The moon was brightly hanging in the evening sky as the starry night loomed above. The air had thickened and the crickets sang but their songs were drowned to the loud music in a private property near the east camp. Down the hall of a rarely visited vacation house, young people scattered through, dancing, chattering, gambling and of course drinking—some of them were already staggering even though the party had just started for an hour.

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"Hey Miguel" Lauren chirped as she spotted her usual circle.

"Hey Lauren," The boy greeted her back and even before he could react, she gave him a peck on his cheek even though she knew how Miguel was not fond of kiss greetings.

Flashing a wide warm smile to him and ignoring the grimaced that contorted in his face she asked flamboyantly "So how do I look?"

"Well, you look great Lauren" Miguel said looking over her poker straight hairr, sprayed with some sort of shimmery hair spray that he couldn't figure the colour out.

"Thanks, you look good too" She replied, smiling and looking around to check for other friends. "Where's Leo?" She asked frowning. Leo missed last year's camp party so she was pretty sure he will be here tonight but she couldn't spot him.

"Over there, trying different flavours" He pointed to the corner while shaking his head as he drank another cup of the beer he was holding. Perhaps the boy had drunk a couple of cups already because Lauren could already smell the beer in his breathing.

Lauren looked to where Miguel was pointing to see Leonardo chatting intimately with two women in one corner. The girls were giggling uncontrollably at something that Leo had said, one had her hand on his arms while the other was pressed against his side—blushing. Well, from the look in Leo's face, Lauren can completely tell he wasn't interested with either of the two but he was enjoying all their attention.

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"Such a smooth-talking player" Lauren hissed and rolled her eyes as she turned her attention back to Miguel " So Collet is absent? Don't tell me she hasn't recovered yet from what happened the last time?"

"You can't blame her for feeling bad." Miguel said frowning at his cup, shaking it a little before drinking the liquid left. " She had Darryl for the longest time. She's not used to this sudden twist of fate"

"So from what you are saying, you do acknowledge the fact that the Lagdameo woman is a big threat to her" Lauren sought for the boy's opinion.

"Well sure does, if not, then why would Collet fret about her?"

"Well you had a point there. So she's not coming?"

"I guess. I don't know really." He confessed. He went to check on her this afternoon but the CGC heiress just shoo him away. She hadn't been herself since the incident happened, she was so anxious about people laughing about her losing to a commoner. Perhaps the girl had enough and wanted to be alone with just no one but herself.

"Talking about me behind my back?" A familiar voice called on the attention of Lauren and Miguel and just then, they saw Collet in an elegant backless mini dress, her long golden curls hanging loosely in her shoulder and her mouth was full and lush.

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"Collet" Miguel who was surprised to see the girl threw her an open arm immediately. "You should have told me you are coming, I should have come to fetch you"

"No worries, I know my way" She responded, and went to pick Miguel's cap to drink some in it, only to find out that it was completely empty. Frustrated she handed him the same cap "Such a bummer"

Collet went and plunged herself in one of the sofa near them and Lauren followed her there, sitting herself comfortably beside Collet.

"I'll go and get you both something to drink" Miguel replied as he accepted the cap.

"Get something hard" Collet exacted, the expression of boredom became pronounced in her face." I wanna get drunk"

"Whow Whow whow…What's happening here?" Out of nowhere, Leonardo bounced at their back, flinging his arms around Collet and Lauren's necks, almost choking the two.

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"You are enjoying the party too much" Lauren hissed, freeing herself from Leo's tightening arms.

"Well aren't we all here to enjoy?" He sat on the sofa opposite to the two girls and reach out the bottle of vodka that Miguel offered afterwards. Miguel had handed the two girls their drinks before he joined Leo on the sofa he was sitting.

"Where are your chickas?" Lauren asked of him, "Don't tell me you grew tired of their attention in that short span of time"

"He's done with them for sure?" Collet commented, "So tell me Leo, whose heiress did you manage to fool this time?"

"Someone that won't get me in trouble" he answered her query and decided to threw a question back at her.

"So Collet" Leo asked, leaning forward in his forearms lightly, his bottle hanging on his fingers "Is the famous Darryl Lagdameo coming over?"

Collet shook her head before she lifted her bottle to her lips.

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"Shame" he mocked pouted. " He is the greatest killer joy I have ever met" Nothing more to say to the girls and wanting to enjoy his drink, Leo took a moment to watch the writhing, twisting bodies melting against each other in the dance floor as the loud music vibrated all around.

And then, out of nowhere, he caught something that glued his interest in to. On a small bar across the other side of the dance floor, sat a somehow a familiar figure. Seeing her made Leo forgot to breathe.

What is this girl doing in here?

How did she get through?

Is she an elite?

She sat on a wooden bar stool trying to get the bartender's attention. Leonardo was a bit shock to see a bartender in the party and then he noticed there were also a good number of waiters serving them—perhaps Miguel was able to managed to hire some despite the remoteness of the location.

And so there she was, with her long ebony hair that she tucked into a neat ponytail. She was wearing a body suit that was tucked into a high-waisted leather pants—that accentuates every perfect toned curve of her. Her bare shoulder was visible and even though it was the only part of her that showed so much skin, she still looked very sexy. Her face was just wearing a simple cat eye and a matte lip yet she was glowing with beauty.

Leo breathed with excitement, it seemed he had found his perfect prey for the night.

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