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"Xhem are you okay" Ziggy asked Xhemin the same time that he handed her a glass of some refreshments. With the way lines formed at Xhemin's head, it was obvious that Xhemin wasn't having a good time.

"Yep. Those girls are just getting into my nerves" She answered as she made a huge gulped from the cup Ziggy handed to her.

Ziggy saw Xhemin's whole incident with the girls but he was too far away to intervene. Besides Xhemin went away before the situation blew out of control so he didn't bother to defend her.

"You know what, why don't we go and have a good time same with what everyone is doing" Ziggy suggested to lighten up Xhemin's mood. Everywhere he turned to, the place was filled with fun and laughter, except of course in Xhemin's face.

"It's hard to have fun in a crowd where everyone is judging you" she simply sighed, taking another sip of her cup. She knew she cannot blend in the crowd because everyone was very concern of getting infected with her supposed disease and so she cannot literally hangout with anyone.

"Well I know some fun that doesn't include everyone" Ziggy winked at her before he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to somewhere.

"Hey where are we going?" She asked of him seemingly concern about everyone's stares. The moment the Montreal's young sire get a hold of her, everyone stared at the both of them in unison. Of course, Ziggy always had everyone's attention and him dragging her came as a surprise to everyone.


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"Is she after the youngest sire now?"

"I heard she was his subordinate or probably his nanny" Someone said with a smirk all over her face.

"Why is the youngest sire holding her hand? Was he not afraid he'll get infected?"

"Maybe he was dragging her away so she cannot pester anyone anymore. The youngest sire is a responsible one, he must have known this subordinate of him had a disease and so he was taking her away for everyone's safety.

"You have a point there. Gosh! she should have left the camp earlier. Now we are all in the dilemma of getting infected. I heard that disease is contagious"


A little later, Ziggy let go of Xhemin's hand just in front of a big tree. It was located quiet a distance from the crowd of campers that were gathering around.

"Help yourself" Ziggy exclaimed and rolled up the sleeves of his sweat shirt, then started climbing up by himself.

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"Ziggy what are you doing?" He asked the boy who was clambering up progressively into the top of the huge tree. "Huzey might be looking for us by now"

"Huzey is not up for any fun right now" Ziggy answered from up above, the tree's branches and leaves had covered him entirely and only his voice served as an indication of his presence. "Come here!"

Shaking her head over Ziggy's lack of concern for Huzey, who might have realized that they both are out of sight now, Xhemin started climbing up the giant tree herself. In a quick ascending succession she climbed into the fork where a rude platform was situated and where Ziggy was waiting for her.

"What's up in here?" She asked. Apart from the view of the clear blue lake and that they are fifty yards below the trail, she sees nothing spectacular from above.

Ziggy gave her a mischievous smile before pulling up something from a branch just above his head. It was a rope. "This one"

"Eh? What's so fun about—" Xhemin cut all the things she was about to say when she saw Ziggy let himself fall from where they are and swung to the other tree parallel to them. She can't help but screamed his name "Z-I-G-G-Y!"

"Follow me lil thug!" Ziggy called up on her when he landed safety on another tree's branch. "Don't act naïve; this is not the first time we are doing things like this!"

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Ziggy was right. This was not the first time they had gone hopping from tree to tree like Tarzan but to have some sort of fun fifty yards from the ground while Huzey and the rest of the camp officers were doing their watch wasn't entirely a good proposition.

"Lil' thug come let's have a race till the other side of the lake!" Ziggy called again, his voice was suggesting that he had gone farther now.

Xhemin was hesitant, but truth be told, she was over jealous of how Ziggy was having fun and before she could ever tell herself to stop, she grasped the rope and braced herself, then swung to the other three just like Ziggy did.

"Wohooooo!" She shouted, her voice blending in the illusive wind that murmured through the tree tops.

"Catch me lil' thug!" Ziggy called upon her when he realized that the girl started following him. He was now on his fourth tree and from there as he perched in through the leaves he could see how Xhemin's face brightened. Seeing her best friend smile the first time today lighted his heart and so he decided to entertain her a little more.

"Ziggy, Huzey will be mad if he knew this!"

"Then don't tell" he yelled back to answer her while he positioned himself for another swing.

"We are supposed to be on watch!"

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"We can do our watch up in here!" Ziggy answered before he threw himself in the air again.

"We are too far from the campers"

"There's a perfect spot to do our watch. Just follow me I'll lead the way"

Ziggy and Xhemin swung from tree to tree for a while and the latter did enjoy it pretty much that she kind of forget everything behind—Huzey, the mean girls as well as the fact that they should have been doing their watch by now.

"Ziggy!" Xhemin called for his name when she landed on the tree where she last saw Ziggy jumped off. She waited for few seconds to hear an answer but it seemed that the youngest sire missed her call.

"Ziggorioh!" She called his name again but no one answered back except from her echo that resounded. She standby and waited for any signs of Ziggy but few minutes had passed and there was nothing in the place but the sound of the wind and scratches there and here, probably brought by some living organisms that dwell in the place—wherever she was right now.

Few minutes more of getting nothing, Xhemin thought of going back but then she heard some noises nearby. She thought it was Ziggy and so she followed the faint voice by jumping from tree to tree. Soon she realized that the voice came from down below and so she perched through hoping she could get a clear view of what's out there.

"Did Ziggy fell and hurt himself?" She thought as she positioned herself comfortably in one branch and tried to look down. Ziggy and her had been trailing the side of the lake, jumping from tree to tree so it didn't came a surprise when Xhemin caught view of the lake from up above. This particular tree that she was lingering rooted from the lake soil, so half of its roots sunk in the lake while the rest was on a dry part.

Not able to see clearer, Xhemin decided to descend from the tree she was in. Slowly she climbed down, stretching out her legs carefully as her feet tried to reach the fork branch just right below her. While she was still clinging on the branch a loud scream wake up every nerve inside Xhemin's body.


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