Darryl watched Leonardo Auclair leaving with Xhemin, passing through their sofa as they head for the door smoothly, as if nothing happened, as if he had no claim of whatsoever form with the woman he was holding in his arms.

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As soon as they stepped out the door, he took note of each second that passed and calculated immediately the possible length of distance they were able to take and the possible places that Leonardo could have brought the girl.

"How long do I need to stay?" He asked Collet who was now sitting beside him in the sofa and his question came in as a total shock in the girl's face. "I want to leave now," Darryl told her when her shock state made her unable to answer to his question.

"The party was not over yet, you can't leave" Collet told him. It didn't occur into her mind that Darryl will leave immediately just as soon as Leonardo and the girl left. Was he planning to go after them?

"That wasn't part of the trade Collet," He reminded the girl. "We only agreed on one thing—me letting her leave with Leonardo. Me staying until the end of the night was not part of it"

"But Darry—"

"Thank you Miguel for hosting the camp party. It was a good one" Darryl turned to Miguel before he stood from his seat and bolted to the door totally ignoring Collet as if she doesn't matter at all.

Miguel could do nothing but nod only at Darryl's gratitude. He knew Darryl was always true to his word that's why he respected Collet's deal, but Darryl was not the type of man that a girl like Collet can outsmart, and so she cannot hold him in the neck about a thing that wasn't part of what had previously been agreed upon.

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Knowing how defeated Collet was, all Miguel could do was spare her a sympathetic smile as the girl watched Darryl helplessly chasing the Lagdameo woman.

When Darryl was out of sight Collet instantly grabbed a cup and poured herself three quarters of a cup of Vodka and added a splash of orange juice, downing a shot of vodka whist she was still pouring.
"Collet just take it easy girl" Lauren frowned at Collet's messed up expression, shaking her head.
"No way. I'll get wasted. After all, that's what we came here for right? "She hissed drowning herself with her own emotions. Indeed, she had redeemed her reputation tonight but not her heart.


Every corner of the front lawn was flooded by partygoers, yet no single corner escaped from Darryl's scrutinizing beastly eyes. Even the unsuspecting young bloods' attentions were stirred when the Lagdameo heir asked if anybody had seen the Auclair's only heir, and yet no one happened to notice him, nor so the new girl that invaded the party.

When he was sure that Leonardo and Xhemin had left without any trace, he did not waste any more time. He took his phone from his pocket and dialled a few numbers to ask for help.

"Young master there are no other property round here that I can think off" the caretaker replied politely when asked. Patrollers were already rummaging every corner of the forest, charged by Darryl, but still he got no news about the two's whereabouts. When he had already exhausted all his means, it was just then that he thought of summoning the property's caretaker.

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"Any place perhaps that is hidden, somewhere very private?" he asked of him again.

The man paused and thought real hard, "Well, there is a tree house at the back of this property perhaps they were in there"

"We have already check, it's totally empty" The lead patroller said, he was there listening while Darryl was interrogating the care taker "Anywhere else?"

"I couldn't think of anything anymore. We have a shack also but it's completely a mess round there. I don't think love birds will ever go to there"

The word love birds struck as a pain in Darryl's stomach. No they weren't love birds. Leonardo Auclair is not the type of man Xhemin would ever like. Is he?

Judging at how the two flirted earlier and how Xhemin ran for his protection, he doesn't know what to think. Weird, but it seemed that Xhemin had voluntarily clung to the boy and was determined to go with him. He even called the boy 'baby'. Damn!

And why was Xhemin in here?

Could it be possible that they had already been seeing each other in a while now and the person who gave her passes was Leonardo himself?

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All of these don't make sense at all in Darryl's mind.

He can't think straight knowing his woman was missing and was in a company of the greatest womanizer he had met.

'God she was not even eighteen yet. What was she thinking?'

"Where is this shack you are referring to?" Darryl asked, ready to run on his feet to that place right now.

"On the west side of the property. Just below the cliff. You must have not seen it because of the thick bushes" The care taker answered "But it's a complete mess over there. No one's been there for ages aside from rats and the cats that were hunting them."

Just right after he heard about the shack, Darryl rallied down the cliff immediately. Worried about the young master's safety, the lead patroller together with some of his team followed him behind.

Whilst descending down the cliff, passing through the thick bushes that had covered the steep walkway and their view, the group had already noticed a small light coming from down below and soon they find themselves approaching a little log cabin well lighted from the inside, making the small property glowed in the dark.

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Coming closer, the group of men heard a long high pitched cry making them realize there was someone inside the shack. More closer, the voices from inside the shack was becoming clear.

And just then, a voice of a woman came in. Her voice was a little breathless and gentle.

"Come here…" She said.

"…Let me take those pants out of you"

The words that they heard made everyone's ears flame in red and they all gulped in—hard. As if some lump immediately formed in their throat and suddenly it was hard to swallow. Somehow, they felt embarrassed by being there, as if they invaded some else privacy.

But Darryl's expression unlike the other was different.

His hazel eyes were burning with fury.

His jaw tightened.

And he gritted his teeth hard.

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