"Alright," Leonardo muttered suddenly and stood from his sofa " I had enough of your company. I'll go and roam around for a bit"

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"Where are you going?" Miguel asked and protested "hey don't leave yet. We are just starting over here"

"I had to go and chase beautiful women before someone gets them" he responded turning to leave.

"God! You are so unbelievable" Lauren exclaimed at him before he left them completely. Of course they can do nothing to make him stay most especially when he was going to get something that was one of the reasons why he goes to parties.

Leonardo quickly made his way across the dance floor, deciding then and there that the woman he was eyeing was the lucky woman who'll have the pleasure of his company for the remainder of the night.

When he had reached the bar, he leaned on it just beside the girl holding his bottle of vodka before him.
The girl already noticed his presence but didn't bother to give him an audience.

"So let me guess" He started to make a conversation, hoping she will spare him some attention despite his intrusion "You are waiting for the Lagdameo heir, aren't you?"

She turned to him with a raised brow, her eyes appraising him from head to foot as if deciding whether the guy was a loser or not "And you are here trying to hit on me, aren't you?"

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Leonardo smiled. "Well, it seemed that I am not good on hiding my intentions. So let me kept this straight, I'm already interested but I want to see if I've got some chance." He took a drag before adding "It's hard to compete with the Lagdameo heir after all"

"Should I be thrilled?" She said nonchalantly.

Taking a sip on his drink, eyes still digging into hers "You should. That was a compliment after all"

"Let's see where this night goes" the girl gave him a playful grin, her dimple became pronounced "I'm open for everything"

"Good" He answered, more alive than ever before he jumped to the bar stool beside her, making himself ready for long conversation, very much hoping he could convinced her to go somewhere private later. "Leonardo Auclair by the way" he extended a hand.

She refused to take his hand and instead went for a sip on her drink that the bartender just gave her " I know who you are"

Leonardo smiled again " I see my reputation precedes me. So if not your hand, then care to give me your name?"

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Without missing a beat she answered " I'll think about it. Let's see if you are worthy of knowing my name" then she tossed her glass up as if inviting him for a cheer.

Leonardo raised his bottle also to acknowledge her invitation.

"So you are an elite?" he started asking her questions.

"You guess"

"I guess you are. No one enters here without passes. Only elites had passes"

"Then perhaps I am"

"So tell me how long have you known the Lagdameo heir?"

"Did I say I know him?" She arched a brow at Leonardo. " I don't remember saying I know the Lagdameo heir personally"

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"Well…at the dining hall…you seemed to know each other" Forming lines on his head, he answered back.

"Oh does it look like that to you?..." She stared at him, her mouth slightly parted and Leonardo thought how kissable her lips were, all he could ever think of was to ravished them—perhaps later—if she had drank enough.

"I'm sorry but you guys got the wrong impression" She laughed a bit. Her laughter sounded so magical for him "But if you are asking how long have I been fangirling him, then it was ages ago I couldn't anymore remember"

"I don't think I have seen you anywhere before the camp" He asked, trying every possible question he could throw at her to get some information because until now, he got nothing from her answers. He thought the girl was pretty smart, all this time she managed to avoid all of his questions.

"And that's one of the reasons why you took an interest in me…" She smiled wickedly, making her friggin hot in Leonardo's eyes.

Xhemin thought how smart mouthed Leonardo was, but not smart enough to outstand her. She also thought the boy was a sight, he certainly had good looks. His face probably was his best asset and the most useful thing he had in getting his way through women. Too bad, she wasn't interested at all. If there was one reason at all why she was sticking up with him, it definitely because she needed to get him for Ziggy.

'Just endure him for a little while' She thought 'Just until Ziggy gives you the signal'

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Ziggy told her to wait for his text before they execute their plan. Well before she entered the party, she and Ziggy had inspected the place from the outside and they saw Leonardo's goons all around. Ziggy had to find a perfect spot to tag him and finding the place became a little difficult because of those goons. Since it was getting a little late and the party was in a full swing already, Ziggy thought it would be best for her to start their plan then he'll text to her the rest of the details which she agreed. She was still buying some time that was why she had ordered some drinks and didn't expect for their subject to approach her without any hesitation. Perhaps Ziggy was right; Leonardo Auclair's weakness was his womanizing urge.

"Well you know what. I know you are here waiting for Darryl Lagdameo but I'm sorry to break it you, I don't want to ruin your night, but he isn't coming" Leonardo said to her, in the hopes that he could sway her. Seriously, the boy did thought she was here for Darryl and was doing his best to make her change her plans "So how about we go to somewhere more comfortable, you know, to get to know each other better"

Just as he finished his offer, the signal from Ziggy came through in a text message. Xhemin excused herself a little to read the message and hid her phone away.

"So..." Xhemin faced him, flickering her eyebrows at him. She wasn't really used to seducing men but she had read a couple of handful articles prior this night.

"So you want to go with me perhaps?" he asked, hoping to hit the jackpot with a big yes from the girl.

"Sure, but there's somewhere private I preferred" her smile widened.

"Well it's your call" Thrilled and excitement flooded Leonardo's eyes. Finally he got what he wanted—her yes! He helped Xhemin out from her sit as every gentleman should and gently guided her, heading for the door.

Just then, the door flew wide open and image of the Lagdameo heir coming in almost made Xhemin throw out everything she drank.

What the heck!

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