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The heavy grip of the Lagdameo heir's hands on Leonardo gave him a hint of how furious he was with his actions. Not only that, Darryl hazel eyes were like a pair of ball fire ready to devour and burn his very being. If Darryl was a true beast, he could have eaten him already.

"Darryl…I'm…I'm…" Leonardo tried to explain himself yet he swallowed every word in fear. He had never seen Darryl this mad before and the feeling was drowning him inside. For years he had been careful not to cross a line with the Lagdameo heir but here he was right now, praying hard that the beastly Darryl will spare him somehow.

The crowd themselves wasn't expecting this turn of events. What does Darryl had to do with Leonardo Auclair and the girl's trouble?

"I've warned you before…" With gnashing teeth Darryl threw Leonardo's hands away and strikes a heavy blow into the air, aiming for Leonardo's face!

Everyone gaped open upon the scene that was playing before them. The elites themselves were surprised. They had always been used to Leonardo being out of control but Darryl getting peeved and going madly insane because of a girl was something that had never happened before.

"Darryl stop!" Xhemin screamed to stop him from hitting the Auclair's son. The situation had gone pretty bad and Darryl laying a hand on Leonardo would only complicate the matter further.

Darryl headed Xhemin's call, and his fist was pasted in the air shaking, almost hitting off Leonardo Auclair's red face. Instead of landing a hit, Darryl blew off his raging anger by pushing the Auclair's son away. His push was heavy enough to make Leonardo outbalance himself and stumble hard on the ground.

Leonardo picked himself up immediately and flashed Darryl a questioning look.

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As if not having enough, Darryl glared back and drowned Leonardo in his hard stony stares, his hazel eyes were burning. The Auclair's son shook, his knees trembled in fear making it hard for him to stay still.

"What have I done to make you mad?" Leonardo's shaky voice came in low, questioning the beast about his sudden unexpected intervention. " I did nothing to offend you!" He screamed, frustrated about how things turned to. As if he had reached his peak, tears started falling in Leonardo's face marking how scared he was with the Lagdameo heir.

Seeing how things turned to, Leonardo's goons stepped back not daring to offend the beast. Even the one who was holding Xhemin let her go immediately and went away from the scene, afraid that after the Lagdameo heir is done with Leonard, he will be the next target.

Leonardo wailed as a lot of things started popping in his head, the most horrifying of it all was having the L Empire against their family.

The elites who were there feared Darryl, specially the men who knew how fatal it was to become the L Empire as an enemy. They all were raised with the rule not to mess up with the said family and be friends with their heir whatever it takes. However, Leonardo had been in Darryl's circle for years and so he kind of lax knowing how cool Darryl was with almost everything. But today, it seemed like he had awakened the beast inside of him for no reasonable scrape at all.

"I had been a good friend with you!" Leonardo continued his wailing. He was like a culprit being chastised and everyone was just quietly watching how the Auclair's son succumbed into shame.

Xhemin saw how Darryl's beastly visage scared Leonardo and how he was killing the boy with his stares. Free from Leonardo's goon, she went to Darryl side and pleaded with him to stop.

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"Darryl let's leave" She asked of him, reached her two hands around Darryl's arms, seemingly dragging him away but the Lagdameo heir stood his ground. He was too mad to listen with Xhemin.

"You dared to lay a hand on her!" Darryl yelled and kicked Leonardo hard that sent the Auclair's son stumbling on the ground.

Xhemin froze upon what he saw, she too become scared of Darryl's anger, so with everyone. Even the camp officers who were there did not dare to intervene and be subjected to Darryl's fury.

Leonardo was badly hurt and everyone saw how the boy tried to pick up himself from the ground but failed, his nose was also bleeding.

"Darryl I said stop" Xhemin pleaded with him again. Although she was quiet scared of him, she also knew she was the only person who could make him stop. "Please come let's leave. There's no need for this, I'm not hurt"

Still, Darryl didn't give in to the girl's request. It seemed that his anger blurred his senses and the only thing he had in mind right now was to hurt Leonardo. He had been wanting to kick his ass out ever since the camp party and now Leonardo had given him enough reason for him to give the boy a lesson.

Darryl shoved away Xhemin's hands and advanced to where Leonardo was. One kick didn't give him enough satisfaction; he wanted the boy to stay in the hospital for days—if he would come out alive after this.

Xhemin knew how things were running pretty bad. Seeing Darryl's determination to hurt Leonardo and that no one was daring to stop him, except for her, trouble seemed inevitable. So she thought real hard on how to calm the raging beastly hulk that was ready to kill for her.

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Darryl was half a meter away from Leonardo when everyone turned their eyes away not wanting to see the dreadful sight that was about to unfold. However, before Darryl could hurt him again, Xhemin already came up with a plan.

"Darryl…." Xhemin said weakly and with soo much emotion enough to capture Darryl's ears "I feel… I feel…I feel dizzy" She uttered and pressed her head, acting like she had a severe headache. Too add up, she had let lose all the energy in her and let her body fall freely into the ground.

"The girl fainted!" Somebody shouted when Xhemin hit the ground. Her sudden fall off brought another tension with the crowd.

As if on cue, Darryl turned to look at the girl and saw how her body made a loud thud in the ground. Quickly Darryl ran toward the Xhemin and held her.

"Xhem" He shook her gently, his once angry beastly face faded out replaced with a worried look. The beast in him subsided and he had forgotten about Leonardo entirely. "Hey, Xhem wake up. Wake up please"

"She's still breathing" One of the onlookers told him from nearby. Darryl instantly turned to that same person with eyes pleading for help.

Realizing that Darryl was now harmless, the person came to his aid and instantaneously checked Xhemin's pulse. "She's fine so far. She came in running earlier perhaps her energy wore out. Best to bring her to the camp clinic"

Upon suggestion, Darryl didn't waste time and carried the unconscious girl in his arms. Everything around Darryl faded into nothing in his view, all he cared at the moment was the unconscious Xhemin that was on his arms.

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While Darryl was busy attending to Xhemin, giving everyone the idea that he had lost interest with Leonardo, the latter's friends came to his rescue helping him stand on his feet because until then he was still having trouble standing up.

Lauren also came to check on him with so much resentment in her face. How could Darryl do this to one of their circle? All for that girl who came in without any identity? Who was she that the prominent heirs were willing to kill for her?

She seemed very precious to them.

But apart from her beauty, what's so special about the girl?

The girl's connection with the Montreal youngest sire was already suspicious. Then came Leonardo who had fallen to her enigma and ultimately become the latter's downfall. Then now, Darryl, the ever famous Lagdameo heir seemed to have a special tie with her. A tie that was thicker than what he had with the CGC heir, Collet. In fact, just like Leonardo, Darryl seemed to have fallen for her too.

Was she seeing right? Or she was just hallucinating things over?

Lauren dug through all the details ever since Xhemin came into the picture. She thought real hard and connected all the circumstances that surrounded the whole mystery and a thought came into her mind. It was a shocking thought but it came as the best answer to all her questions about Xhemin.

"She is the Lagdameo woman?" Lauren conclusion came in as a question. "Isn't she?"

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