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Lauren's question halted Darryl steps, as he was supposed to bring Xhemin to the camp clinic. Hearing the controversial tag made everyone looked at each other in awe and they started whispering under their breathes.

"You see, Darryl, the Lagdameo woman came in as a mystery, so is that girl you are carrying with you" Lauren continued becoming more confident about her conclusion.


"What is Lauren talking about, that can't possibly be the Lagdameo woman. Also, I was there at the time when young Miss Collet denied the fact and I'd rather believe the top heiress than anyone else. Also, this girl can't be the mysterious Lagdameo woman—she doesn't fit at all"

"Perhaps Lauren was just lying or I don't know. She seemed very jealous with the luck that the mystery woman had. But to be honest, I'm starting to believe Lauren. I was there at the camp party and the young master had gone mad when he realized that girl was with Leonardo Auclair. He almost broke the shack's wall"

"Lies! That's can't be. Look at her, she looked like a commoner. The Lagdameo heir cannot fall for a commoner. Darryl had better taste than something like that. That can't be true!"


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Darryl just ignored Lauren's words and didn't give the girl the benefit of even just a glance. As he was walking away, carrying Xhemin on his arms, Lauren threw off more of her speculations.

"Someone had taken her picture and I'm sure everyone will feast on her as —"

"There is no Lagdameo woman…" Darryl turned to give Lauren a firm fiery look as he halted his steps "…do not speak of such name tag again" He added and his words sounded like a threat thrown right through Lauren's face.

Instead of shutting her mouth, Lauren took her chances. Unlike Leonardo, she thought Darryl would hesitate on hurting her, because aside from she did nothing to wrong him, she is a girl—and news of the Lagdameo heir beating a girl wouldn't do good on his reputation in case.

 Also, she remembered clearly how Collet denied the fact and she wanted everyone to mock Collet for lying. She was hoping that when Collet's reputation goes down, then she can stepped up as the top heiress to replace her. Besides, the mystery of who the Lagdameo woman was should come to an end at some point and perhaps they had reached that part.

"Darryl you see, you cannot deny it anymore. You had done far too much that I cannot ignore the obvious anymore. At the camp party, you went real mad when you couldn't find Leonardo and that same girl. You even summoned a big group of patrollers to help in the search. Tell us, that girl is the Lagdameo woman right?"

 Xhemin of course heard Lauren's words and it gave her some sense of panic. What if they cannot escape this confrontation anymore and everyone will come to know that she was indeed this rumoured woman? What will happen to her?

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"You can't walk away from this Darryl. The facts were clear, Collet lied at the dining hall and that probably was the reason why she had gone depressed all these days. That girl is the Lagdameo woman and you can't fake it anymore" Lauren continued and seeing how she stood out in their conversation made her want to give herself a big round of applause for a job well done.

The crowd's faces were flooded with questions and hearing Lauren's words— some believed and some were still unconvinced but everyone agreed in one thing—Darryl had a special connection with the girl.

"So Darryl why don't you tell us yourself. There's no harm in confirming the obvious—"

"No, she isn't the Lagdameo woman" The word resounded filling up the place and the tensed atmosphere become more unstable when Huzey, the diamond prince answered the question that Lauren had been insisting on.

"Huzey Montarini" Lauren gasped in surprise when Huzey came with his usual coldness and aloofness, striding past the crowd briskly. Everyone knew how the diamond prince had always avoided being part of a rumour narrative. Yet today, he intervened unexpectedly and his cold behaviour sent chills to everyone in the crowd.

Suddenly the once chaotic campers become soo quiet, no one dared to say a word—even the elites themselves who rarely got a chance to associate with the aloof heir — shut their mouths unable to voice a single sound before him.

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Clearing up her throat, Lauren asked the prince "Seniorito Huzey do you know this girl? What a surprise everyone" she turned to the surprised crowd "It seemed that the diamond prince has a connection with this girl too"

The crowd become static, they thirst for answers to the questions flaunting in front of them, the most common query was of course about the mystery that was shrouding around Xhemin's identity.

"The girl is not the Lagdameo woman" Huzey repeated answering Lauren's question indirectly, seemingly pointing the fact that Xhemin does not belong to the Lagdameo heir.

Huzey despite his unsociable and unwelcoming behaviour, had gained an outstanding reputation in the elite community not only because he is a Montarini but also because he was regarded a well disciplined and a great artist. Thus, his words come big in commoners and elites alike.

However, Lauren's prejudices about Xhemin made her not want to believe Huzey's statement. "How sure are you? What do you know about the Lagdameo woman that you seemed pretty sure that she wasn't that girl?"

"I knew nothing about the Lagdameo woman" Huzey answered back. Both Xhemin and Huzey, even Darryl himself knew how alarming the situation turned to. Worse comes to worse, Xhemin's faces might end up flooding tomorrow's headlines and he can't imagine what would come next after that. However, Huzey was also aware of the fact that he can't easily stop the crowd from suspecting, so something must be done. " But I am certain that the girl that Lagdameo heir is carrying isn't her"

"How can you tell? I don't think—"

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"I just knew. I knew Xhemin isn't young master Darryl's woman because…" He paused a bit but eventually continued "…because she is my woman"

"What?" Lauren exclaimed in incredulity and everyone who heard the Diamond prince's revelation froze in an expression of a stunned surprise, all mouth fell open out of shock and all eyes opened as wide as it could stretched.

"You heard it right the first time" Huzey answered to Lauren " The girl is my woman"

Xhemin almost jumped out from Darryl's arms when she heard Huzey, her nostrils were even flaring out of shock.

What did Huzey just say?

Did the boy really said the words 'she is my woman' or she was just hallucinating?

The girl's brain stuttered for a moment, not entirely getting a grasped as to what was happening. Every part of her goes on pause while her thought catch up.

Everyone was also in shock, except for Darryl whose rage came in faster that a magma erupting from a fierce volcano. Huzey's last statement stung and fuelled a fire inside Darryl.

What was Huzey Montarini doing?

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