The Genius' First Love

Chapter 176: 176

The moment Xhemin realized she wasn't dreaming, she was flabbergasted by everyone's curious stares. How the heck was everyone here? She looked at the sea of faces in front of her and everyone had diverse reactions upon seeing her but the least of her favourite was Darryl's reaction—it was as beastly as she could ever imagine.

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"Hi…" The only thing Xhemin managed to say between her shock and confusion. What's with everyone's crazy stares?

"Hey…" Just then, Ziggy came into her view and stood in front of her by the door, blocking Darryl away.
The youngest sire pull a face in front of Xhemin, trying to chide her on how things turned out and giving her a fair warning that there's trouble just behind him—holding a sharp axe and was ready to kill.

Seeing Ziggy's expression and getting a hint why everyone was here, Xhemin made a big gulp. She tore her eyes from the Montreal boy to Darryl that was behind him, and threw the Lagdameo heir a fake smile.

"Why are you guys here?" She asked turning to the crowd, although she already had an idea why. She did ignore Darryl's smoking hot face and the axe he was holding—it was such a scary sight.

Darryl eyes pried over Xhemin and the girl tried not to be intimidated by him, his stony expression was still pronounced in his face.

"What the heck Xhem!" Darryl cursed, throwing the axe down to the ground. His sudden outburst made everyone flinched and nobody dared to say a word.

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Xhemin's head snapped up at him "What's with you? You are acting up so suddenly…"

"Acting up? What's with me?" Darryl made a rude sound, loud enough to let everyone know he was terribly mad. "Why don't you tell me why you are here with Leonardo Auclair alone?"

"None of your business eh," Xhemin shrugged.

Darryl smarted at Xhemin's words but he continued with his flaring nostrils, "What were you two doing? Answer me!"

"I told you it was none of your freaking business, can you just leave now?" She returned his hostility with her own version of it. God! Darryl was such a mood killer!

"Just tell me and don't dick me around" Darryl's voiced cracked up and he wasn't buying any of Xhemin's lame excuses.

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"Nothing" She glared at Darryl and tried so much to hide the lump in her throat that made her hard to talk. She looked at Ziggy helplessly but the youngest Montreal was too occupied suppressing his laughter over Darryl's messed up face and Xhemin's misery.

The muscle in Darryl's jaw twitches at Xhemin's words. She was already caught in the act yet the girl had all the guts to deny everything. Mad as he was, Darryl made an attempt to enter the shack but Xhemin blocked his way.

"Don't!" Xhemin exclaimed preventing Darryl's entry. She was very sure that what she had done inside of the shack will not be a pleasing sight for everyone and so she doesn't want anyone to see, especially Darryl. "Leonardo was in—"

"So he is indeed inside with you…" He cut Xhemin's words halfway and he gave the girl his most beastly glare "So tell me did you like what you saw when you took his pants off?"

Hearing her own words from Darryl's mouth almost made Xhemin choke and her cheeks turned crimson in an instant. How the heck did he knew that? Aware of the crowd before them, Xhemin whisper-yell at Darryl's face "Just back off okay?"

"No" He snapped out and forcefully entered the door. He wanted to see Leonardo and settle out things with him—man to man—because it seemed like the Auclair's son was hiding away. Was he to coward to face him? Did he lose his balls overtime?

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"Leonardo!" Darryl shouted his name at the door. He tried to move further but Xhemin was at the door blocking his entry. Surprisingly while the two of them were facing each other head on, Lauren went immediately inside hoping she could take away Leonardo before Darryl lays a hand on him.

Aware of the tension and Darryl's temper, Lauren knew that Leonardo was in a serious shit. From how the things went, he was very sure that Darryl will not spare the Auclair's only heir and a serious trouble will about to unfold.

"Waaahhhhhhhh!" Lauren shouted when she was welcomed with the scene inside. Hearing her scream made everyone panic and Miguel with some other elite young blood bolted inside the shack for rescue. Xhemin was unable to contain the crowd because the place had become chaotic right when Lauren shouted. Even Darryl himself was able to shoo her away from his way—and an obnoxious scene welcome him as soon as he entered.

Leonardo was in there, at the corner of wooden bed, naked almost, as the only thing that's left of him was his dotted trunks and the crazy thing was—no matter how sexy it may sound—Leonardo almost naked in bed wasn't a sexy scene right then, it was a scary one.

Not only did his confused and frightened face give way to the scariness, his hands and feet were tied, and his mouth was gagged with some clothing. It was like he had been robbed or kidnapped then the culprit bound and gagged him.

"What have you done to him!" Lauren hissed at Xhemin right away when she recovered and she was very mad she was ready to grope Xhemin, but Miguel stopped the girl.

"Lauren calm down!" Miguel bellowed at her while he was holding her in his arms before he himself confronted Xhemin. "What is the meaning of this?"

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Xhemin who was overwhelmed by all the chaos wasn't able to give Miguel answer aside from biting her lips from humiliation. She was busted on the worst scenario she had ever done. She had to erase Leonardo's tag game tattoo but she didn't know what part of Leonardo's body it was inked. So she lured the boy to taking all his clothes off then tied and gagged him so she can freely erase it.

Even though the scene was a little too disturbing, some of the elite party goers particularly the boys thought it was funny—Leonardo Auclair, a prominent heir and the great womanizer was bounded and gagged by a girl. So they took pictures of him and laughed on his current state.

"O my goodness Leonardo! You look so sexy dude!"

"Karma is indeed a bitch. That's what you get for preying on tons of girls"

"The great Leonardo Auclair has fallen"

And as if his humiliation was not enough, Ziggy went inside the room with a proud smile and overbearing confidence.

"Leonardo Auclair, you had been tagged!" The youngest sire announced and the place was filled with cheers and laughter for Ziggy's victory.

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