The Genius' First Love

Chapter 177: 177

Miguel went to help Leonardo, untie him and took the clothing that was gagged on his mouth. The Auclair's son cough badly when released and his face was a mess, flooded with anger and humiliation.

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"You bitch!" He shouted at Xhemin who was standing behind Ziggy now. He couldn't believe the girl made him look like a fool in front of everyone " I'm going to sue you for detaining me!"

"C'mon Leonardo, the game rules are very clear" Ziggy's grey eyes landed and his brows crossed almost not believing how the great Leonardo Auclair forgot to be sporty about the game he himself suggested " We can do all sorts of tricks to outdo each other. Wasn't that the reason you hired all your goons?"

The crowd agreed with Ziggy. The tag game had been played for years and not once did a player complained about methods and tricks, not until now, when Leonardo was tagged out by Ziggy. For years, Leonardo had been winning and had always been a good contender and he thought his years of experience were enough to win this year's tag game. Although a lot of young bloods threw their bets on Ziggy, who joined for the first time, his confidence didn't faltered.

Leonardo's jaw tightened. He couldn't believe that the youngest Montreal child was able to trick him in a way that he didn't suspected at all—using a woman to lure him off. What's his relationship with this woman by the way that he was able to gain her loyalty?

"I'm sorry sir Leo," The leader of his goons apologized. They did everything they could to secure Leonardo but he went away without warning and it was already too late for them to rescue him when they realize there was a plot against him.

"What could your sorry do?" He shouted off loudly with his mad gaze "You guys only had one thing to do! Just one thing"

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"You leave the party without telling us and —"

"Just shut up!" He cut off his subordinates reasoning with a loud scream. Leonardo Auclair was terribly mad at his defeat to the point that he was losing all his rationality.

Ziggy knew that Leonardo will use everything he can to outdo his defeat, and that tonight, a long lengthy discussion will take place within all the gamers. To spare Xhemin from the chaos, he threw her a signal to leave immediately while everyone's attention was still fixated to the raging Leonardo.

As soon as Xhemin caught Ziggy's signal, she went out the shack in a motion that was slow enough not to catch anyone's attention. Slowly and slowly she made her way out and she gave a sigh of relief when she was able to get away from everyone—God that was one heck of a trouble over there!

She didn't quiet expect the turn of events. All she did was to make sure Ziggy can tag out Leonardo but didn't expect that such would happen in front of an audience—If she only knew she could have at least been less harsh with the boy.

Xhemin made her way to the foot of the cliff and started to climb up but then even before she could make a step, a voice made her insides jumped out her stomach!

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"Where do you think you are going?" It was Darryl digging his ferociously beastly eyes at Xhemin.

"Back to the camp?" Xhemin's answer came as a question. As she turned to her back to face him, Darryl's heavy expression shook her confidence a bit. When will this beast stop messing up all her errands?

"Don't you realize what you did out there?" He howled. Darryl, thoroughly fed up with what he thought as Xhemin's theatrics, reached over Xhemin's shoulder with a constrained strength.

"I did as I was told to do" She answered back at him trying to shove off his arms that was bracing over her shoulder "But it didn't quiet occur to me that you I need your permission for me to do all my errands"

"God Xhemin!" Darryl could do nothing but curse out of frustration. The party tonight had given him some series of mix emotions and he had enough. Xhemin was sure testing all his patience. "How could you risk that much for that Montreal's game?"

"Whatever! Are we done now? I'm really tired…" She said trying to dismiss him off. If Darryl had enough, then she on the other hand was far too exhausted to argue with him.

"I had been screaming outside calling both of you… in front of everyone!" He hissed at her furiously, frustrated that he couldn't control his anger over it.

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"I was listening to music with the air pods!" She reasoned, her trembling voice was as icy as his had been. "You acted up that you don't know me! You cut me off and had been avoiding me and now all of the sudden you are here telling me off for acting against your wishes? Damnit! Even if you are the Lagdameo heir, you can't play on someone else's feelings just like that!"

Darryl paused a bit, as if trying to savour the pang of pain that hit straight into his chest that was brought by Xhemin's words "But you can't just go on with random elite just like that…don't you know who he was?" he forced the words out of his gritting teeth.

"She knows who he is" Ziggy just appeared suddenly and went to pick Xhemin away from Darryl. His expression came as heavy and thick like the tension that had surrounded the arguing couple "She isn't dumb as you thought she is"

"Stay away from this Ziggorioh Montreal—"

"You are the one who needed to back up dear young master" Ziggy said, in a voice unwavering. He didn't like Darryl even from the start, when Xhemin and the Lagdameo heir had their little affair back in the conference. And seeing how the boy treated Xhemin back in the station zero, he was decided his dislike for him will be for good. "You have no ounce of right with Xhemin so leave her alone"

"You know I don't like being threatened" Darryl warned him, his hazel eyes were burning.

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"That wasn't a threat, that was a reminder" The youngest sire answered "But I don't mind threatening you if you go out of your way just to bother Xhemin again"

Darryl gave Ziggy a smile in an irritating smug. Did the Montreal boy think he can get on with it smoothly? His annoyance and anger made him unable to give Ziggy a throwback. He just shook his head and went to reach out for Xhemin again, trying to get her back into his arms and brought her somewhere without any intruders like this best friend of hers who does nothing but get her into trouble.

"Don't!" Xhemin shoved off Darryl's hand and stepped immediately behind Ziggy. "I already told you, you can't have your way anytime you want"

"Xhemin can you please stop this bullshit act of yours?" he talked her through ignoring Ziggy's presence. " We need to talk…alone"

"No" Xhemin said in an unfaltering tone before she climbed hurriedly up the cliff. She had enough for the night and the beast will only make her feel worst, so before he could hurt her further, she opted to leave—away from the shack.

From the condemning elites.

From the cheering crowd.

And from the Darryl the beast who does nothing but annoy her if he had lost all the means to hurt her.

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