Darryl had always avoided Collet, but now he thought the girl deserve his gratitude—exactly the reason why he give in to her request. He knew how the cover up went unintentional from Collet but without it, Xhemin couldn't have evaded that mishap and paparazzi should have stormed out in the camp hoping to get a glimpse of the rumoured Lagdamoe woman.

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Collet couldn't believe it—that the reason why he gave in to her request was because he wanted to thank her for what she did. Right then, her envy and hate for the Lagdameo woman grew big. Her status as the number one heiress was tainted by her existence. She was her downfall and the very reason why the other heiress had been laughing at her in secret.

Hating the fact and Darryl's thank you sounded as a mockery right at her face, tears rounded in Collet's eyes and just a minute they started falling. She can't help it, she had been through hell these past few days and she couldn't bear it anymore. Unable to help herself, she plunged into Darryl's chest seeking for comfort. Of course Darryl flinched—shock of her sudden outburst—his first reaction was to push her away, but when he was about to thrust her away, she spoke gently.

"Don't" She pleaded with him not to push her away this time "If you truly appreciate what I had done, then just please give me this" She was referring to his warmth and hug. She wanted her to allow his arms to comfort her for a bit.

Darryl's hands that were ready to push the girl only made into Collet's shoulder. He wasn't able to push her further because of her plea. Somehow he thus felt sorry for the girl, he had always been rude to her and the least he could do was to let her cry in his arms for once, she deserve it anyway—she had help him somehow.

Instead of pushing her, his hands ended up patting her back.


Everyone saw how the CGC heiress cried and was comforted by the Lagdameo heir. Everyone—including Xhemin and Leonardo who was still sitting in the bar stool.

Leonardo arched a brow at the two heir's display of affection. Yes affection—that was how it looked like to him. Xhemin on the other hand couldn't tore away her gaze from the two while gripping hard on her glass that was about to break. If they were not in a party, she would never hesitate to throw the same glass to Darryl's face.

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How dare them hug in front of her face.

"Looked like Darryl and Collet are okay now. I did thought it was totally over between them since the CGC's memorial or at least since news about the Lagdameo woman had been flooding the tabloids"

"I've heard she witness how Darryl was kissed by another woman during the camp's first day and she must have felt very bad about it. Poor Collet, I feel for her, who could ever withstand such a sight?"

"Well they said she stormed out badly. If it was me I would have killed that fan right away. But somehow I adored her for keeping her cool and just ran away. "

"I can't believe they are making out in front of us. Such an envy. I would kill to be under Darryl's arms, I wonder how it felt."

"They really are a thing"

"Of course they are. They bonded since they were very young. A rumoured Lagdameo woman, whom no one of us saw, and a crazy random fan cannot break a bond that strong. And If I am to be completely honest, I don't really think there is a Lagdameo woman. It could just be a misunderstanding"

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As if the view of Darryl and Collet making out wasn't enough, Xhemin had to get through another dilemma of hearing every elite's opinion about the shameless couple hugging in one corner.

"Well how can you ever beat that?" Leonardo pointed out, looking down at Xhemin's devastated face.

"Don't start it" She warned him over his teasing.

"Well if we had left earlier then you won't have to witness that" He told her, remaining consistent with his intentions "Damn, how did you end up liking the Lagdameo heir when you already know from the very beginning that he was destined to the CGC heiress?"

"They are not destined…"

"They are, or at least their titles are" He continued brushing off Xhemin's protest over his statement "The L Empire's heir and CGC's heiress, a perfect fit"

"Shut up" She warned him again, not wanting to hear it. She had seen enough, there was no need for her to deal with words of truth—because damn! It hurts! It hurts like hell!

"How could you ever settle with a man like that?" Leonardo insisted. He thought, the more frustrated she can be, the more the circumstance will turn to his favour. The way he sees things right now, especially the frustration that flooded her face, well, he sure was on the right track. He'll get what he wanted soon enough.

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"None of your business" She hissed at him "Get me another glass please" Xhemin turned her head to the bartender that had been overly obedient to the girl's request.

"Wooooh, so you are planning to drunk yourself to death over it" Leonardo observed "Well, don't worry I'll keep you company, making sure you'll have a good time" he offered a toss right after the bar tender handed Xhemin her drink.

Xhemin was really burning with anger but what can she do about it apart from making herself drunk to forget what she just saw.

"A toast for our broken hearts" He proposed raising his drink in the air.

Xhemin nodded and lifted her own glass to join Leonardo's toast. Leonardo drunk from his bottle and Xhemin proceeded to drink from her own glass. She drank all the liquid in it and her face grimaced at the heavy solution that flooded in her mouth. She almost throws up but managed to swallow it all, leaving a sting in her throat.

"Woah" Leonardo wowed at her audacity. "That's the spirit, keep it up!" He complimented as he tapped the girl's back, helping her swallow the heavy liquid that she took.

Xhemin recovered completely in a minute but her throat suddenly felt dry. As if she hadn't had enough amount of drink, she reached for Leonardo's bottle and drank from it too. Caught off guard of her sudden charge, Leo had to done nothing but let the girl have his bottle. The view of her lips touching the same opening he previously drank made him gulped hard. He wanted to have a taste of it too.

Leonardo could do nothing but just looked at Xhemin, amused of how she clung desperately to the liquor.

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"This is light" Xhemin moaned after she had a taste of his bottle. She wiped her lips dry with the back of her hands right away without letting go of Leonardo's bottle.

Leonardo just smiled at her, still amazed of how this random fan turned out to be a heavy drinker, or least as she pretended so.

He saw the girl lifted the same bottle to go for another taste but even before the tip of the bottle landed on her lips, another hand take a hold of the bottle preventing her from drinking another round and took the bottle out of Xhemin's hand.

Both of them turned to person who was holding the bottle now and their eyes both bulged out from a total shock.

Leonardo's shoulder shivered.

Xhemin swallowed hard and bit her lower lip.

It was Darryl.

And his expression was beastly, to say the least.

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