"Young Master I don't think we are welcome here" One of the patrollers uttered. Judging from what they have heard, there were definitely love birds inside the shack and the way it sounded, he thought it would be best to leave the love birds alone. The thought of what was happening inside made the patroller giggle but when he saw Darryl's face—contorted with a venomous outburst— his grin faded away.

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Darryl can't be wrong. It was his woman's voice echoing inside the cabin.

It was Xhemin's voice, calling off Leonardo Auclair to let her take off the boy's pants personally.

What exactly are they doing?

Was Xhemin too drunk or was she drugged?

Hell! What did Leonardo Auclair do with her that she was acting outlandishly?

He ran his hand through his hair, gripped through the short strands of it frustrated and fixed his hard gaze at the shack's wood door. The fact that Xhemin was alone with the Auclair's heir inside that four cornered property— made Darryl lose all his propriety!

In a split second, just like a flash, he ran through the front door and started kicking the door. He kicked it hard, at least two times but the door only gave a big squeak and everything had been quiet after that.

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"Leonardo open the door!" Darryl shouted from the outside. The door didn't break, although the shack was old. It was made of fine wood that don't easily break away by just a kick.

No one answered other than the insects that were dwelling nearby, still singing their nigh time hymn oblivious of the burning tension of the humans around them and hinting out the fact that it was already midnight.

"For Goddam sake Leonardo Auclair!" he screamed out of his lungs. Sweats had flooded down his face and his expression was all a mess "Open this door now!"

Darryl can't help himself but continuously kicking the door, hoping it would give up. The patrollers who were watching wanted to stop the Lagdameo heir, afraid that he would end up breaking his feet than the shack's door. However Darryl's beastly face and wild behaviour render them too fearsome to intervene with him. In fact, their knees were shaking afraid that the beast might devour them instead than his intended prey.

"Leonardo don't you ever lay a hand on her! I'm going to kill you!" Darryl screamed and his voice filled the once quiet undisturbed shack. As every second that passed, Darryl's anger aggravated and everyone around him didn't know what to do anymore, they were even too afraid to run away from him.

Darryl went around the shack, trying to look for any window or a soft spot where he could break in but he simply didn't find any. The shack was windowless and the way it looked, it seemed that the walls and the door were made of the same type of wood.

When he came back to the entrance again, he gave it another series of kicks and everyone thought Darryl was way too overboard with his reaction. Why was he so angry with Leonardo? Does he know the girl who was Leonardo? Was the girl the reason of these beastly tantrums?

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"Young Master, here are the keys!" The caretaker came in running; his hands were shaking as he offered the keys to the Lagdameo heir and opted to bow his head to avoid his eyes. One patroller had gone to fetch him to get the keys telling off how thing went jumble out of control down the cliff.

Darryl was too agitated that he couldn't think quiet clear anymore. Instead of accepting the keys he pointed to the shack's door—commanding the caretaker to open it himself.

The caretaker ran immediately to the door and tried opening it. His shaking hands took him quite a while to open the door and he breathe deep when he was able to unlock it, but when he pushed the door open, he realized that his attempt were all useless.

With a voice shaking, he looked back to the beastly Darryl and said "Young master, it was locked from the inside"

Darryl's jaw tightened even more, his expression turned stone and his hazel eyes went burning. "Get me something that could open this door now!" His voice came in as a command to everyone and just when they heard him, the patrollers went running back to the house where the party was to get some tools.

The patroller's intrusion of the house in haste and panic disturbed the unsuspecting party crowd. They came in rummaging the house with sharp tools and just then everyone knew something was wrong.

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"Hey what's going on?" Miguel was astonished just like all the others halted one of the patrollers and asked.

"The young master…" he answered gasping for air. He paused and breathe deep before he continued " The young master Darryl is losing all his shit!"

Mentioning Darryl's name gave way to a surging interest and curiosity among the crowd.

"What?" Collet asked, a surge of interest and panic rose within her. "Where?" Without waiting for him to answer, she added another question as if the matter was of prime importance that she couldn't anymore minute to be answered.

"Down the cliff" The patroller replied and went on his way on haste.

Soon enough, the patrollers came back carrying a variety of tools with them and being followed by a crowd of party goers who were curious about what was happening. The once dark and quiet cliff now hosted a number of people, carrying off tools and lights and of course their nosiness.

"Who's inside the shack?" Lauren who couldn't hold off her prying nose went to ask around. She went there with her circle, Miguel and Collet.

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"Shhhhh…Leonardo Auclair and a lover" Someone answered her in a low voice while shushing her to be quiet. Just then, Lauren's circle had a gasped of what was happening and Collet was right with her suspicion, the Lagdameo heir did chaste the couple, or more like he was hunting them.

"Give me that!" Darryl who was still standing in front of the door pointed to a patroller who was carrying an axe. The latter went hurriedly and reached out the sharp tool to his young master, whose anger had run down to every part of his system.

Without wasting time, Darryl hit the door with the axe's sharpness, as if cutting a wood to burn and the sound of it made everyone gasped. Darryl in his beastly aura, chopping off the door was like watching a scary serial killer, hunting down his victim.

In succession, Darryl chopped off the door and everybody was very anxious what will happen once he had a grip of Leonardo Auclair. Everyone knew things will turn out pretty bad and all they could do was watch the fate of Auclair's only son tonight.

The sound of axing filled the once quiet cliff and everyone waited quietly for what was about to come, the tension was rising even more and every body's breathing followed the rhythm of wood slashing.

Darryl, whose eyes and skin were burning with red had chopped the door multiple times and when he was about to hit the door for another round, someone intervened.

"I don't think there's a need for that anymore" A voice drew everyone's attention to the corner where a strange silhouette emerged slowly.

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