Everyone waited for the person whose been clouded by the dark to emerged fully to the light, even Darryl halted what he was doing wondering who dared to delay him.

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Just then, the face of the Montreal's youngest sire welcomed everyone. He was smiling brightly giving away his happy go lucky behaviour and he kept his two hands inside his jean's pocket—a gesture of coming clean of what was happening, as if saying he has nothing to do with any inch of it.

"Hello everyone!" he said brightly ignoring the tension that was filling up the place.

"Is that the Youngest Montreal?" Someone whispered and some of them were thrilled to have seen him. But Darryl wasn't. Just when he saw his face, he ran toward him and caught the hem of his polo and the view of the Lagdameo heir almost choking the Ziggorioh heir had everyone gasping for breath.

"Where the heck had you been?" Darryl hissed, everyone could feel the tension in his voice. He was too angry to be calm at the moment and the fact that Ziggy came in smiling, as if his best friend wasn't in trouble infuriated him more.

"Hey relax," Ziggy shoved off his hands away from him, he was acting very cool about it although he knew the situation was getting worse as each moments that passed.

Ziggy knew this would happen that's why he thought of hiding away for few minutes before showing up. Xhemin had managed to change the plan right away and all he could do was trust the girl with what she came up. Coming down the cliff was the last thing she instructed and so he did, but he came in too late already—because Darryl was already unreasonably kicking off the shack's door and his expression was like a man who was ready to kill.

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"Tell me how could I relax?" Darryl responded still smouldering underneath his stony expression. "Do you even have an idea who is she with inside?"

"The monkey is having a migraine" Ziggy sighed deep as he said those words slowly under his breathe.

"What's that?" Darryl who seemed to have heard his unconscious comment confronted him right away.

"I mean the beast is having...cough..cough.." He almost spilled the words that he only meant to be for himself " What I mean is that I can open the door for you…without the need of breaking it" He tried to shift Darryl's attention away from his words.

"Oh really…" Darryl answered in a sound that was like challenging the Montreal boy. He had spent almost an hour trying to open the door and failed then here comes this young heir claiming he can open it. Does he think it was easy?

"Let me try okay…" Ziggy tried to convince the Lagdameo heir whose eyes were shooting daggers at him. Without waiting for his answer, Ziggy went close to the door and knocked. Three times.

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"If you think the door will open just by a knock—"

"Shhhhhhhhhhh…" Ziggy cut off Darryl's words raising his palm in the air, telling him and everyone else to be quiet. Everyone heeded his request while Darryl only gave him a smirk waiting for him to realize that the door won't easily open by just being polite. Leonardo Auclair won't give in just because someone was being polite.

"Xhemin? It's me…" Ziggy called after he made another knock. Everyone was silent, even the insects were quieter this time.

"Lil' thug?" Again Ziggy called but he was answered by silence.

"I told you that is not gonna work!" Darryl was trying hard to control himself but he was really ready to knock Ziggy off. How could he be too irresponsible by allowing Xhemin to go to an elite party alone? And where was that Diamond Prince who said he can protect her fully?

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"And I told you to be quiet!" Ziggy answered him back with a sneer. God! This Lagdameo heir was one hell of a problematic ogre. Didn't he ignore her in station zero and now he was acting as if he own every inch of her.

"If you cannot open that door then step away" Darryl shouted back at him ready to smack the door again.

"hold on…" Ziggy told Darryl nonchalantly and took something from his pocket. It was his phone and it took him few seconds tapping something into it before he held it into his ears.

There was silence for a couple of minutes, everyone was watching Ziggy as he walked to and fro waiting for someone to answer from the other line.

"prip-prippa-papa"Ziggy said in a low voice when the other line opened then he put his phone down.

Darryl grimaced upon what Ziggy did and thought the boy was just playing pranks on them. So instead of waiting for what he can do, he opted to continue smacking the door with the axe.

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"hey!" Ziggy exclaimed when Darryl pushed him to the side, away from the door and positioned himself to give the door another round of slashing. He raised the axe in the air and held on his strength ready to give a blow but just then, the door moved slowly followed by a gentle squeak.

The in a little while, Xhemin came out, she was intact and her clothes were neat as Darryl saw them earlier although her hair was in a mess, as if the girl just went out of bed. She came out holding a phone in her hand.

Xhemin stood at the door, she was blinking with unfeigned innocence and gave everyone a hard yawn as she stared upon the crowd before her wondering if she was dreaming.

Was she sleeping the whole time?


She could have woken up with all the sound coming from the outside.

Darryl stared upon Xhemin, checking every part of the girl looking for something in her that would clear out every question that was running in his head.

And right then, as the girl yawned again, Xhemin pressed something in her phone before she took a pair of wireless air pods in her ears.

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