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"Diamond Prince, that's a serious claim" Lauren exclaimed still not wanting to believe what has just been said. There were sparks in her brain, trying to connect the dots and the possibility of Huzey's statement.

Huzey didn't anymore reason out with Lauren because he knew it will be a waste of time. He was very much aware with the fact that elites like Lauren would only believe the things that they wanted to believe. Instead of responding, he drew his gaze Lauren, to Darryl and eventually to Xhemin.

"Xhemin" He called, looking upon the girl who was idle, acting unconscious. However, she knew Xhemin enough to know whether she was just acting up or not. "Get up now"

Xhemin of course heard Huzey and as much as she wanted to continue her act of fake fainting she needed to stop. Huzey had already chided him and Ziggy earlier and she knew that Huzey was still mad about it. If she will not respond to him right now, she might have a hard time wooing him later.

"Don't make me say it again" Huzey added and his commanded was given in a way it should be headed with right away or else something unpleasant will happen.

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Xhemin bit her lips and slowly opened one of her eyes to make a peak and the thing that first welcomed her was Darryl's stony expression, looking at her with unbelief. How could the Lagdameo heir forget the fact that she was a great actress?

Xhemin smiled and flashed a sparkly eye at Darryl, hoping the beast will spare her from her folly.

"Hi…" She said upon Darryl's dagger like gaze. She forced a smile into her face even with the fact that Darryl's hazel eyes were narrowing in anger. "Can you put me down? Please? "

Darryl only gave her the same look and didn't move, as if he did not heard a word. With such, Xhemin rolled and push a little to free herself from Darryl's arms. Good thing Darryl had freely let her go without any signs of protest.

Now back on her feet, she intentionally avoided everyone's gaze and pretended there was no crowd before her—they might have been mocking her for her pretend act right now. She was feeling guilty and ashamed for her act and God knew how much force she exerted to just to keep her cool and pretended that everything was fine. But Huzey was already mad and she doesn't want to aggravate such. Thus she had to take all the shame and let loose.

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"Come, let's go" Huzey said in an expression one could barely comprehend. Huzey had this invisible wall before him making everyone unable to see through him so it's hard to understand what was running in his mind if you were not familiar of him.

Slowly, Xhemin made his way to Huzey's side but Darryl stop her, grabbing her hand. The girl felt the force within him and she became aware of the tension that was filling in the place. Any moment from now, something is about to explode and she needed to stop before it happens. Thus, she needed to leave as swift as she could.

Xhemin turned to Darryl, looked at him in the eye before she lowered her head to give the boy a bow. "Thank you young master for defending me but I have to go. Have a good day and please know I am very grateful for your kind heart" She said to him, making it appear that there was nothing between them and everything that happened was just a work of fate and that she was not the rumoured Lagdameo woman.

With force, Xhemin pulled her hand away from Darryl's grasped and continued her steps toward Huzey; her back was slowly walking away from Darryl whose face reflected the anger that boiled deep within his system.

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Few seconds past and Xhemin was standing before the Diamond prince, she bit her lips looking regretful about how things turned to as she said "I'm sorry"

Huzey only gave her a look before the boy tapped her head, feeling the smoothness of her ebony hair. "Where you hurt?" He asked and the gentleness of his voice gave Xhemin the feeling that she was forgiven or at least that's what it seemed.

"I'm fine but I lost Ziggy when we were playing in the woods" She told him and those words were enough explanation for Huzey.

"Don't worry he's big enough to care for himself" He said before his hands travelled from her hair to her hands. Huzey held her tight and dragged her gently, guiding her past the crowd of people whose eyes were drilling against both of them. "Let's go to the clinic"

"Okay" Xhemin said with obedience. In a short span of time, Xhemin understood that all Huzey did was for her. Tagging her as his woman would erase all the people's suspicion about her being the Lagdameo woman. And with that, she had to thank Huzey. He had made a huge leap just to protect her, even dragging his own reputation as the Diamond Prince to save her from her own foolishness. The least she can do was to be obedient with him for he had always prioritized her safety and Ziggy's.

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Watching the two leave together was like a slap to Darryl's face. He knew things had ended rather good—now everyone will stop suspecting Xhemin nor so trouble her, knowing she belonged to the Diamond Prince. However, he can't stop that anger that was building up within him like a steam, burning him out and burning him inside. Just right then, he cursed himself, hating the fact that he was born as the Lagdameo heir.

"Can you believe what just happened?" Someone gasped out of disbelief.

Wide eyed, someone replied "Did the Diamond prince just introduce his woman to everyone?"

"Wake me up from this nightmare! Huzey Montarini is taken!"

"Is that the reason why the girl was close with the youngest Montreal? She even helped him at the tag game"

"How could everyone miss that fact?"

Not wanting to hear everyone's reaction about the Huzey's revelation, Darryl walked away fast as he could, passing through Lauren who had not recovered from her own shock.

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