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The east camp wasn't as grand as the main camp as only one long cabin stood in the camp ground and it was an old one. Also, there was only a single camp fire outside, the coals in it had gone orange when Xhemin reached the east camp. She went her way over the campsite by foot and because she left the main camp late in the afternoon already, she reached the east camp past sun down.

Not a single thing was outside when she arrived but she heard laughter and cheers inside the old cabin house. She knocked at the door and it took quiet a long time before the door was opened, probably because it was soo noisy inside that people inside had missed it the first time.

Had everybody gone partying?

What's will all the sound?

Also was this kind of loudness allowed in east camp?

Perhaps the answer to her question is yes. The east camp is where all the camp juveniles were being banished. In short the campers that were sent to the east camp were the naughty ones, those who do nothing but make trouble in the main camp. Here, the activities are focused on developing the campers characters—especially meant to fix their untamed behaviours. But unlike the main camp, there is a little supervision in here.

"Yes?" A girl who seemed annoyed of the newcomer opened the door for Xhemin. She was chewing a gum when she added the words—"Is there anything we can do for you?"

"I'm assigned here…" Xhemin blurted out in a rather friendly way.

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"Oh!" She said raising a brow at Xhemin. She was still holding the door not allowing Xhemin to enter when she turned her head back inside and shouted "Girls we have a newbie"

There were a loud cheer coming from inside after the announcement and Xhemin thought how weird these campers were. Was the cheering even necessary?

"Can I come in?" Xhemin asked of her.

"Of course!" The girl answered with a big sarcastic smile in her face. She made another assessment of Xhemin, scrutinizing her from head to foot before she let her enter the house cabin. Once inside, she was welcome with everybody's protruding stares as if they were giving her another set of assessment to their own satisfaction.

"Hi, I'm Xhemin" She introduced herself but no one answered and showed some interest for the new comer. Instead all she got was their smirks and raised brows.

The cabin was filled with double deck beds and of course, the girls who had gathered around one bed playing cards. They were in the middle of playing poker when Xhemin arrived but had to stop in to check out the new comer.

"So what's your offense?" One of them asked while playing with a coin in her hand, only did Xhemin realized that they were betting with coins while playing cards. She had seen the coins that scattered around the bed together with the cards waiting for the winner to claim them.

"Disobedience" Xhemin answered as she glided inside the cabin. Not knowing where she should put herself she asked "So which bed is empty?"

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"That one is empty" The same girl who opened the door pointed the bed in the middle. "Both the upper bed and lower bed. Blankets are on the cabinet, help yourself"

"Thank you and do you mind to show me where the bath is?" She asked again.

"At the end of the hall there's a common bath"

"Thanks again—" The girl didn't caught Xhemin's last gratitude because she turned her back in haste and went to join the girls who were playing poker leaving Xhemin behind unattended. The girls continued their fun, playing and cheering against each other.

Xhemin who felt left alone went to the bath to change her clothes. While cleaning herself up, she thought about how the things went pretty bad earlier that day. Also she had thought about Darryl and their complicated set-up. Was it still worth all the trouble and time?

Darryl tried to forget her and move on by shutting her off and although his actions at the camp party and this morning proved that she still meant something for him—still the fact remains that he already wanted it to stop— and she resent him for that. Right now, it was only her that can't move past through it, wanting to still hold on to something that was certainly not possible.

Also, until now they had a strong suspicion about L Empire behind Ziggy's accident and probably Huzey's too. Her best friends seemed to have been dragged into the picture unnecessarily and she don't want to wait for the time to come when something real bad happen— bigger than what they had already gone through. One couldn't be lucky at all times so at some point, when tragedy kicks in, they might not be able to escape from it like they did before.

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Even when she herself wasn't sure about L Empire's indulgence for the unfortunate events of her family, still she doesn't want to take a risk. Her family— which of course includes Ziggy and Huzey were far more important than anything else, even more important than her own heart but she hoped that she wouldn't have to choose between the two—her heart or her family.

Xhemin held a deep sigh before she went out the bath and back to where the beds were. She dropped by the cabinet to get a blanket for herself before she plunged herself into the lower bed, wanting to sleep. The walk to the east camp probably wore her out as well as the thoughts that had been bothering inside her.

Exhausted, Xhemin pulled the blanket she got to cover her body and closed her eyes hoping she'll fall asleep fast and sound. As she was about to breathe out and succumb into her sleepiness, her consciousness was brought back by the laughter and cheering that filled the place.

"Got yah! I won! I won!" One of the girls who were playing poker shouted out loud.

"Wohooo! Give me my money!" Another shout followed immediately as well as the clanging of the coins.

"You are such a cheater! That's so unfair!" Someone protested adding up to the already noisy atmosphere and her accusation was responded with woo's and boo's from the other girls.

Xhemin's ears felt like exploding because of how loud the girls were. Did they not see that somebody was trying to sleep? Tired and annoyed over the girl's lack of concern, she rose up from her bed and called their attention.

"Can you please lower your voices?" Xhemin had to shout in order to be heard. Her sudden charged draw a shock and annoyance over the girls who were having fun.

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"So the new comer loves to boss around" A girl with a thick blonde hair commented dryly, her manicured fingers were playing on a card, the other hand was busy toying a lollipop on her full lips.

"Just ignore her Dulcet. Why don't you give me that card so we can start another round?" her playmate answered grabbing the card she was holding.

"I am not bossing around" Xhemin defended herself from the girl's sarcasm "I'm just reminding everyone that we are in a common sleep room so please be considerate"

"What is your name?" Ignoring her reasons, that girl with the name Dulcet asked.

"Xhemin" She answered straight. There's no point in lying, the camp is not that big and if she used another name, the girl will figure out before the camp ends.

"Xhemin" Dulcet repeated. "Here's the thing Xhemin. We don't care about you being a sleepy head and every night in the east camp will be like this so better get used to it. If not, then you are welcome to sleep outside with the bugs"

Dulcet's words drew a loud mocking laugh with the girls and Xhemin understood by then that she can't easily have her way in this place. Why did the camp suddenly been flooded by mean girls? In the main camp there's Collet and her minis and in the east camp, there's this Dulcet with her poker friends.

Not wanting to argue and overly exhausted, Xhemin opted to lay back on her bed and jabbed a pillow against her head, particularly her ears, hoping she could shield it from the deafening sound of girls enjoying themselves over a silly poker game, jeopardizing somebody else sleep time.

"F*ck" She cursed within, not letting anyone else to hear. She already had a bad day and it seemed like she too will be having a bad night.

 How cruel her fate today had been. She had clearly run out of luck.

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