitting on the chair Xhemin previously sat. He sat there with a vicious smile knowing that he had found his perfect ace card in winning the game.

"Well as I said, you have to hunt someone, sneak up on him and tag him. Then you erase his tag mark which was tattooed in his body to eliminate him—you do that after you'll find out who he was hunting" Ziggy started his explanation. "Then, you hunt again—you hunt the person that he was hunting after you eliminate him to tag him. So on and on until everyone was eliminated"

"How do you know who to tag first?"

"Before the game started we draw lots—all contain the names of each players. The one you get is the first person you tag. After you are done with him then you'll hunt the person he was hunting and the cycle continues"

"How do you tag a person?"

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"Make him immobile—tie him or make him unconscious. Anything that would allow you to erase his mark that was tattooed in his body. Then once he is eliminated it is now your task to hunt the person he was hunting, that's a task shift"

Xhemin thought it was kind of unusual for Ziggy to ask help in this kind of game, something like this goes easy with him "Young sire, I don't think you need my help in this kind of game. You can pull this off too easily"

"True, in fact I tagged five persons already out of fifteen players" He proudly revealed before his eyes turned dim and serious " But the person I'm gonna hunt this time is not an easy one. I had been trying to tag him for days yet I couldn't think of a good strategy until this morning"

"So tell me, how this strategy of yours includes me?" Xhemin faced him, hands on her waist as if trying to challenge the young sire to lay all his cards on the table for Xhemin to assess. If she was going to help him, she needs to know everything so she won't mess up. She also needed to know their winning statistics for her to know if they had some chance of winning.

"I need you as a bait"

"A what?"

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"A bait" he repeated before he looked at her eye to eye. " I heard him talking about how cool you were in the dining hall and I think he was interested in you"

"Whaaaat?" Ziggy's words were welcomed with a big shock on Xhemin's face. "Ziggy how did that person—"

"Let me tell you lil' thug" he breathed deep "This person was such a cheater. In order not to be tagged off, he bribe off a couple of student campers to be his goons secretly. These goons follow him invisibly and inform him right away if they see any players coming closer to where he was, so he can flee easily. That's the reason why I cannot go near him…"

"…but this morning, I find our he was looking forward to meeting the girl who kissed the Lagdameo heir, saying that if that girl will spare him some attention, perhaps that girl will end up liking him instead of the coach Darryl.."

"…so I was thinking, perhaps you can go and lure him away from his goons so that I can tag him away" he concluded, laying off everything that Xhemin needed to know.

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Ziggy's narration kind of turned Xhemin's fury. Who the heck was this guy claiming she would end up liking him if she spares him a chance? What does he think of her? Wasn't it enough that the news about the random fan kissing Darryl flew out chaotically that he had to add another mockery to that ill-fated fan—which was her. What does he think of her, some sort of a joke? And easy-petty?

Xhemin haven't met him yet but she wanted to lay a punch on that person's face right this instant. How dare that maggot was! He had to be as handsome as Darryl or not she will definitely send him to hell.

"So what do you want me to do?" Xhemin asked the boy, her tone of voice was like saying she was saying yes to him already.

"Attend the party that they are throwing off this weekend, get his attention and lure him to where I will be hiding" Ziggy said, his eyes were glowing with victory knowing that she had convinced Xhemin to help him heartily. He knew he can force her to it because he owed her but the task becomes more easy if Xhemin will put his heart onto it, unlike when she is force to—that's why he had intentionally slip off that person's nasty comments about Xhemin to convince her further.

"Sounds easy" She said with cool as if what he asked of her was a menial task. "Won't the party they were throwing be exclusive only to the elites? I mean, these elites had some serious issues with mingling around with commoners so I don't think everyone is welcome in that party"

"Leave that to me" he responded excitedly "I'll get you passes. All we need is one single pass then you can go paint that whole party red"

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"Alright. Go to party, get his attention, lure him" Xhemin repeated the task, making sure she got it right.

"You can pull it off too smoothly, I know" The young sire assured "When he sees you, I know he'll take the bait"

"So, who's this target of ours?" Wondering who the lucky guy was, she asked off his identity from Ziggy the mastermind.

"Leonardo Auclair"

"Leonardo what?"

"Auclair. Son of business tycoon Terrence Auclair" he told her his name and it took only one single picture of him for Xhemin to realize he was the same boy Darryl was sitting on the elite young blood's table during the dining hall incident.

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