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When Xhemin heard the words, she instantly drew her gaze to where the loud voice came from. There she saw a man naked—at least from what she saw— as half of the man's body was plunged in the water so she could only see his bareness until his hips.

The view of a naked man looking up on her and calling her pervert rattled Xhemin and so instead of descending, she climbed up again and hid herself in the thickness of the tree's leaves.

"Who's that?" Someone called out and his voice was different from the previous one.

"I saw someone above!" The first boy answered and his revelation drew more noises from down below. Only then that Xhemin realized that the boy who saw her wasn't alone, there were few more.

"Impossible I had secured this part of the lake and only us knew this location" Another voice came through and Xhemin's ears tingled when he heard the man. She knew that voice—it was Leonardo Auclair.

"I really did see someone! Right there up above" The first boy insisted while pointing a finger up.

"You are already hallucinating when the bottle has not been opened yet" Someone mocked at the first boy. He was holding a bottle of champagne in his hand while he looked up and inspected the whole place but he sees nothing suspicious "See there's no one around"

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"I'm not hallucinating. I did see someone above!"

"That tree is almost fifty yards tall. And look at its stem—that's hard to climb on. Also if someone did climb up we should have seen earlier"

"True, except of course if the person he saw had a pair of wings on its back!" Someone barked and the statement sponsored a loud guffaw from the group.

"Look, I had secured this area" It was Leonardo Auclair who was speaking. "Only us blue bloods are in here. I had made sure that we can have our private party away from that noisy crowd"

Xhemin didn't move from where she was. If the people gathered from down below sees her, they might say the same thing that the first boy did. Also having Leonardo Auclair right there would only make things worst—the boy hated her in every bit so it would be better if their paths don't cross again.

The girl waited for few minutes before she made her move. She thought of going back to her previous trail and go away slowly without anyone noticing her. Steadily she positioned herself in the branch again and was preparing to jump off to her previous tree. However, before she could make a leap, the branch suddenly cracked and fell off together with the sneaking girl.



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The incident happened too fast that Xhemin lost her control over her own body that fell off the water down below. That part of the lake where Xhemin fell wasn't too deep that it only took Xhemin few seconds to get back into the top, gasping for air.

"Cough. Cough. Cough" Xhemin throw up the water that she drank. She was far from being drowned but she had drunk a good amount of water from the lake.

"I told you there someone lurking up above!" The first boy shouted in surprise when Xhemin ascended from the water. "And it's a girl"

When Xhemin recovered from the fall she was surprised to see the faces that raked before her. Their eyes were digging through her and their faces displayed nothing but a sudden shock of what seemed an angel that fell off from the sky. The boys that gathered before her were all shirtless and she was hoping that only the shirt was missing in their body right now and nothing else, because she probably can't stand the idea that they too don't have anything under.

"Hello, we've met again" Leonardo Auclair gave the girl a smirk. He didn't quite expect her attendance in their little lake party but he was thrilled that the girl suddenly showed up "Didn't your boss have enough that he needed to send you to spy on me?"

"I wasn't spying..cough..cough" Xhemin defended herself while clearing her chest out "Ziggy and I were playing and I lost my way through here"

"Lies" Leonardo said unconvinced. "Everyone knew how good of a liar you are most specially me. You owe me big time dearie. Also, I didn't knew the youngest Montreal was this very kind to his subordinates that he was okay with them calling him on his first name. What's your real relationship with him?"

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"I don't remember owing anyone. Also my relationship with the youngest Montreal is none of your freakin' business" Xhemin answered back and just then she realized that everyone that were present in this part of the lake were all elite gents. Their porcelain skins and sophisticated visages gives off their luxurious living. Apart from that, they looked at Xhemin in a way that a lion was able to find its prey.

Feeling cold, Xhemin dragged herself into the bank to dry off herself. She pulled her own body out from the water and only did she realize that her shirt was ripped apart showing off a big portion of her skin.

"Didn't the rumour say she had blisters all over her body?" Someone noticed when he saw some of Xhemin's skin. Seeing the girl in that state made a lump in his throat—the girl had a pretty complexion that wouldn't go unnoticed on a man like himself.

"They were rumours and I could tell those rumours are false"

"She seemed to be a good catch. Wasn't it the reason why you wanted her?" Another boy stated as he gave Leonardo Auclair a protruding look. This particular boy was present during the shack incident and he knew how things went, especially the fact of how Leonardo spread the rumours for his redemption.

Hearing the boys talked about her skin made Xhemin uncomfortable so with their stares. She embraced herself trying to hide some of her bareness and gave everyone a hard look.

'Perverts!' She thought.

"Miss, since Leonardo rejected you, I wouldn't mind having you" Another elite gracelessly offered to Xhemin with a big naught smile in his face. "You don't mind Leo right?"

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"I don't" Leonardo responded but his voice wasn't sincere "However, this girl owes me big time so she needs to pay off before you can have her"

"So what's the plan?" Someone asked Leonardo. The boy had planned on avenging either with Ziggy or Xhemin and it seemed that his luck didn't fall short today. The odds had been in his favour by effortlessly bringing the girl into his grasp.

"A lot of thing is running in my head but for now…" Leonardo gave Xhemin a dark look before he continued "…Seize her!"

Xhemin knew something like this would happen so she had prepared herself in the short amount of time that the boys were having exchanges. When she heard Leonardo's orders, she kicked of the first boy that attempted to plunge on her then immediately, she ran on her feet, away from the flock of elites.

Leonardo Auclair goons chased Xhemin through. Some of them almost captured the girl but their hands only reached Xhemin's clothes that ripped even more in their snatch. The girl was quick and it seemed that she had mastered her way in the camp because her direction was going to where the campers gathered. That would be the safest place to run into at the moment.

"Oh gosh what have I done!" Xhemin chided upon herself while she was running away from Leonardo's goons. Looking back, she realized that even Leonardo himself had joined the chasing, so with the other boys that were with him. He thought the Auclair's son had gone completely mad and had become so obsessed with his reputation that he didn't want to spare her. So she had to make sure she would not end up being caught by him.

Xhemin ran as fast as she could while the boys behind her were racing against each other, competing amongst themselves on who could catch Xhemin on the way. Unfortunately, Xhemin wasn't an easy prey so just in a span of minutes, they had reach the place where the campers gathered and their arrival was welcomed with so much chaos from the campers.

Everyone halted when they heard the noises of boys shouting against each other and in a split second, a girl bolted in being chased by boys that were half naked. The girl herself was wearing only her brassiere and a short underpants and the view her, although quiet alarming, was a pleasant thing to watch.

"Stop her!" Leonardo Auclair's voice filled the place and soon everyone gathered in and Xhemin slowed down and eventually stop running. She dropped on her knees grasping for breathe while everyone looked at her confused as to what was happening.

"Isn't she the random fan everyone was talking about?" Someone asked the others as all of them were trying to figure out what was happening right before them.

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