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Whispers boomed through the crowd as to what was happening and they were taking notice with the fact that the girl's skin was clear, no blisters at all, and her skin shone with a soft shade of brown, giving her skin a gentle hue and she was quite a sight almost defeating all the elite campers that were on their bikinis.

The girl had run in a fast pace that she came I gasping for air while on her knees. She needed some time to recover her lost breathing and everyone's eyes were on her, wondering where in the world did the rumours saying this random fan was rejected by Leonardo Auclair came from.

Were the rumours even true?

Seeing just her beautiful skin shone gold under the sun made everyone question every bit of the words that had been going around.


"So it seemed like the rumours were all false. She's such a beauty" Someone exclaimed, gaping open upon the girl before them.

"Some of the elites did deny the rumours saying it was Leonardo himself who was captivated by her and when she refused, the Auclair's son gone mad and started spreading false rumours about her. Perhaps that version after all was true"

"These elites had been used to getting all the things they wanted and this girl could be a victim of one of their schemes when she rejected their advances. Poor girl, sometimes it's hard to be a beauty just like she is"

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"Hey you!" One of Leonardo's goons grabbed Xhemin's arms forcefully and made the girl look at him "Do you think you can escape us?"

"Let go of me can you?" Xhemin retorted slyly almost wanting to spit on the man's face. His face was so close to Xhemin's that the girl could smell his breathing—it smelt wine. Were the boys who had been chasing her all drunk? She remembered hearing them about an unopened bottle but didn't occur to her that they could have been drinking few bottles before the last one.

"We're not done with you yet" The man answered back with a blazing gaze, trying to frightened Xhemin by flashing a vile look. He tightened his grasp over the girl and Xhemin felt the force in her arms but she remained calm.

"Hey, what's happening here?" One of the camp officers came and confronted the source of the nuisance. "What are you going to do with her?"

"They are chasing me for no reason at all" Xhemin said facing the officer, almost rolling her eyes out. This was the reason why she ran to this side of the lake because aside from the fact that campers gathered around, she knew officers were on their watch and she will be saved.

"None of your business" The man who had Xhemin on his arms answered with a smug.

"I'm afraid to break it to you but, you troubling everyone is my business" The camp officer said sarcastically with him seeing how ungentle he was with Xhemin. "Let go of the girl" He commanded but his words seemed unheard.

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"Officer!" Leonardo came so with all the other boys who were chasing Xhemin and just like her, they were kind of gasping for air. "This girl did something terrible so I insist that you'll let us handle her. After all, it was us whom she had wronged."

"I'm sorry but we have camp rules that we needed to follow" The camp officer insisted and tried to help Xhemin out from the grasped of Leonardo's goon.

"Wait!" Leonardo intervened, blocking the camp officer's way. "Everyone! Listen!" He heightened his voice and shifted his attention to every camper that was watching them with great attention "This girl is a pervert!"

Leonardo's announcement brought series of shock from the crowd and seeing their surprised faces he continued. "Yes, you heard it right. Don't be deceived by her beauty, she got all the nastiness one could never imagine!"

"That isn't true!" Xhemin denied the whole accusation raising a brow against the boy. The latter's cheeks were blushing red affirming Xhemin's previous conclusion that the boys out there had been drinking.

"I and my friends were having a little party in private and she spied on us. If sneaking on a boy's private party in secret isn't a 'pervert thing', then I don't know what it is called" Leonardo continued, making everyone believe in his little lie.

"I already told you. It wasn't my intention to sneak on you boys" With a hateful disdain Xhemin defended herself " I didn't even had an idea there was a bachelor party going on, whatever that one is called"

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Leonardo himself was mad and he did not bother to conceal his emotions in front of everyone. His eyes were raging mad and if no one was around, he could have slap Xhemin out of her senses. 

"How dare you make me look like a liar!" Leonardo screamed all over Xhemin's face. "Officer look, these boys with me can tell you the same thing"

"They are your goons and puppets, of course they will tell the same thing" Xhemin gave the boy another hateful look in return for his vileness. She couldn't' quiet expect Leonardo will go this low to get even.

"You bitch!" Hearing Xhemin swayed the story to her favour made Leonardo more irritated. Unable to control himself, he tried to plunge on Xhemin with the intention of hurting her. The Auclair's son had enough of her and was very desperate to lay a hand on her delicate face, not considering the fact that Xhemin was a girl.

"Leonardo get a hold of yourself!" Lauren came in trying to appease Leonardo's anger. She held the boy in her arms and thought of dragging him away. She knew how mad he was with the girl and knowing Leonardo for long, he will not stop until he gets the revenge he desired. But of course, she wanted him to play clean because the Auclair's reputation is not worthy to be tainted by a just random cheap fan.

"Officer…" It was now Lauren speaking "… why don't you settle things away in private. I guess there's a better place to talk this thing through"

"Indeed…" The officer concluded almost already swayed by Lauren's plea. Unknown to him, Lauren was just trying to help Leonardo by getting another venue. Once the crowd is gone, Leonardo can do whatever he wanted with the girl, they'll just bribe the officer off to keep his mouth shut, or threaten him in case he won't cooperate.

Xhemin was aware of their plan so she panic a little at Lauren's proposition. She knew it would then be easy for these kids to come clean when no crowd is watching.

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"Officer I insist that you let me go now" Xhemin pleaded, she acted so pitiful in order to get sympathy from the camp officer and the crowd. "I'm innocent you see. These boys were just mad because I was the reason Leonardo got tag out"

"Liar!" Leonardo fumed even more. Hearing Xhemin talked about his downfall made him lose it all. "I'm going to bury you deep in the ground for shaming me!"

"Leo calm down!" Lauren appeased the boy but instead of listening to her, Leonardo pushed her aside and advanced to where Xhemin was and raise a hand on her.

"You are such a bitch—"

The view of Leonardo Auclair raising a hand to Xhemin made everyone stop their breathing. It happened so fast that even the camp officer was not able to get everything in control. Xhemin herself knew she won't escape Leonardo's hand, so she prepared herself for the pain his heavy hands would bring in.

"Don't you D-A-R-E!"

The hard loud words filled the place and made everyone chill out their spine. Instead of expecting a huge slap from Leonardo, what everyone saw before them was the Lagdameo heir with his beastly deadly hazel eyes seethed in a pool of anger and was ready to drown Leonardo Auclair with it.

"Darryl…" Seeing Darryl's hard expression before him woke up Leonardo's sanity in him.

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