The view of Darryl coming through the entrance made Xhemin hysterical. Why did he come all of the sudden? Not once did the idea of Darryl coming to the party have crossed Xhemin's mind because from what she knew, he left the camp already.

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Now that the Lagdameo heir is here, how can she pull this off?

The moment that Darryl entered the room, Xhemin turned her back immediately from the door. For some reasons, Darryl's presence shook her and for the moment she thought of nothing but to flee away from him.

"You said he wasn't coming" With her tensing nerves, she thought of nothing but to lay the blame to Leonardo even though she knew she being unreasonable to the boy.

"I'm sorry. Perhaps he had changed his mind" He said simply, guiding Xhemin to one corner knowing that the front door was flooded. It seemed that when Darryl came, the place become more chaotic and guests had been adding up every minute.

Now that Darryl was here, he thought Xhemin will stay instead. However, still hoping that she'll change her mind, he stayed with her to keep her company. Xhemin on the other hand wanted to leave, but Darryl's circle was sitting near the entrance, there was no way she can pass through without him noticing. Also, there was no other way in and out of this house that was accessible, only the front door.

Xhemin sent Ziggy a message and waited for the boy's reply. While waiting and in order to calm herself a bit, she went back to the bar, sat on her previous sit and ordered another drink from the same bartender. Leonardo also joined her and thought that Xhemin's panic was because he was seeing Darryl again—just like how a fan felt whenever they see their celebrity idol. Until now, Leonardo did believe that Xhemin was just one desperate fan of Darryl.

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"What should I do, what should I do?" She muttered under her breathe and hoped for Ziggy's reply to come fast.

"Are you okay?" Leonardo asked her, he patted her back in an attempt to make her loosen up her tensing nerves.

"I'm doomed" Xhemin dropped her head in the bar table. A minute after, she raised her head and took a sip of her drink, until she realized that the liquid in her glass had hit the bottom—time for refill.

Leonardo called for the bartender's attention and ordered another drink for Xhemin. He had taken the opportunity of her losing her cool and pushed to keep her drinking more. Perhaps when she had drunk enough, she would not mind him fulfilling their previous agreement.


"Darryl it's really good that you have come" Miguel said as he reached over, unscrewed the cap of a drink and thrust it toward Darryl which the latter accepted without a word.

Darryl stared at the liquid, sloshing around the bottle as the chemical smell of it hit him. He paused for a second before he dragged the bottle to his mouth and have a good taste of it.

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"So Darryl tell us why you're here?" Lauren probe on him immediately. She wanted to know what brought the Lagdameo heir to the party tonight because he doesn't normally appear in parties like this. With his tight schedule, parties were the least of his priority.

"Patrol" he simply said and his tone suggested that he was not up to more conversations with her. Even so, Lauren continued her query.

"What is with this patrol thing?"

"I am in charge for the camp' s patrol" he said lifting his drink for another taste "I came here to check on this part of the area and make sure everyone who attends the party gets back to the camp safe and sound"

"In short, you came here to watch over what we were doing…" Lauren rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe it, Darryl was here to babysit them all—heck! " I should have known, of course the L Empire's young master do not waste his time partying all night but would prefer to do some patrol services"

"Lauren" Miguel called her attention in a tone that was rather warning her to be careful with her words, it's the Lagdameo heir she was dealing with and her sarcasm might cause a stir on him.

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Lauren whose senses seemed to have waked up took back what she had just said "I was just kidding, nothing serious really" She chided herself silently for having such a careless tongue.

Darryl didn't mind Lauren's sarcasm but he didn't also give her redeeming words any remark or any sort of acknowledgement. Not wanting to make any more mishaps, Lauren opted to shut her mouth.

For once, no one spoke any word in their circle, Darryl's entrance seemed to have cut the vibe and everyone in their table opted to find another sort of entertainment to pass the time.

"Dee, can we talk?" Collet dared to call on the Lagdameo heir's attention even though the expression painted in his face was very unwelcoming.

"Okay," Putting his drink down, he rose from the sofa and started walking away from the group, Collet followed him from behind. Him having to say yes to her plea for talk came as a total shock for Collet. Most of the time, Darryl will either ignore her or leave when she start asking for it, but now, he easily gave it to her without any words of protest.

Darryl halted his steps in one corner where there were few party goers, a perfect spot for a short talk. The boy's hands were in his pockets as he faced the CGC heir who had always wanted his attention.

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"I'm really sorry for how I acted in the dining hall" She started in a soothing apologetic voice. "I didn't mean to stir up an unnecessary commotion and rumours…"

Darryl just looked at her, in the eyes, as if trying to find the sincerity of her words within.

"…I know I should have never acted like that especially because I am in no place to be mad about it" She continued and she couldn't hide away the blush that become pronounced in her face. Who wouldn't blush with the fact that Darryl, after a very long time had spared to look at her again with his protruding hazel eyes.

Also everyone in the party were checking on them—the CGC heiress and Lagdameo heir talking privately in one corner. This would surely give everyone an impression that everything was fine with them and that probably tonight they were trying to make up for what happened in the dining hall. The look of envy from every heiress that was present in the party made Collet frantic about Darryl's special attention. She came here expecting nothing but who would have thought this night will end in here favor?—for sure, the news about CGC and Lagdameo heir making up will spread like wildfire tomorrow.

"…I'm sorry, I really am" She bit her lips and gaped before him, hoping he will accept her apology and they can move on for the night. Perhaps she could ask him for a dance later, just like the old times.

"Thank you" It took a long paused before Darryl gives Collet a feedback and his gratitude came as another surprise for her.

"Thank you for what?" Collet asked, her face became relax because the conversation she had with him had been smooth so far.

"Thank you for covering her" he said and his words took away all the smile in Collet's face. "For denying that she was the Lagdameo's woman"

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