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The lake was crowded by campers, elites and commoners scattered in, forming little groups that scattered in the bank—chatting, swimming and diving into the lake. The place was filled with loud noises of cheering and laughing. On one side of the lake, a group of elite campers were flaunting in their bikini's, hoping they would have enough heat from the sun to tan their skins. Lauren was one of them, laying herself on one big rock, her sunglasses was covering her amber cat eyes.

"Lauren where's Collet?" Someone called her attention.

"Probably tailing of Darryl" She simply said, giving no weight upon the question. Collet had been acting up ever since the camp party and she don't want to get contaminated with whatever negative vibes the CGC heir had, so Lauren kind of stay away.

Xhemin and Ziggy arrived at the lake together, while Huzey had already blended in the crowd, his long steps made him left the two who were hesitant to converse with him because of their earlier argument. They both knew how Huzey felt left out and blind over what transpired few days ago and the Diamond Prince must have felt bad over it.

Reaching the bank, the first thought Xhemin had in mind was to find a perfect spot to for her watch whih she found instantly, just parallel to the bank, there were big stones filing up and she thought of positioning herself there. With such elevation, it would be easy for her to watch for everyone and notice if something went wrong.

"Xhem, let's have some refreshments first. I'll get some over there" Ziggy suggested when he felt his mouth dried because of the heat and left instantly expecting Xhemin to follow him. However, because the youngest Montreal was fast, Xhemin was left behind walking in her neutral speed.

While making her way through, Xhemin's attention was caught by the beauty of the lake; its clear waters were like inviting her to take a swim. Attracted to it, instead of following Ziggy, Xhemin went to the water to fill her desire for it.

"That's her!" Someone exclaimed nearby while Xhemin was about to dip her feet into the water. "The fan everyone was talking about"

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"Which one?"

"The girl on bun"

"Are you sure?"

"I've seen her before so I'm very sure that it was her!"

"Is she the one who had blisters all over her body?" Another camper asked and stepped back immediately away from Xhemin with disgust. Her face contorted a fearsome look, afraid that she might have caught the same skin disease.

"What blisters you guys were talking about?" Xhemin answered slowly intending only for her words to reach her own ears. She doesn't want to argue with these kids not only because she thought their opinions don't matter, but also because she knew they won't believe her.

"Don't deny it. It was Leonardo Auclair himself confirmed it" The same person answered when she heard her words. "That was the very reason he didn't like you and out of desperation, you kidnapped the guy"

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"I never thought one could be that desperate. Also the first day of the camp, you were chasing the Lagdameo heir then now all of the sudden, you victimized the Auclair's son? Who will you go chasing next?"

Xhemin couldn't believe the display of foolishness flashing right before her. However, she was aware how commoners easily believe rumours so she had nothing but sympathy for the girls before her. If only they knew how jerk Leonardo Auclair was.

Xhemin didn't want to argue, so she turned her back away from them only to find another group of female campers approaching them—they were the elites with Lauren leading them through.

"I can't believe you showed up in here" Lauren hissed, her amber cat eyes raked with disdain at Xhemin. Now Xhemin was surrounded with what she thought were the 'mean girls'.

"I have a task to do that's why I'm here. Now if you'll excuse me" She answered and tried make her way out and away from them.

"After you kidnapped the Auclair's son, now you are telling everyone that he was a liar?" Another elite, who seemed to be one of Leonardo Auclair's avid supporter, exclaimed over Xhemin's face. She must have heard Xhemin and the commoners exchanges earlier "Don't you have some shame inside your blistered body?"

"You should be thankful Leonardo didn't sue you for detaining him" Another one coming from the same pack interjected.

"We all know that the 'kidnapping' and the 'blister' thing is not true" Xhemin said in a tone not pleasing. She was holding of her annoyance at the moment because she doesn't want to end up being reprimanded by Huzey again.

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"Oh really, So you are not only denying the kidnapping. You are also trying to make Leo looked like a liar for denying the blisters that rotted in that body of yours" Lauren mocked raising a perfect brow at Xhemin" Well then…care to show us? Since we are here in the lake then why don't you go and show us some skin so we will all witness the whole truth"

"What?" Xhemin's brow flared over Lauren's suggestion. Confused, she asked again "What do you mean?

"What I mean is that no one goes swimming with that kind of outfit you had. Unless you are hiding something"

"You've got to be kidding me"

"I'm not…" Lauren answered with a smirk. Her irritated visage gave Xhemin an instant warning that the girl was desperate to cause her trouble " Girls…get her naked"

With that, Lauren's companions went closer to Xhemin and tried to lock her in their arms with the intention of taking all of her clothes. However, Xhemin was quick enough to shove their hands away from her.

"Don't touch me!"

Seeing how Xhemin struggled to avoid their trap for her, Lauren mocked her even more "What are you afraid off? Are you afraid everyone will see your blisters?"

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Xhemin instead of answering Lauren back, chose to bluff away the latter's companions who were trying to lock her down in their arms. "Blisters are contagious, if you touch me, the possibility of you getting the disease if high"

"Is that true?" One of the girls questioned immediately.

"Don't believe her, idiots!" Lauren shouted at her companions when she saw that they were now hesitating on touching Xhemin.

"It's too risky. I don't want to get sick"

"She's a liar" One of them exclaimed trying to show off an expression that she wasn't buying Xhemin's statement. However, Xhemin caught the hesitation she had in her eyes and right then she realized her false threat was effective.

"I could be lying or not, but don't blame me in case" She added trying to scare off the pack of elite mean girls.

"Lauren, have a camp officer take her away. She shouldn't be roaming around her if she got that disease" One of elites suggested. Instead of getting closer to Xhemin, the girls retreated their steps back, away from Xhemin. They all gave her a look of disgust and fear. No one wanted to come close to her, nor even share the same air she breathed—if that was only possible. Both elite and commoners alike that were there, wished she had never arrived to contaminate the whole place with the skin disease she was carrying.

"No need to" Xhemin said and rolled her eyes over the girl's exaggerated reaction "I'll go myself. I don't want to hang out with anyone anyway"

In just a minute, Xhemin was able to save herself from what was supposed to be a scheme to shame her. When she looked back she saw how everyone sighed deep when they saw her going away. Looked like everyone was fooled by the Auclair's son, making everyone believed that she had a skin disease with her and now, no one wanted to hang out with her afraid that they might caught the disease.

Xhemin just rolled her eyes over the girls as she went to search for Ziggy.

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