Darryl's expression dimmed even more when he realized it was really Xhemin. He had been eyeing this new girl from afar and hoped that it wasn't her, but he was wrong.

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It was her.

In that gorgeous nude top of hers and tight pants, she was smiling at another man.

Not just smiling actually.

She was drinking—Drinking with Leonardo Auclair.

Of all people, why him?

Did her friends forget to tell her how one heck of a womanizer was Leonardo Auclair? And why was she alone in here? Where was that Diamond Prince who said she was well protected in their side?

Darryl inspected the whole room, looking for any signs of the Diamond prince and the youngest Montreal sire, yet he can't find any of them, not even their shadows were here at the party. From the crowd he tore his beastly eyes back to Xhemin who was still biting her lips before him, her cheeks already glowed pink, a sign that she had drank enough liquor.

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"Hey Darryl" Leonardo greeted "Wanna hang out with us?" He invited him although he was not sincere about it. He did want to keep the girl for himself but for whatever reason, the Lagdameo heir came and Leonardo was so sure he will totally ruin the vibe. He was the greatest killer joy after all.

Ignoring Leonardo's invitation, Darryl went to Xhemin and took a hard grip on her wrist. His expression was burning as hell when he looked at her in the face. Xhemin who was still stuck in the bar stool couldn't do anything but lean on the bar table to keep a fair distance from Darryl's face that was as beastly as ever.

"Young lady, what do you think you are doing?" He asked, his tone was cold, it could froze everyone's sanity in an instant.

"Having a drinking spree with Leonardo Auclair" She stated gulping in between. Even though she had drunk a good amount of liquor, her propriety was still intact. She was used to drinking heavy liquids because it so happens that Ziggy's family owned a wine business and whenever they had a new product, Ziggy made sure to bring samples to Richmond ranch and they drank themselves out, betting who will knocked out to sleep first.

Xhemin's honestly only angered the beast more. It only meant she did this 'drinking spree' of hers voluntarily and without any signs of remorse. Does she know she was playing with fire? Can't she tell by the way Leonardo looked at her that he was ready to ravished her?

"Can you let me go?" She hissed at him, feeling a bit of pain in her wrist because of Darryl's grip.

"No!" he chided at her, his quaking with fury "We are going back to the camp this instant"

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"Hell no! I am not going back to the camp. Never!" Xhemin protested. She was fucked up. Suddenly she remembered why she was here and so Darryl must not send her home. Not yet.

"Oh really? Are you sure about that?" he answered back glaring at Xhemin's face.

"Darryl I don't think you can force her if she don't want to" Leonardo intervened but he made sure he had enough distance from Darryl.

"Was I talking to you?" He tilted his head to Leonardo in a face that was saying 'don't you dare or I'll send you to hell'. Not wanting to make any issues with the Lagdameo's heir, he shut his mouth in an instant while Xhemin was trying her best to free herself from Darryl's grip.

"If I have to carry you back I will. So better come with me willingly" He tore his eyes back to Xhemin who was already as annoyed as he was.

Darryl's threat surge some sort of panic in Xhemin. She can't go home until the task is done because that would only make all their efforts and plans go to waste. She can't leave just yet, she was almost near to accomplishing the task so she shouldn't retreat.

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But how could she escape the beast's fury?

She knew him and he sure is as beastly as he can be.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" Xhemin randomly shouted as if calling to someone. She heightened her voice, making sure she got everybody's attention. An as if in queue, everyone turned their attention to their side and saw Darryl getting a hold of her tightly.

Everyone right then wondered what was happening.

"What are you doing?" Confused, Darryl asked. Aware of everybody's attention, he made sure his voice was only as loud for his and Xhemin's ears to hear.

"Excuse me Miss Collet! The CGC heir hello!" She called again, knowing that Darryl faltered a bit with her act while a grin escaped from her lips.

"Was she calling you Collet?" Lauren asked from where they were. The chatters in their sofa halted as they heard the girl's call, her voice was so loud it defeated the music that was vibrating at the dance floor.

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"She sure did" Miguel seconded and their eyes traveled across the dance floor where the mini bar was situated only to find Darryl having a little commotion with a girl. Not just a random girl but the fan who kissed him at the dining hall.

"Ignore her"Collet told her peers.

"Miss Collet! CGC heir yohoo!" Xhemin's voice was filling in the whole place, louder than it ever was until it cannot be ignored anymore. Stamping in her feet, Collet dragged herself from the sofa to the mini bar together with Lauren and Miguel.

Miguel queued to someone and the music stopped playing after a while.

"What is it?" Collet asked of Xhemin who was having a hard time breaking free. Of course he noticed Darryl's grip on her but she ignored it as if she hadn't seen anything.

"Please tell your boyfriend Darryl Lemmuel Lagdameo to let me go" She pleaded with her but unknown to everyone she was only making a scene so that she can escape from Darryl.

"He is not my—" Collet almost said the words, but she stopped before the words break out from her mouth. Of course she couldn't admit directly to everyone that Darryl was not her boyfriend. After they talk earlier, she had received a good feedback from the elite party goers; they thought they made up and that they were okay now. So, she jived into the flow, hiding the fact that Darryl and her had really nothing between them and that hug they saw earlier was really nothing.

If she will tell everyone the truth, it will backfire against her. She will be called a lying bitch and a total loser. That surely be her end and she can't let that happen.

"Go on, tell him, tell him!" She asked Collet again with a fake cry. "I don't know what I did wrong I was just here drinking with my baby Leo" She added giving Leo a wink that made his heart jumped out from his chest. He didn't understand what the girl was doing but he was loving the look in Darryl's face.

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