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"Hey Xhemin where have you been?" Ziggy welcomed the pair, Huzey and Xhemin at the camp clinic's door. His eyes had reflected the relief that rushed within him when he saw the girl.

All he ever wanted was to brighten up Xhemin's day because everything started out not good— but him losing her in the woods wasn't part of the plan. Perhaps he was too fast that Xhemin wasn't able to catch up on their race. He went far looking for her and thought maybe she had gone tired and went back to their usual hang-out place.

Before Xhemin could answer, Huzey instantly held Ziggy by his ears and dragged him inside the clinic with it. It was so painful that he had to catch up Huzey's pace or else his ears will tear up.

"Hey Huzey it hurts! Stop! Stop! Stop!" Ziggy exclaimed as he held a sharp breathe sucking in the pain in his poor ears. He tried breaking through but Huzey didn't give him a chance at all.

"Leonardo Auclair almost got Xhemin when you were out playing in the woods" Huzey said right through Ziggy's face. "Can you imagine what the Auclair's son could have done with her? To think you were the reason for the bad blood between the two!"

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"I'm sorry okay. I didn't know something like that would happen" He pleaded with Huzey trying to get himself out from Huzey's grasp. His ears was already blood red " I just want to lighten up both of our moods before starting the our watch I never thought she would lost her way into the woods and cross path with Leonardo Auclair because the last time I checked, Leonardo wasn't in the lake"

"They had gone partying in a secluded part of the woods" Xhemin answered " I stumbled upon their circle when a fell down because of a small accident"

"See?" Huzey pointed "She even had an accident. You almost got her killed!"

"I'm really sorry lil' thug. I didn't mean to lose you. It took me some time to realize that you weren't following me anymore"

"It's okay. I also have some share of mishap from what happened" Xhemin answered giving Ziggy the assurance that she doesn't have any bad feeling against him.

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"Ziggy I told you to stop acting like a child. You never learned. It's not all the time I am here to save both of your asses out. You need to grow up! Both of you actually. I hate to break it both to you that we are not kids anymore! You should have outgrown the games, the bets and the foolishness by now but from what I'm seeing that's not likely to happen any time soon!" Huzey scolded the two.

"Look…" Huzey's let out a serious expression digging her eyes between his tow best friends who had gone quiet in front of him as if giving the matter a serious reflection. " No matter we like it or not, we are elites. Someday we had to go and jive in that society we hate, the three of us. And if we go out there being lax and careless like the two of you had been acting up, that society is gonna eat us all alive"

"Huzey we already said were sorry for what happened" Ziggy said, in a voice as low and as gentle as he could. The Diamond prince was angry and he can't blame him because both Xhemin and him had some serious scrapes the past few days. If they go home in a messed up state, it will be Huzey who is gonna suffer the most of the chiding being the oldest.

"I'll try my best not to make any slip-ups. Both Ziggy and I are sorry and we promised to be careful at all cost. It will not happen again" Xhemin spoke and just like Ziggy she was very calculative with her words hoping it will ease out Huzey's anger. Huzey being mad was one of the things both Xhemin and Ziggy couldn't withstand and so they were hoping his tension will subside very soon because not only that it wasn't fun, it was also making them so uncomfortable.

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"Of course it won't happen again because both of you are going to stay away from each other until you both learned your lessons" Huzey announced to Xhemin and Ziggy's dismay.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ziggy blurted out confused as to what Huzey was trying to mean.

"What I mean is that you are both to be exiled" Huzey explained and held a deep sigh expressing the fact that he too didn't like the verdict. The camp masters had issued the order earlier when the report about Xhemin and Ziggy's disappearance was brought by.

"What? Why?" Xhemin exclaimed and a sudden panic rose within her making her shoulder cold. She can't be exiled, she don't want to go alone without the boys just like what happened in Woodbridge. To undergo such the same dilemma twice would be too much.

"Serious officer's offense. You both evaded your watch," Huzey expounded further trying to avoid Xhemin's teary eyes. He does hate making her upset but the thing must be done. They both have to pay for their being irresponsible. "Xhemin will go to east camp and you Ziggy to the west."

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"No buts. Pack your things and leave immediately before sun down" Huzey dismissed off whatever the two had to say. There's nothing he can do to outdo the camp's officer's verdict anyway. "I'm sorry I had already talk this through the camp master and they were very determined to punish you, there's nothing more I can do"

Xhemin and Ziggy knew how strict the rules were and so they understood that there's no other way to escape it. Being exiled was better than being kicked out of the camp so they both have no choice but to comply.

Upset, Xhemin scurried out of the camp clinic back to her cabin leaving Ziggy and Huzey. She went on to fast not giving Huzey and Ziggy any chance to stop her. She didn't like how things went but there was no one to blame but her own self, the boys, even Ziggy had nothing to do with it. Things between her and Darryl went too far already that she thought she was being selfish about keeping the feelings she had with the boy.

She needed to think things through; perhaps to the east camp will be a good place for that.

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